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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Not the right forum. Try the "Post Your Game ReMixes" forum.
  2. I think it's most likely one of the reasons the panel is so overflowed right now; who can tell (except for the judges) if some (if not a lot) of those mixes in the To Be Judged queue have a chance of getting posted? If only mixes with a chance of getting posted got on the panel, I think there would be more insta rejects and less panel overflow.
  3. I was clarifying for the OP what Guitar Rig is.
  4. What about trance/DnB//house/progressive/breakbeat/chill/jazzbreakbeatfusion/shahalabaladingdong?
  5. Native Instruments Guitar Rig IS software. Guitar Rig IS the amazing soft amps. The product is the software, not the interface that you can buy for it.
  6. Use the record button next to the stop button. Use CTRL + P to enable countdown before recording, and set to song mode. Play the song and get ready to jam. After you stop the song, an audio clip will spawn in the playlist. That's your recording. SIMPLE.
  7. I sequence sampled instruments, I use (and make/modify) synths, I do effects processing, and I record my electric guitar. All in FL Studio. It's not the greatest for recording, but it's more than doable. I use a mouse because after using it for 5 years, switching to MIDI piano input (and not knowing how to play piano great) would just be the biggest waste of time in my life as it would take 5 more years to be as fast with it as with a mouse. I primarily make different types of electronica music (i've done breakbeat, a little DnB, trance, dance), but FL Studio is really nice with sequencing sampled instruments because of its downright simple piano roll. It's REALLY fast. I acquired Kontakt 4 a few months ago, so I've been writing orchestral and ethnic type songs (mostly sketches, some longer than others) and it's really nice. I don't like commercial DAW's because they only seem to focus on audio recording and don't give much attention to MIDI sequencing. You seem to misunderstand making music with a mouse. It has nothing to do with copypasta. Copypasta is what FL Studio is commonly associated with because musicians on youtube make songs in rigid block pattern format (4 bar drum pattern, 8 bar melody, 8 bar chords, now loop this 4 times over and add an instrument every time). People see this as cool, so they start doing it. It's not bad, but unless you're making electronica, it kinda defeats the point of dynamic and moving music. Getting back on topic: I dislike when people put random notes in for melodies. It just sounds immature.
  8. iTunes also jipped me of Mass Media Constant when I bought it, it charged, said it downloaded, but my files were gone. Just gone. And they have a 1 download only policy. (cool thing is, zircon emailed a download to me within 5 seconds of telling him) It's generally bad software all around, I'm not surprised it frukked up on organization.
  9. You can DEFINITELY trim a LOT of the price on this: -Instead of 12 GB, you can get an 8 GB with a dif. mobo (see next point) instead for a bit less than $100. -Like someone said before (too lazy to open a new tab and see who), get a Core i7 8xx processor and an LGA 1156 motherboard instead. This could save you around $100. -That power supply is definitely two times more than you need to pay for one. You can get this one for less than half the price. The reviews are mixed, but it's up to you. -Get a GTX 460 nVidia graphics card instead; it's cheaper and videos online show it can pull Star Craft II at highest settings. Sure Starcraft II might be flexible in graphics, but it shows the 460 isn't a joke either. If you get the 768 MB version, you can get it for less than $150.
  10. I think he wanted the SSD as a boot drive. Using an SSD as a samples drive would be incredibly lightning fast, but would cost an arm and a leg. Also, unless he's recording, he should do fine with integrated audio and ASIO4ALL. It's not like he needs to hardware I/O if he only uses software.
  11. I've read around (don't count on me, though) that Caviar Green drives are slower (something about eco friendly power consumption). If you're using that for sample streaming, I'd suggest Caviar Black. Or if you don't mind $3000 more, get a nice terabyte SSD. Also, power supply? I don't think a random 400 watt can pull the Core i7 and the Radeon HD 6870.
  12. Don't post advice if you know you're not being clear and you don't feel like explaining.You're going to end up hurting people's mixing process rather than help it, which I hope wasn't the intent of your thread. Step 1. Mute everything other than the track/instrument you want. Step 2. File > Export > Wav. Or you can do the recording to disk thing in the mixer. IT'S LIKE MAGIC.
  13. I care. the name fruity loops is actually somewhat derogatory
  14. If you're fine with exporting MIDI over saving projects, you don't.
  15. Don't you mean the Signature Ultra Deluxe Gold Happy Schoolgirl Alpha Limited Edition Turbo HD Remix Bundle?
  16. The only real answer to my actual question in this thread. (OA's was half of the kind of answer I was looking for) I can see how that makes sense. I was just asking out of curiosity, because I was thinking about whether you're going to give each song that's been panelled less attention now that you have ten times more to judge.
  17. If by awesome covers you mean adding some EQ to the originals and pretending you made them, sure.
  18. Street Fighter 4 has crappy hit boxes and a terribly useless but a bit cheap thing called a focus attack. Third Strike ftw (parries all the way, bro)
  19. Hey, Judges. I noticed that you guys, not counting the 6 recently judged, have about 112 To Be Judged remixes in the panel thread. How does this affect your judging? Does it go faster, or slower? I think you should wait on adding anymore to the queue, because people who submitted tracks might go "Oh, there are over a 100 mixes in the queue" and get discouraged and possibly impatient. I could be wrong, and this does increase judging speed, but I am curious as to why you're overflowing the list of To Be Judged.
  20. A good soundfont other than that one? LIES. If Willrock doesn't use it, it must be earbleeding nonsense.
  21. Happy Birthday, LoZ. I have very fond memories of being too afraid to go anywhere in Ocarina of Time. Your scary 3D monsters and zombies had a great impact on my childhood.
  23. It's not an audiophile issue; anyone can hear compression. He heard clipping in the songs, which could be the result of faulty listening gear or just having the volume knob too high somewhere in his audio routing, and is asking if the same EXACT VERSIONS of the songs were used in the PS3 version. As in, were the PS3 versions mastered better/the same?
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