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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Amending what I said about time: It will take time because it's not the same. You will have to come to grips with the fact that your rate of progression is based on not only your talent and intelligence but your persistence. I was wrong to dictate it for you. I'm not the greatest programmer in the world, but learning music is less about what's right or wrong and more about you being able to understand that where you are is NOT where you want to be at the right time. As cheesy as it sounds, the learning is a lot of self-awareness and feeling. There are a lot of fuzzy lines in music that you need to wrap your head around if you want to keep getting better, and the assassins put it best. "Nothing is true; everything is permitted."
  2. It's not nearly as much time compared to music. It's not the same. You don't learn it the same way.
  3. I take it back. We're still making this thread a gallery. QUICK, MAKE ALL THE SIGS INVISIBLE.
  4. Oh yeah, like Rozo. Can't stress this enough: THIS STUFF TAKES TIME. It's not like programming. At all. You really have to develop your brain before you can understand what you're doing. This means learning how to analyze music you listen to without helping it. I can not listen to a song without analyzing it. It's kind of a downside in some perspectives, because I can't just kick back and enjoy music anymore. I have to actually try to not analyze it and just let it ring in my ears as what it is. Even in the mattress store or whatnot, I will listen to the layers of what's going on in the store music subconsciously. It becomes a productive habit of sorts.
  5. You mentioned your music lacking "presence" or substance. This is a good place to start. When reading it, think CONCEPTUALLY. The "drummer" isn't literally a drummer, but it's a metaphorical name given to the rhythmic (mostly percussive) elements of a song. Likewise with a pianist. If you make pure trance music, you can have synth pads that do what "the pianist" in this writing does. And it's not "use four instruments", but it's the four main areas of music that you need to have in order for your music to have substance. You could argue that solo piano music has substance. But if you listen to piano music, you'll pretty much hear all of the areas covered anyway, you just have to think conceptually instead of literally. As far as production goes, you said you found lots of production tutorials but no real place to start. This got me on the right track. It's a great place to start and takes a more abstract approach to why you do these things instead of how. I often refuse to accept something as "correct" unless you can prove to me why, unless it's an obscure mathematical rule that a teacher insists on not proving for sake of mental and time investment. Often in musc when someone tells me why something is the way it is I learn not only how to do it the "regular" way but how to deviate while still knowing what I'm doing. This may or may not be the way you work, but if it is, then this guide should be where you start. FL Studio the right choice for a beginner? Sure. There are no right or wrong choices for beginners. Even things like Apple's Garbageband can help you get used to DAW format (though you'll want to quickly move away from it). Do I recommend FL Studio? Yes. It's a great program and its modular DIY workflow teaches you how to keep yourself organized, and it often allows you to switch things up once in a while for a breath of fresh air which does wonders for your inspiration. For beginners? It might be intimidating but it's not impossible. I also learned FL Studio before I learned how music worked, so you're not alone.
  6. It's as green as a power hungry computer can get. PC Gaming is actually pretty green. At least, with downloads. No packaging, no nothing. That's less paper/plastic/what have you used on selling hard copies of games.
  7. Any color that can be represented in six hex digits is real (as long as you don't exceed F, then it's not really hex anymore). If you wanna get really crazy and not wanting to consult a chart each time you want to get specific color shades you can memorize certain "bookmark" color values and work your way from there. Red is FF0000, Green is 00FF00, Blue is 0000FF, Magenta is FF00FF, etc.
  8. I can't wait until games become so realistic that you can hide Iron Boots that make you sink when you wear them in your shield so that they don't make you sink.
  9. Incredibly life-like graphics. It's just like a fan film of sorts. ... *cough*
  10. It doesn't matter what your monitor resolution is. That's not the point of keeping sigs small.
  11. I was under the assumption Phonetic Hero's was red because his robot master was red.
  12. 100 pixels is a pretty good height limit for a sig with stuff in it but w/o making the thread, as Rozovian said, look like a gallery.
  13. I don't think you realize this but I was in GRMRB 2010. You know, back when I sucked. Hardcore. I knew guys like zircon were joining. Didn't stop me.
  14. My point is that investing time in learning keyboard isn't always worth it if you just want to write something like a djembe solo. Of course, though, it'll sound human right from the start. Sucking at keyboard DOES INDEED SOUND HUMAN.
  15. Since when was performing the only way to write music?
  16. Just because you can play a MIDI keyboard doesn't mean you're better off at making a guitar solo than someone who does something by mouse. Playing keyboard doesn't mean you have a better shot at making human performances. It's really easy to change velocities and offset notes and durations with your mouse. It's inaccurate to say that you'll get better results if you invest in a keyboard.
  18. I think you're missing the point. I wasn't talking about making realistic piano parts by sequencing. I was talking about how getting a keyboard to learn keyboard drumming on ethnic drums of all things isn't really worth the effort. I never used the words "pointless to learn", either. Stop reading between the lines.
  19. I'll believe it you when you show me a song where you have successfully done it. It's also a fine reason to choose an instrument. Why should I have to keep asking for live players when I can learn the instrument myself (when learning to humanize in MIDI it takes a ridiculous chunk of time).
  20. Competitions are the best way to gain skill. Besides, there is no elimination in this competition. It doesn't matter if your remix doesn't win, you still get to keep going.
  21. To me, the time required to develop the skills to play is not worth it. Why waste time getting my hands to play what's in my head when I can just write it down exactly how it is in my head?
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