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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Halc you listened to his first version. xD I can tell because his more recent version has 192 KBPS. Skip around to the more recent posts, he has a new version.
  2. Well you have the right notes... but when you hit the THIRD NOTE the whole melody jumps up an octave.
  3. No THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL. I meant use the notes from the game... you're not using the notes from the game. It's fine if you want to keep it your way, I'm just saying I would prefer you use the original notes because I think it would have more impact. And a lot of people here are adults. Most adults have real life to deal with, so you're not gonna see every single OCRemixer posting on every single WIP board. Just give it some time...
  4. SWEET! I completely forgot about this source tune... I couldn't remember it when I heard the name, so I actually went back to listen to the source before I downloaded this mix.
  5. Looking around for FREE samples can be quite rewarding. Expensive samples don't make the music; the arrangement does. But your samples can drag you down, which is why I again suggest looking around on the internet for free high quality samples. Everything i wanna say has been said already; Lack of reverb, samples a little low quality, etc. Everything just sounds real dry-ish.
  6. Be sure to give other people enough time to listen, too. Even though it would flatter me, listening to JUST ME isn't gonna get your mix posted. It's a variety of opinions that help. But my next opinion: Sounds good, but at the main melody (around 1:12) I really would enjoy this more if you used the actual notes from the game. It just doesn't have the same impact as the game version when the melody goes up higher in the notes.
  7. Haha okay. It should be fine, I mean the filesize limit has been upped to 8 MB, so I don't think giving an extra thirty seconds would be a problem. If you do decide to do another run of the main melody, I suggest some filling in or some support action from other instruments; maybe have the guitar play a counter melody or just do the same thing as the piano for intensity.
  8. I pretty much implied this: I don't think I would've liked your rock guitar either (it's a sample). Pros: Arrangement is spot on. Production is doing a LOT better. Cons: That reverse cymbal is still very unrealistic. I suggest giving it a lot of reverb. And this is purely by my opinion but... When that clean guitar comes in at 2:45 I think it completely throws off the rock/techno-ish groove you had going, because it's like a complete genre change to folksy type music with a rock/techno groove in the background... I don't like it, I'm not gonna say it doesn't fit and should be removed, I'm just giving you my input. Also at the VERY end (around 3:45) you should give another run of the main melody (or whatever that is at 1:12, chorus I guess you'd call it) because I was practically screaming for another one and I was disappointed to hear it end. Also, in the very beginning, is that supposed to be an organ? It sounds like an organ/synth pad.
  9. Limit's 192 KBPS =) And about the electric guitar DO NOT USE A FRIKKIN SAMPLE When you want an electric guitar you should find someone to play it for you, or you can just stay with what you have right now. BUT DON'T USE A SAMPLE. :/ And about the bass, if it sounds too busy just don't make it do much. Keep it at an audible volume. :/ If it sounds busy, don't make it play so many notes or make the patterns it plays simple.
  10. I'm not getting much on the lower end of the freq. I even OVER EQ'd that part and still no real bassline... It's either too high and/or just too damn quiet.
  11. Ain't that what I just said? Bah, never mind. I agree; electric guitar= works better. And for that fast arpeggio, I don't recommend using a sax for that. Try using the piano there instead. Put a little more decay on the piano's reverb. And I don't recommend using just quarter notes for the piano either. If there's a space between the notes, hold it down. And my previous advice: Add a big meaty bassline. xD And this goes for all instruments: add some reverb.
  12. WHAAAAAT when was it changed!?!?!?!? That is undeniably cruel to people who cut out nice parts of remixes just because submission limit was 6 MB before... T_T
  13. I haven't listened yet, but you need to do somethin about that file size. File size has to be < 6 MB. NOW onto the listening part: That reverse cymbal at :18 is very fake sounding and a teeny bit off rhythm. I'm LOVIN it afterwards. Especially when the piano comes in. It's lacking a lot in terms of bass though... I'm not getting any vibrations from my subwoofer. However, I really think the guitar doesn't really fit... I think an electric guitar would do more nicely.
  14. The intro is monotonous... the instrument and three notes over and over and over again is nerve wracking as well. It's great that you want a long intro; that''s fine. Just don't make it repetitive and seem like you could cut 2 minutes out of the song and not really lose anything important. The best way to think about this: Would you play this song over and over? I'm pretty sure that you would get sick of it listening to that intro do the same thing, with almost no variation. And when that big drum comes in, it got no matching rhythm whatsoever to the melody. And it also feels like it's doing the same thing over and over again for 1-2 minutes straight. I love when that snare roll comes in with the main melody. But that marimba/whatever in the background is off rhythm, and then the main melody goes off rhythm too. Rhythm, man, that's a big problem in this mix. None of your instruments are fitting together. It sound like you just wrote random notes down for the intro and then had some sort of melody... and then you just thought of some drumbeat and slapped it on there... All of your parts sound slapped together, in terms of rhythm.
  15. 1:20 - 1:42 = PWNage. Dunno what the hell you're talking about (at 1:45) However still, that transition is much too abrupt. It even sounds like you changed the drumkit, and might I add that snare fills up the soundscape and is WAY too loud.
  16. I don't really think that any samples included with a DAW are top notch... there are lots of free VST's out there. If not, use soundfonts.
  17. http://www.soundcloud.com/ http://fireslash.ocrwip.com/ http://www.tindeck.com/ It's not good to use youtube. It destroys the original quality. It will hurt a lot on the WIP forum and it'll definitely hurt a lot when it's in the judging process. Try those hosting sites I just provided. That intro sounds a little messy... like Meteo just said, try watching or listening to some organ music.
  18. Hey put the file back up I like this one! =(
  19. Got me into robotics, computers, music, kung fu, and parkour (not directly but seeing in game characters doing gravity defying stunts... well... yeah... Never thought about doing it myself, but I have a friend who's teaching me now)
  20. So shouldn't 3 be the new 2? xD Anyways: Your drums seem a little low quality. 1:06: I dunno... the theme seems a little slapped on there. 1:48: Was abrupt and unexpected. I like that part, but I suggest trying a better transition. Good work, I like the song composition wise.
  21. http://neblixsaber.googlepages.com/mercury1080p.mp3 This is a dance song for my robotics team. This is mostly for when everyone wants to dance during their usual slacking off time. Repetition is wholly intentional, in fact I want to stretch this out for about 5 minutes at least, so people don't have to dance and then stop for the ending, and then wait for the intro to pass to get into it again. Rendering problems messed up the intro synths.
  22. HEY! You never know what'll come out of us no-posted-remix guys. xD
  23. Keep Halo 3. The campaign is really fun, especially since you're Master Chief. ODST and Halo 3 Campaigns are different. One's not better than the other because they're different, so it wouldn't make sense to trade away one to get the other. In Halo 3, you are Master Chief run and gun invincible super soldier In ODST, you are an ODST stay behind cover regular soldier. (I mean unless you're a good gamer that you can run and gun anyway, like me. xD) I'd keep Halo 3, just to go back and get that "Master Chief vs. Hordes of Aliens" feeling.
  24. You can find a lot better. Go to retail stores and look at their weekly deals. Or go to places like newegg or cyberpowerpc.com for high end laptops. If you're really on a tight budget, the one you just posted should be fine. I mean there's nothing wrong with it... it's great I mean 4 GB Ram dual core 2.00 GHz but as said earlier by Prophet down there (or up there depending on your forum viewing layout) a laptop is a poor investment, it's fresh for a little while but then it gets stale and you can't really do much to freshen it up. (The only parts on a laptop you can upgrade is the RAM... the only laptops that are good investments are maybe extreme high end alienware type laptops that'll last a few years because you won't be jealous that every one of your friends and their little sisters have equally good computers for like 300$ in a years time, but other than that laptops should just be used for school) EDIT: But seriously... it's from eBay, you should try to find somewhere it else...
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