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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved this song!!! How did you LOSE it?!
  2. Hehe, lol. I wish K-Wix was online more often, I just almost finished the "Flash In The Dark" track that he didn't even know I was doing! It was supposed to be a WIP to show what I could do and he'd decide if he liked or not and then I would continue if he did, but I just couldn't stop working on it and now it's pretty much done. And I'm not even on the project yet. If he doesn't, I can still sub to OCR after the project's released.
  3. Good stuff, man. The drawings are cute and the dialogue is funny, especially since he sounds so bored. xD
  4. Fist Of Mega? That doesn't really make sense, since megaman doesn't punch... he shoots.:tomatoface:
  5. Sorry to hear that you lost some remixers. Anyways, I'd love to do Flash In The Dark! But if Luke wants it, I can do Plug Electric. I'll get started on a WIP, if you're not sure about letting me on the project. EDIT: I have a WIP. Luke if you want this song don't worry, I'll just keep this WIP off the project and do Plug Electric instead. K-Wix, check your PM box for the WIP link.
  6. The thread's aimed for people to speak up when someone steals their stuff so that we can do something about it... I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. Just saying
  7. I got high school and robotics club and kung fu and parkour and philosophy club. My free time just went from really high to really low. I usually reserve three hours a day for playing vid games, so my OCR Writing Competition time is almost insignificantly small. So, I apologize.:tomatoface: P.S. I just turned 14 on Monday!!!
  8. Oh quit it. >:/ I said it over and over simply because you insisted on putting words in someone's mouth, regardless of if they are male or female. I loathe females, that would be more reason for me to NOT take their side. Just because I am not cursing off the original poster and disagreeing with you doesn't mean I'm white knighting. If you never even showed up, this thread wouldn't be a debate about the behavior of the people here, it would be a debate about what it was supposed to be about. Whether selling music is a GOOD THING OR NOT. CAN WE DROP THIS NOW?
  9. I'm not doing anything. Leave me alone. I AM NOT WHITE KNIGHTING. I am TALKING to Gwilendiel. GET OVER IT. >:/ Just because I am not cursing off the original poster of the thread doesn't mean I'm white knighting. Seriously; back off.
  10. They only yelled at you because a certain someone took your meaning the wrong way, and everyone decided to agree with him rather than go back and read the thread. Don't take offense to it; YOU know what you said, and if people misinterpret you it's not YOUR fault. If they get mad, just leave and wait for everything to cool down.
  11. I come back from playin xbox and I find people invite themselves to my house for a punch-pie party... jeezies... *goes out to buy some punch and pie*
  12. Seriously guys, what I've been saying for the past, like, hour or so, is that you are putting words in her mouth, NEKOFROG especially. Seriously, READ the frikking thread. She did not say that at all in this thread. She said that you are allowed to have an opinion of what other people's things are worth (NOT DICTATE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE'S THINGS ARE WORTH, JUST HAVE AN OPINION). Everyone has their own opinion, it's just that this particular one is, in MY opinion ( and probably yours, too ) a poor one. This whole thing is a crazy spin of a misunderstanding of something BGC said. It's also a sign that you're getting on her nerves by putting words in her mouth.
  13. I cannot help but agree with this, you can never tell how much work went into something unless you asked the artist/ saw them work on it.
  14. I think what Gwil means, guys, is that you should only get enough money to "compensate" how much work went into the music, and then it becomes public domain. Am I correct in saying that THIS is the meaning of your argument, Gwil?
  15. That's what I said too, yet BGC made a threat to get my brother to "slap me around" because I was missing some sort of "obvious point". How does this make sense that I can defend what you say and be wrong yet you defend yourself and you're right?!
  16. That seriously made me laugh and throw my head back into my chair (it's a big office-style chair). My point is that you chose to buy the music, so it's not like they're forcing you to pay for their living... you're doing completely voluntarily, just... inadvertently.
  17. I agree. It's also being very selfish and unaware that the universe does not focus around you (not you, Gwil, but people in general) and that money DOES in fact make the world go round. Well, yeah okay, I guess that's also part of "entitlement"... I'm an idiot. G'bye, now.
  18. Uh... I don't know how to respond to that. I don't know what I'm missing here. :/ My understanding is that you and Nekofrog say that she changed her mind only because she was "forced to" (Nekofrog said that you said because she was "called out") and unless some posts are invisible I don't see how that happened. No one has to buy music, ya know.
  19. My bad. :tomatoface: OBJECTION! (I apologize for the coloring of text, but it was necessary to be a full reference) "You are part of the public, in case you had forgotten. And you do have the right to say what price you want. You don't have the right to GET that price necessarily, but you have the right to not buy until you find that price. It's called shopping." She said this long before she was called out/"forced" to admit she was wrong.
  20. No, he said that you have the right to say what you want even though you might not (and usually won't) get it and that you can refuse to buy until you get that price. However, I believe this statement was not very necessary to say because it wasn't what BGC was talking about when Gwil said it/ used as an argument against BGC's argument.
  21. That's not what he was saying at all; Read the thread.
  22. It's fine. I used to be totally for selling music, but now this thread opened my mind... and I'm still totally for selling music. IT DID open my mind, though, and now I can look at things from a different perspective a little better.
  23. What you're forgetting is that publishers and the actual WRITERS themselves are totally different. The producers and whatever usually decide the price because THEY want the money, and the artist gets a portion of it. And why not call them artists? Music is art, they create music, therefore they create art. Law of syllogism xD. So they ARE artists. That's actually called "boycotting", not shopping, which doesn't work when it's just a few people. EDIT: I realize that's not what you meant, sorry. I don't believe you can "shop" for music, usually the price is the same every unless it's discounted on an online retailer. You DO realize that businesses and corporations don't care what a single person wants, right? They care about the money, money, money. If a greater number of people buy than you're idea of boycotting, then the business/corporation/record company will do nothing and continue to sell music at the price they had originally intended to sell it at.
  24. I think my argument could've only applied to something that can be copied and distributed without effort, like music. lol I changed my mind because when you put it that way, as long as the record company has rights to the song they can sell it if they want. It's not like they can sell it forever, anyway. In your (gwilendiel) example of Elvis music still being sold, the company had/has rights to that music, so they can still sell it. They HAVE THE RIGHTS. It's all about who has what rights. Just cuz it's a free market economy doesn't mean you can go up to someone and tell them how much they can sell their stuff for. That's a command economy centered around you. xD
  25. I don't recall you talking about "music ideas" in your first post, but I do agree with you on this point. If the artist is dead, we shouldn't be selling their music, because it's not ours. The answer to your question: Is what everyone has been posting. My answer is YES, they should be able to, because it's their work. That is completely fair! You created something, if someone wants it, they gotta pay for it. No matter how long it takes for them to stumble upon it. What you're saying is: "I create something and put a year's worth of work into it, so I can only sell it for a year." Is THAT your idea of fair?
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