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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Our team has been assembled. NEBLIX AMT JEWBEI We are "The Beat Busters"
  2. You can not apply theory if you don't know it. Things don't sound good BECAUSE of music theory. Rather it's the other way around. Music theory studies what sounds good and finds the patterns to explain why.
  3. I think what Jordan is saying is that he can't ask a specific question if he doesn't know where to begin with making music. He needs someone to point him in the right direction.
  4. Learning to write music is not the same as learning to use a DAW. How do you know what to compose? Because you're a musician. Beethoven didn't have FL Studio sitting next to him, he had a piano with him and wrote down the things he had in his head. Your MIND is where the music comes from, not the workstation. You can learn music first and use some inferior simpler tools to make good music (unless you're going to disagree and say the mario theme song is crap, it was done on an NES sound chip. No fancy schmancy mixing and mastering.). You can not, however, learn to use a DAW and expect to make good music without knowing what works musically and what doesn't. If you're going to be an artist, you need to be able to create art. You can teach a monkey to move volume knobs. If you taught a guy to use a hammer and saw he doesn't magically know what goes into making a solid, sturdy ladder. Your music would not be nearly as good even though it's mixed to 0Db and EQ'd properly.
  5. I can not express how much I disagree with this. Learning your tools should always be your secondary focus. There is NOTHING more important than learning how to write good music. Not even making it sound good is as important. I made the mistake of focusing on production before arrangement. Now I have trouble with compositional things that regular street performers can do naturally. Nothing is more important than the composition of your music.
  6. The market will overflow of bad musicians regardless of whether they know theory or not. Music isn't a logical, mathematical process. You don't get good simply by learning theory (you don't put x and get y). Tools being easily accessible is not a bad thing just because there are too many people who can't use them properly. You're either musical, or you aren't. If you are, that's great, but you still need time and practice to develop your skills. If you aren't, you will take much longer to be able entertain people other than youtube or your family. If you think you have a thing for music, then go right ahead. Even the most talented people took a couple years to start making good stuff so if you don't have patience, either learn some or stop what you're doing because becoming a musician is not for you.
  7. Zircon's production guide isn't DAW specific.Dunno why this didn't cross my mind before. This is an insane starting point to understanding computer music making.
  8. They're not offended. They're tired of being asked questions like this. Which is funny to me, because if they don't like the broadness of the question they don't have to bother posting in the first place. If you don't feel like interpreting the question, guys, don't post. You're just stirring up petty arguments. The prime example here is Rozovian. He didn't really have a hard time answering and he gave a pretty damn good answer.
  9. Just because you use a DAW does not mean you don't have to know music theory.
  10. The obvious does not need to be pointed out. That's kind of why it's called obvious.
  11. Another thing is to get cozy with the idea that making music means both writing and producing. If mixing and mastering seems intimidating to you, there's no better time than now to start learning it.
  12. Not exactly. Putting anything on youtube will get you "THIS IS FANTASIC"
  13. Taking your work to experienced artists for feedback is probably the most valuable contribution to your skill of all. Do you seriously not have anything better to do then make yourself look like an idiot ALL THE TIME? I'd love to have that kind of free time.
  14. Any non-dongle software can be pirated. Sure Reason 6 isn't cracked yet. Doesn't mean it won't be soon. Don't suggest pirating on these forums. It's an obvious solution and if the OP were that low he would've done it already.
  15. Hold on that, soldier, we're waiting on a decision from another right now. If he says no, there's another guy who had dibs before you. I'd have to ask him if he still wants on our team or if he wants to relinquish it to you.
  16. Do you think the OP's mentally retarded? Of course you can pirate any software. That's not the point of this thread.
  17. It costs money. Money that can be put elsewhere for more immediate gain.
  18. That's why I said "if you want the latest software" not "yes you are get windows 7".
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