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Capa Langley

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Everything posted by Capa Langley

  1. Pharaoh's priority is to trap the range heroes. And his hooking is more similar to Devourer's, only the opposite where he moves to his target. Cast Hellfire only AFTER the hook. You'd only waste damage if you cast it before running in. Though I can agree he would probably need a babysitter early and late game. Also, mummies can't be walked through anymore. Probably was intended that way. If Pharaoh is the one losing the trap battle then he can kill a mummy and try to run away. The mummies also work great at lane blocking or even that little ramp from the jungle where the other team likes to gank from. I think the best thing about Pharaoh is his LOLEYEROCKET. He can basically watch an area on the map by constantly casting on that spot. Did I mention that spell has a 99999 range?
  2. Yeah... don't ever go into a pub unless you know what you're getting yourself into and can take it. The whole "noobs only" is only a lure to get wins and increase their PSR. It's much more fun (sometimes frustrated) to play inhouse with us. That much I can guarantee.
  3. League of Legends = really noob-friendly but a slightly different approach of the genre. It can be great but it's again it's not so different from DotA/HoN. Also, the whole Donut thing is a running injoke. I don't really see anyone sucking up to him seriously. The joke started back in our first game with him and "someone" kept being baby. For those who have yet to understand how to trade. You both select your heroes but DO NOT click ready. One of you clicks the little circular tab next to your teammate's icon. Then said teammate clicks on YOUR icon to finish the trade.
  4. We started playing as 5v5, but then the Europeans started working and going to sleep early. Also, that toss of mine was a complete fluke. I was trying to grab Magmus.
  5. This just in. Everyone who has a beta account, free or pre-purchased, has been given 2 beta invites. Go get more people!
  6. Sorry Justin, but do you actually remember playing Sonic? The game is speed-oriented. It's just on a platform-based rhythm. So if anything it is 50/50. Get the rhythm down and you'll be running and jumping through the game in no time. It takes a bit of practice to know where to do what and stuff. The stage doesn't come to a complete halt nor does it continue on like a racing game. The genre also applies to Donkey Kong Country.
  7. Despite what "a lot" of guides say, DO NOT START the game with Bottle. And if you do and you were on my team, I will feed you to the crocodiles in Africa.
  8. Well, the premise of the game isn't entirely based on solo hero play, or 1v1 for that matter. With that said, some heroes can do great by themselves which is the point of the middle lane anyway, but of course that's early laning phase. When it's time to push or gank you mostly have to move as a team or else that lone wolf gets killed constantly. It is something that can be looked down upon in the DotA community. A tier list isn't a bad idea, but what I would suggest making a "difficulty" list instead. Starting with which hero is easier to play for a beginner. I wouldn't cut off someone's balls for picking Scout over Pyromancer, but I would let him know that Scout will be hard to grasp at first. Playing games inhouse let's us know when people are learning. I don't like pubs. Also, this brings us back to hero preference. Of course Jereziah is better than Keeper of the Forest for tanking and putting out damage. But keep in mind this is once again TEAM play. A Keeper partnered with Kraken or Pharaoh can easily disable an entire team in a small radius for the other members to pick off. Moon Queen especially helps in this situation. More than likely, no hero can survive that.
  9. Pressing H will make your hero hold position and not do anything. While holding, just be ready to move in the case that you do get gank.
  10. I'd say that is entirely dependent on the hero you've selected. Some level 1s can do great without any abilities while others not so great.
  11. Also for those who are entirely new to the genre. http://honwiki.net/wiki/New_Player_Guide
  12. zircon, you've never played me as Voodoo, have you? Ask Wes and Ansou. They both had and wanted to kill me.
  13. Actually... "All participants in the HoN beta test now have express permission from S2 Games to communicate and discuss Heroes of Newerth publicly. This includes forum discussions and talking to friends and family. Our embargo on media relating to HoN (videos, screenshots) is still in full effect and we'd kindly ask our testers not to disclose any game related media to those not actively in the Heroes of Newerth Beta."
  14. Some of us on IRC have been giving this game a try and so far we all love it. The game is still in beta as of right now, but it is still rather polished. This game is basically DotA from WC3, only as a standalone game. Visit the link below to read more about it. http://www.facebook.com/heroesofnewerth A guide for new players: http://honwiki.net/wiki/New_Player_Guide Current list of active players from OCR: Bahamut TehDonut Tensei Another Soundscape zircon Ashamee garian EdgeCrusher BardicKnowledge Halt sixto Anso's roomie C3lly Eulogid fivre bladiator k-wix Sporknight Arek Clefairy SirChadly Dr. Tran dhsu newt hemophiliac relyance My uncle and myself
  15. Brush is 20 minutes (give or take) away from BWI, an airport in Baltimore. I'll likely need a ride to and from there anyway so you're welcome to tag along, Anso.
  16. I already have my RPG story written out. 200+ pages of characters, plots, and details.
  17. Is anyone besides Brush considering a BBQ/Party after MAG? I want to know in advance so I can plan how many days to take off of work and when to fly back.
  18. Superman will not let this name be- WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG! Back on topic; Brush has the best voice for radio/talkshows/etc. Good job, man. Keep it up and I hope you make it to episode #2012.
  19. Wrooooooooooooong! But it was more "popular" when they were doing it.
  20. The game has become horridly stale. I can't find myself enjoying the play anymore. That among other reasons such as latency and DUNDUNDUN Source Engine.
  21. Yeah no... Uematsu is nowhere near Square to be working with those games. FF13 already has the original along with Versus and Agito. So many games at once!
  22. I don't know. If a team can work together and mass up ubers + demos or even pyros, then it's completely productive. When they get all pissy about the sentry wall and attempt to take it down by themselves of course they're going to fail miserably. Then we're allowed to laugh at them.
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