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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Just like Portal 1. It responds to you.
  2. Even on lowest settings and 640 X 480, it actually still looks okay. (still runs terrible though)
  3. K-series overclocking is NOT time consuming and risky with unimpressive payoff. That's the whole point of unlocked multipliers. You change the multiplier in the BIOS, don't have to do the voltage settings and the RAM speed and all that. There are people who, with a decent cooler, got their processors up to 4-5 GHz in no time at all.
  4. This guide needs revision, because it doesn't include Sandy Bridge CPU's. The Sandy Bridge cores will perform better than those of the AMD X4, and it's not totally unrealistic to form his budget around that. He doesn't even have to get the 2500k i5, because it's not likely he'll need to pack the extra GHz from unlocked overclocking. 2500 or even a 2400 should be fine.
  5. Seriously, if you want it to last, get a dual core Sandy Bridge (the i3's) or even a quad core Sandy Bridge if your budget can handle it. It's really like, the fastest thing out there right now. (consumer processor wise) EDIT: That combo looks fantastic. Case looks fugly, though. $5 extra. DVD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827135204 $22 ($7 shipping) Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129042&cm_re=antec_300-_-11-129-042-_-Product $60 Antec 300 CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115073&cm_re=Core_i5_2500-_-19-115-073-_-Product $209.99 RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231274&cm_re=4_gb_ddr3_1333_Ripjaws-_-20-231-274-_-Product $45 4GB G.Skill Ripjaws PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371016&Tpk=Bp550 $45 after rebate Antec BP550 500W Modular 80 Plus PSU MoBo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128476&cm_re=UD3-_-13-128-476-_-Product $123 GA-p67a-ud3 HDD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152181&cm_re=Samsun_Spinpoint_f3-_-22-152-181-_-Product $50 Samsung Spinpoint F3 500 GB | Caviar Blacks are popular but this is less expensive (and benchmarks higher with what I've read). I picked 500 for you because 1 TB is overkill for gaming. GFX: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127519&Tpk=GTX%20460%20twin%20frozr $135 after rebate ($8 shipping) Works out to be $705. You could even go for the Core i5 2400 to drop it under $700: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115074&cm_re=Core_i5_2400-_-19-115-074-_-Product Won't be much of a difference other than a .2 GHz change. This is what I'm getting this summer, except my case will be the Storm Scout and I'm getting a 1TB HDD for music stuff. Don't need all the space now, but will eventually.
  6. I'm saying as a consumer, it's more easily accessible and the artist makes it less expensive (because he doesn't have to pay as many fees) which is good for my wallet as a consumer. There are those of us who can get physical CD's, but there also those who can't but would still like the music. You wouldn't have physical OVER digital, you'd just either have just digital or both.
  7. BS made 8 dollars. Needs more cowbell.
  8. Digital = more income (no fees for manufacturing), more availability, ease of access, less expensive to consumers.
  9. Modus, there is such a thing as squeezing. People still use 4:3, so scrunching a 16:9 to that would be bad. Because in 16:9, the vertical pixel count isn't as long in comparison to the horizontal as in 4:3.
  10. Any video game can be remixed on OCR.
  11. http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=0w0i1y2p3f3c2m1305010b0z0h0s078r8y8p8f8k8c8m838975615b4j5h6s7i
  12. Just got 2 potatoes in Super Meat Boy. EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS, GUYS!
  13. That's where "infringing on copyright" comes from, so I assume that is the case.
  14. It was roughly the same amount of time between PSP and PS3, I'd say that's fair.
  15. The Wii came out 5 years ago. What's your idea of "the right time"?
  16. Did you take a MIDI and replace the instruments? It sounds like it. The instruments are very lo-fi and fake sounding, and your acoustic instruments have the same type of attack which makes it very unrealistic. Not really any arrangement here, sounds like an exact cover of the original. If updating the source was what you were going for, I'd suggest your next step to be to get better samples (virtual instruments).
  17. DLC isn't free, why should an ARG be?
  18. You do realize what you're complaining about boils down to: "I want to play a game but I can't pay for it so it's perfectly all right to whine about it because what they're doing is unfair as I need to pay to play the game." I want to play Crysis 2, but it costs money. That's SO UNFAIR to people like me who can't pay for Crysis 2 and don't get to participate in playing it.
  19. If you wanna find it yourself, buy the games. Can't buy the games? You don't get to.
  20. Or you could go to www.youtube.com And I thought I was the only one who appreciated that game. But seriously, not even. For the first easy levels, yeah, but as soon as you hit medium levels the difficulty rises exponentially past any hard puzzles Chu Chu Rocket had (save for the custom level creator... that was serious gold right there)
  21. Again, you don't need the whole pack. Just buy one game. Don't go to Burger King next week, get Rush or Super Meat Boy or something. Rush is $2.50. And you don't need to buy any games you already own, LuckyXIII. The computation cycles will help GLaDOS reboot regardless of if your purchase was before or during this event.
  22. 1. Put old product in new case. 2. ??? 3. Profit. 4. Repeat.
  23. You can't have a lie, regardless.
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