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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I don't think I'd ever wish for a time when I need Cubase to write music because I can't do it in FL Studio. And just saying, your skill at music doesn't show your skill at a DAW.
  2. Microphone...? Does your piano have a 1/4 in. out jack? If so, you need to record the audio of your piano. If you have an audio interface, just hook it in right there like a guitar. If you don't, get a 1/4" to 1/8" cable and connect into the "microphone" port on your computer. Sound quality will be bad, but that's expected with integrated audio.
  3. I made this mistake with my First Act (which is actually like three mistakes. Buying a First Act, buying a guitar from Toys R Us, and buying a cheap brand new boxed package guitar)
  4. I too, was expecting a chiptune OST. Quick, let's make Megaman 11 and write an NES OST!
  5. Guitar models are like processors, they're never exactly the same when manufactured. Only difference is, they actually make the distinctions when they sell the processors (their Ghz rating is because of each one being able to handle more or less than the other, if I read prophetik's how to computer book correctly). That's why I was taught that when you play a guitar and like it, it's safe to go with the exact same one that you played and not just the same model. That could be a bit over-specific, but that's what I was told.
  6. I actually wrote a mini paper on this topic for English. It's not the DAW, it's the people behind it. FL Studio is easy to learn. So what? It's hard to master. Those who do master it crank out insane results. Mass Effect 2 has FL Studio in it. And I don't think Brandon has ever contributed anything worth while about this subject. He's still stuck in the "physical music REPRESENT" phase and doesn't believe in anything electronic. Just saying, I don't think you guys realize how much sound crap is made in DAW's other than FL Studio. Also, why isn't this in Community? I think it's something to entire community of musicians on this site (yeah, I didn't know there were musicians on this site either) could make a comment on.
  7. Didn't I JUST SAY see if you can get the old stuff back? Give ya a hint: GENERAL SETTINGS (third category )
  8. I'M GOING! ... *cricket chirps* And @Equinox As far as music is concerned, I'm halfway between V and VII. I like VI, too, but not as much as those two. V has great melodies, yet VII's pieces evoke such dark emotion. And, even if overrated, the battle theme/boss theme/One Winged Angel ARE impressive compositions. However, V has a lot of stuff that's very catchy. The game is engaging and has true RPG elements (in other words, job system = epic win), while VII is more of a guided cinematic with RPG elements like levels and weapon/materia choice. (and horrifying PSX graphics) The story is deep though, so I just can't make a choice.
  9. What sound card are you using? Latency lies there, not in Guitar Rig 4 Pro. I only say this because I've never experienced latency increased by GR4 itself. :/
  10. He could stand to be serious, the OP did say he had no clue about looking for guitars.
  11. I cannot even fathom why you would make such a suggestion. First Acts are really bad guitars.
  12. Are you ever at one point in time holding down the mouse button with the audio clip is one spot for more than a second? If so, that's why. Disable hold down functions in your General Settings menu.
  13. I've just used wide tracks so much from the beta I never asked anyone's preference, so now I can't do anything in the skinny mixer tracks anymore and I'm stuck with the "lame" choice. :C It makes me sad when people don't do a little exploration. First thing you should do in a new FL Studio install? See if you can get the old stuff back. You can. For the original piano, hit "ABC" under the pitch bend button up top left. For square notes, go to the top left menu in the piano roll, hit view, uncheck "rounded".
  14. We could all just learn to be Beethoven... But yes, this hearing problem sucks. I would be devastated if my hearing was impaired, especially because I'm so invested into mixing and composing. And probably the best advice on the thread is go see a doctor (special doctor for this is even better). They can tell you more than we can (unless we have ear doctors on the site)
  15. YES! I entered the cash giveaway because I'm not allowed to buy FL Studio for myself. If in the extreme rare case that I do get a cash prize, I'm going to get the sig bundle and if I get the $510 or $1010, I'll get Harmless and Gross Beat since a lot of my projects use those plug-ins. Also, 64 bit plugin support? Can I get a WUT WUT And yeah, I liked how they did the name: "FL STUD10".
  16. Have you tried Pendu- *Shot* You can try Zircon's "Mass Media Constant". The drums aren't as thick in timbre as Pendulum's stuff, but it's still good content with obvious jazz influences everywhere. Each song has its own flavor and it never gets boring to listen to. Thick pads, piano solos, and a whole lot percussion. An album more than worthy of a 21st Century electronica playlist.
  17. My bad... I forgot that Logic and Garageband aren't the only Mac DAW's (and Reason doesn't count in this case because it can't run anything except for ReFills)
  18. FL Studio is INCREDIBLY easy to learn and hard to master. Using it since I was ten has helped me make habits out of what beginners would go "You can do that in FL Studio???!??!!?" at. It takes a while to get beast at it, but once you do, it's much more flexible than other DAW's like Pro Tools in that its architecture is more modular and freeform than the *industry-standard* "make a track for one instrument/audio clip, it gets one chain of FX". The only catch is that it takes a much longer time to get used to it.
  19. VST is a universal plug-in format (except for Macs because Apple sucks) that stands for "Virtual Studio Technology". Barebone VST installations are just .dll files you put into the C:\Program Files\VstPlugins folder. Most DAW's (including the glorious FL Studio) look in here, and then run it as an application extension (plug-in) in some sort of wrapper utility that can read VST's and "wire" (meaning set up the signal/data transfers) them correctly to the DAW (in terms of MIDI ports, parameters, anything really). More advanced VST's are also .dll's, but if they're samplers with libraries (like Kontakt 4 or East West Symphonic Orchestra), they have a metric ton of files that are stuck in a nearby directory (samples) so that it can properly play the files back however you play or sequence them from your DAW. Your DAW sends the MIDI information (gotten from either the MIDI editor [piano roll] or your keyboard) to the VST and it does its thing. VST's in a nutshell. Any software nerds can nitpick and correct any stupid mistakes if I made any. Also: Pro Tools uses its own plug in format called RTAS. Like the guy said above, getting VST's to work might not be a practical waste of time. To answer your question before, the stuff built in are not VST's. They are simply just plug ins built into the software. They're called native plug-ins and aren't programmed or handled like VST's because they are integrated directly into the DAW. Think of VST's as a popular form of foreign technology. Your DAW translates it so you can interface with it, but native plug-ins need no translation as they are not foreign.
  20. Almost all of the rock musicians I know on this site use 2 except for Nekofrog.
  21. Some great contributions so far, lots of different workflow ideas. I'll admit I like mine the best, but that's because everyone works in their own way. Thanks for posting in this thread, guys, because newer people can learn a lot from the workflows of others.
  22. You also need to pan right and left. Make the first one 75% left, make the second 75% right.
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