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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. If you use FL Studio, they allow bridging now, so all of your RAM usage limits with VST's have been lifted. 64-Bit OS, GO! But seriously, if cost isn't a problem, upgrade your RAM. Streaming from disk puts the bottleneck on hard drive read speed and you mentioned you have a 1.5 TB HDD. Is it an eco drive like a caviar green or something?
  2. You blew that completely out of context. I was talking about RAM usage, not a limited number of tracks in your DAW. That was never an issue and was never brought up in this thread.
  3. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31881 It's in progress.
  4. The DAW has absolutely no bearing whatsoever. A MIDI track doesn't magically make you take up more RAM in one DAW than another.
  5. I was assuming it was faster to load it into RAM than stream from disk, which is why I wasn't counting that in my posts.
  6. No, you can't. If you only have a few instruments open, sure, but orchestras have more than a few instruments. @Chernabogue QLSO Gold is 33 GB.
  7. I don't understand, if you have 700 GB of free space, why do you want a 7GB orchestral library? That's kinda dumb that you're settling for worse, especially when you said cost isn't much of an issue. Definitely get QLSO. RAM has no relation to latency. Also, orchestral samples take up a lot of memory. You don't strike me as the orchestral type (judging by your songs on the WiP forums and whatnot), I don't think you really understand what goes into an orchestral project. You need way more than 2 GB.
  8. I'm afraid you're out of luck. GOOD orchestral libraries have lots of options/content, which means your 7GB library limit is very difficult. Another problem is your RAM, a good orchestral library needs more than 3GB when you have a lot of instruments open. I think you should look for a better hard drive or external before looking for a good orchestral library. Buying a smaller, not as good one is a waste of money in my opinion. I don't know any free ones to suggest, so I'm just going to put in my two cents that you should get more space and then buy a good library. Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra is an orchestral soundfont collection that I heard is pretty good, you could start there for free stuff. As for what big one you should get, I recommend Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra. It's highly rated.
  9. Does Cubase require 64 bit OS to make MIDI tracks? 0_o'
  10. Hope I get my new PC before I fight you... I won't stand a chance with this laptop.
  11. He has to. He doesn't know where to find MIDI channel assignment in Cubase 5 MIDI tracks.
  12. He wants to load one instance of Edirol. He could do it before, but he doesn't know how to assign MIDI channels to tracks in Cubase 5. Therefore, he has to resort to loading the plug-in several times.
  13. Cubase should have MIDI tracks where you can assign their MIDI channel and not have to load anything. That way they send MIDI data to the proper MIDI input port which your VST reads and outputs sound. I only have Cubase 4 LE, but it should look like this: EDIT: Never mind, I missed your first post details. :/
  14. And, in his final fit of 12 year old rage, the hypocritical boy swoops in to deal the final blow, hoping to regain reigns of the thread by establishing his mighty superio-- Oh wait, you're the only one screaming and whining in this thread. I don't speak for all, but they way you've acted in this thread might turn off programmers from looking to work on this thing. Good day.
  15. When I started using FL Studio, I didn't know what a chord was. Now I'm a (soon to be) posted remixer. Just a few more months and it'll be on the front page. I was taught FL studio a little bit by my brother, and when he got sick of me asking stuff, I just had to open up tabs and see what they did. Having an understanding of DAW functions is key. If you have specific questions about FL Studio, you can post them here... I will usually answer all of them, I'm the speediest poster in this sub forum. Like I said, I'm not exactly an "expert", but I've been using this thing for a LONG TIME. Skype me at "neblixsaber" and I can explain to you the cool stuff I've learned throughout the years and of course, give mini song examples.
  16. There are lots of fancy shortcuts and stuff you can almost never figure out by just "playing around" that are EXTREMELY useful.
  17. Well if you think that's all there is to FL, I don't think your advice is worth much. Being taught something is ALWAYS better than being self taught, especially something like FL Studio. I said self teach before, but you should self teach with at least a little bit of guidance.
  18. None of these techniques apply to what Sabre wants to compose, save for maybe the Phat Beats 101 vid.
  19. Just because they're IN FL Studio doesn't mean they teach how to use FL Studio. Zebra 2 isn't even a native plug-in. Those videos are production technique explanations, not an introduction to using FL Studio.
  20. Sabre, SELF TEACH. I've been doing that since I was 10 and can say I'm fairly skilled with the software. If you want general tips or explanations of stuff, skype me at "neblixsaber" (no quotes) and I'll give you the grand tour. Also, eilios, zircon doesn't have "how to FL" vids.
  21. I don't get how completely making a fool of yourself in public is going to get fresh blood to work on your project, regardless of if you're trolling or not..
  22. I THINK YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE WE LIKE SUPER METROID AND YOU DON'T.Learn some damn reading comprehension skills, are you 5? And yes, I DO like to end my sentences with a period. It's called "punctuation". What are you talking about? We all know that changing the physics of an old, classic engine turns out GREAT.
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