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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. The point of this topic is to prove that people should not dislike FFVII because it is emo, and the review explains that while the plot is dark, it's not emo.
  2. Whoa... just remember in video games there's always a way... if it seems like impossible just do what you'd rather not. Walk in every walkable space, talk to every person, and then start over (repeat ten times). And most importantly, hit the A (or circle) button in every place possible. It may seem time consuming, but it's better then wondering around for 99:59:59.
  3. Congratulations, but you do realize he did not even say anything about your review or FF7 or even you. xDDD Just thought that was kinda funny. Anyways, you're wrong. Cloud's never a broken shell of himself. Otherwise he wouldn't be trying to save the world. And there's only one FFVII sequel, just so you know. It's called Advent Children, oh, yeah, and he saves the world in that one too.
  4. Yeah, I mean Cloud isn't a broken shell at the end of the game... he's actually stronger than his former self. You're forgetting that while him going downhill is interesting to do rather than always winning, the game's not gonna be fun either if that's all he does. He's gotta man up and beat the crap outta the big bad at some point, and he does that at the end, three times. Bizarro Sephiroth (I killed with one knights of the round) Safer Sephiroth (I killed with one knights of the round) Sephiroth (Cloud automatically gains Omnislash and he just hacks away with 5000+ damage per strike at Sephiroth while changing pretty colors.) And I must be missing something here: At school, everyone's definition of emo is: so depressed that you cut yourself. Is there any time in Cloud's life where he just cuts himself? No, so he's not emo.
  5. You don't need to learn music theory to figure out how to use a music program. GUYS HE'S NOT ASKING HOW TO WRITE A SONG He's asking how to use FL (like how to use VST's and stuff)! I would go with Arcana's suggestion and use that book or find a "Fl Studio for dummies" book if you're lucky.
  6. Cloud really wasn't emo... he was just dead. It's like Tifa: OMG CLOUD SHINRA'S ATTACKING US Cloud: ...okay... *kills everything* He just kinda lost himself for a great majority of the game. He was never "emo", he's just "dead" in the sense that he's really sad and nothing really gets him excited or happy. I mean he lost his best friend (Zack) and another best friend (Aeris) and he found out that he wasn't really as powerful as he thought he was (the whole thing about he thought he was in SOLDIER) and he got effed up by Jenova cells and so on... I mean, come on. He also gets stabbed several times and shot (advent children complete edition) and blown up not to mention he falls through the roof of a church twice (once in FFVII once in advent children)... the guy is still trying to save the world, if anything he's selfless, not emo. xD
  7. Well not limited to, but an hour a day on average. Some days more, some days less. And I apologize, my memory is foggy, he said three months, not one. That might still seem impossible, but that's what happened. He had lots of friends at school who played WoW. Anyways, he told me he stopped playing when he got to 80, because by then it was too boring. He most likely had a, b, and e. In eighth grade (one year ago) we had a LOT of people who played WoW at school. There was no doubt- NO DOUBT -some of our crazier gamer friends would've already been at higher levels and helped him out. (mostly likely with ^^^^ D ^^^^)
  8. It's not even like you have to get addicted. Just play it to beat it, and then if you still like it you can still play like an hour a day, because you already have the highest level possible and don't need to spend any more time on it. MY friend Tristan played WoW in a month... he got lvl 80, no problem with just one hour a day. This prob cuz WoW's getting easier, which makes it all the more boring. (I have played the WoW demo, do not tell me I have no reason to say it's a bit boring) I've seen Shariq play AION beta, and I have to say I think it's way better just by looking at it. The combat system of chaining skills looks way fun, especially for higher levels where you can trap enemies in electric balls and knock them a few feet backwards. Plus the graphics are pretty.
  9. Learning write music is indeed not an easy task, and takes some people years. For me, it took two years. AND I'M STILL LEARNING.
  10. Because multiplayer communities come with an idea of superior and inferior. They get this strange little idea that just because they clicked their mouse several times over some number of hours, saw flashing colors that read "lvl 80", and their characters are wearing some very high level armor that they are superior to others, thus the "HAHA U R A n00B!!!111!!1!1!!" and so on. It's no longer for fun, it's to simply be or not to be a noob. After this, people just really end up becoming jerks about it, and it's no longer a game. I was just playing a WoW demo, and I got called a n00b by a lvl 7 guy. It's simply your position relative to the position of the person you're talking to. I don't think you'll see many low level people talking trash to higher level people, it's rather the other way around.
  11. Now, Willy, let's not be impatient. *listens to mix* Actually, yeah, okay, sub it.
  12. Music theory is what's needed to write music. It's basically all the principles and guidelines, about chords and melodies, rhythm, how parts fit together, etc. You can't make the program write the song for you. You need to write the music in your head; FL Studio is simply putting it through your speakers with all the instruments, effects, etc. Just like you can't bake cookies with that awesome new oven, no matter how hard you try, without knowing how. Music is the same way. No matter what awesome program you have, you need to learn the basic guidelines of music should/should not's. It's more of a mind thing, than a program thing. And by the way, I say "should/should not's" because as time progresses and so does your skill, you can even break the guidelines if you do it right, and the end result would be very pleasing. (but only if you do it right, which takes experience) Trust me, you should take a break from learning FL and learn to how to write music (not physically, but learn the principles etc.). From there, you use FL as your medium from your brain to your speakers. You WILL NOT LIKE THE RESULTS AT FIRST, but the more songs you make, the better you get.
  13. 4/4 is default for FL, so yeah all you need is to change the number up top from 140 to 120.
  14. We can't help you if we don't know what you need help with. :/ How to create a song from scratch? Learn Music Theory, because FL won't teach you that. How to rearrange a song? Learn Music Theory, because FL won't teach you that. How to use program to fullest? It's no use if you don't understand Music Theory. If you want help with Music Theory, then I can help you a little, but we're not going to talk about FL Studio much.
  15. NUUU! We must BURN DOWN AND SACK THE COMPANY THAT MADE THIS HORRID PIECE OF 720p GAMING... THING! It is a good game. It's tedious and nerve wracking where there's lots of enemies, but it is a good game.
  16. Then you probably should've fixed it before uploading xDDD Anyways. It's pretty awesome so far. Can't wait to hear what's next.
  17. Never say you're close to done, that will just give us more motivation to make it further from done. I think the bass is fine now, but I'd turn it down a teeny bit. It sounds... over amplified.
  18. Actually, I agree with Pander on the ending. It's too harsh on the ears, and if I want to have the song on loop, I'm not gonna enjoy it every time. Perhaps instead of a burst and then cutting out everything only to burst again, you can have it burst but let it decay and then burst. No difference in timing, just a nice reverb effect.
  19. Nah, cuz if you remember Professor Gadd already gave them a 1-up (when Luigi and Mario stocked up on supplies before heading into the plane). The 1-up was just a reference to the chaining enemies for a 1-up trick in old Mario games; nothing more.
  20. I'm assuming you want the ABSOLUTE BASICS, so I will PM you. The absolute basics is about as narrow as possible, because "How do I use FL studio" is an insanely broad question.
  21. Ho. Ly. Crap. What kind of guitar samples are you USING?! That sounds awesome! It sounds so real now. Just for some variation: at 4:24 make it an electric guitar instead of that piano. HOWEVER: You hear at :27 (and other parts) where it simply cuts off? You wanna leave it sustained or decaying for a bit...
  22. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH I couldn't resist laughing my head off!
  23. I'd suggest getting an emulator and a similar controller that works with USB. Cheaper.
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