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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. This has nothing to do with your sound card, it's bad mixing. Turn everything down. And make sure all of your instruments don't take up the same space.
  2. Don't, there already is one. Link in a sec. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7681
  3. I don't have experience with many, but don't get a Fast Track by M-Audio. They're made of plastic and when you hold one, it's light and you feel like dropping it would make it snap in half. ... xD I was kidding, the plastic shouldn't be the deciding factor. It works, I've used it at school music production class.
  4. That's Cubase LE 5. Emphasis on LE. It's limited compared to the real one. And besides, Cubase 6 is already out. Unlike FL Studio, you're gonna have to buy the update. Next, guitar rig 4 essential. You don't even need an amp sim because you have a real amp. Traktor is useless unless you're a DJ. The only thing actually worth something in here (IMO) is NY Concert Grand, which isn't $200. You can go with this deal, but I wouldn't, because I got the better version package last year. Much more worth the money, but if you think you're gonna use the majority of this stuff, go right ahead. First question: Yes, that is why they exist, sir. Second ": If it's a Line In, of course, why not? Third ": Yes, integrated audio is really bad for recording.
  5. I would recommend Native Instruments Audio Kontrol 1, but it doesn't come with a free $200 product anymore. That's really what made the price worth it. I got Audio Kontrol 1 for $200 in addition to a $200 product voucher which I used on Guitar Rig 4 Pro. It's an excellent sound card with all the I/O's needed for a solo artist/producer (XLR in, Line In, MIDI I/O, headphone out, two pairs of stereo outs), but it's not worth the $200 without the free product voucher, IMO. I think it comes with some other piano sample software, though, so I could be wrong about it not being worth it. Up to you, and I'd recommend it, but only if you wanna burn money.
  6. Pretty much, integrated audio is bad for signal processing from a Line In. Dunno about your panning problem, but you should be fine.
  7. Are you sending a mono signal into your mixer track that you're recording in (instead of a stereo)? EDIT: Didn't read the laptop bit. You're plugging right into integrated audio. That's a huge NO NO for recording. As DusK said, you need an interface of some sort.
  8. This song's lyrics remind of that Better Off Ted episode when they do the presentation on the Jabberwocky project.
  9. Portal is a rated T game. And yes, the story is dark and a bit gruesome, but it doesn't justify being called "violent". The most violent thing is the turret droids that shoot you and say funny things when you leave their sight. ("Are you still there? 0.o" or "I don't hate you. :<") There's blood when you got shot, but that's about as violent as the game gets. It's nothing like CoD where you aim to make heads pop open and explosions are everywhere. I just realized this is a very, very bad thing for Borderlands. T_T
  10. How is it that I'm in the same age group as these people? >.<
  11. I thought the article explained it pretty well; Basically any game deemed violent enough, like Call of Duty, is a restricted game. It's no longer sold in stores* and illegal to sell to minors. M games are in stores all the time. This has nothing to do with ESRB ratings, it has to do with parents thinking Call of Duty turns their kid into a gun frenzy maniac and don't want the game to be sold to any kids so they cause this to happen. EDIT: *Yikes, crud. I mistook that guy's "argument" for the facts about the law, when it's just speculatory babble on what he thinks will happen to Call of Duty. In any case, I don't think there's any difference to rated M games.
  12. Don't think that'll be necessary; I have some compressed air thing lying around somewhere. I'll also be building a new computer when summer hits (if I maintain my GPA) and since the fan will be more accessible then, (that'll be a desktop I build myself, I'm currently on a Compaq 515 laptop) there's no need to shell out money for some upgrades to this thing. Thanks for the offer, though.
  13. I've said in other forums that I only use the limiter visualization as a good representation of my real volume output, and being able to compare the peaks of now and, say, five seconds/bars ago. There fore I try not to reach the ceiling when I view the overall volume, but sometimes I go a teeny bit over just for some track adhesion. Also, yes, I am aware there are volume gauges. They are not precise enough for me.
  14. Hm, I don't believe that to be true because it's never happened in my case. Strange. :/
  15. Or you can just not have everything go over 0 db, since that's when Limiter kicks in. It only sounds as overcompressed as it is too loud. before going to the master. A rule of thumb I follow is make things rarely EVER meet the ceiling. I get as close as I can, but I try not to meet it.
  16. You're never on skype, otherwise I would've been glad to help. Call me ASAP.
  17. Afaik, Kontakt is the best format for sample mapping, but since you can't afford, see if you can save up. You should also wait until Black Friday, because last Black Friday they had Kontakt for half off. (snagged it mah self. ) In the meantime though, if you have FL Studio, give Directwave a shot. If not, again, save for Kontakt. The end results are way more than worth the struggling of waiting and wanting. There are few samplers that let you map your own stuff (and the ones that do cost money), so try shooting for soundfont players instead and use free soundfonts on the internet.
  18. So the main problem was just my fan? That's still weird considering the before was at half the clock rate and 30 Celsius up... isn't it? I could just be dumb. Those are nothing compared to my own lungs. >.> <.<
  19. I can't exactly record with a demo, so that's not a very realistic suggestion. I was planning on buying it later, but maybe I'll wait on it till I have a better guitar some time when I'm in college.
  20. This is before and after I blew into the CPU vent. Before is also with power saver battery options on, after is with High Performance on. Makes sense, I guess, EXCEPT FOR THE EFFIN TEMPERATURES? Did blowing into the vent really make 30 degrees difference even when I turned on High Performance battery settings on afterwards? Laptop processor, btw.
  21. Yikes, I thought Rammfire sounded pretty good when I tried it. If Sixto had such a huge backlash to it then I guess I don't know a damn thing about guitar tone.
  22. I would hardly call this chill... did you listen for more than half of it?
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