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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Literally just a quick question, I read somewhere that reason 5's Regroove is great for humanising tracks, I've never used it for its intended purpose as I tend to place the notes in the manner that I know I want without the assistance of Regroove to get the groove I want. But using it to humanise a track? Is this wise? What experiences have you reason users had with this? Any advice or tips?

    Keep in mind I'm very much a self taught novice with mixing so I hope you're patient with me.

    I've never actually bothered using it. Its always screwed up my track (probably because I don't use it properly :P) and I like to have complete control over my sequencing. I don't like changing grooves later. There are plenty of other ways to humanise tracks that imo give you much more depth and control than regroove.

  2. Ok, to try and clear this up, rdg2011, I apologise if you feel you are being ganged up on. No one has the intention of trying to make fun of your original offer, but I believe what people are trying to say is that even by amateur rate standards, $40 is a low amount to charge, which is a fair comment to make. For everyone else - please try not to be offensive in your posts. If rdg2011 doesn't want to change the amount, thats his call. If anyone doesn't agree with the amount specified in the original post, please refrain from posting from this point on, its not necessary.

  3. The other judges have covered this really well already so i'm going to keep this vote brief...

    Arrangement is sweet. I didn't think it sounded "lowfi" as such, or at least, I didn't think it was an issue generally. However, that piano was to thin for my tastes. Other than that, sound design was ok. There is a muddy low end here, and the drums lack the punch necessary because of the low-pass filter on them, which serves to give this a rather muddled frequency spectrum imo. Larry pretty much timestamped the muddy bits very well imo.

    The arrangement is awesome tho. Oh man this is tricky. With the production, the bass and the drums are the main issues with mixing, fix them up and perhaps fix the piano, and you'll be well on your way. I do think its very borderline. Its a tricky vote but I can't see this on the front page just yet. Its basically a few small adjustments away - fix it up, and send it back!

    NO (resub)

  4. Can you imagine what it must be like telling people that you play one of these instruments?

    "oh you're a musician? Thats cool, what do you play?"

    "I play a shakuhachi"

    "oh... oh right thats cool bro..."

    "I also play a bazooka"

    "Orly? Have you blown anyone up with it yet?"


  5. The thing about a 12-bar blues jam is that it's characteristic of that kind of music to just play the "head" (the basic melody) once or twice and then launch into an extended solo section that could take up much more than simply playing the head once or twice at the start and once more at the end. If you and I got together and played C Jam Blues we could riff for like 8 minutes just going back and forth with solos, but that song that we're playing is still technically C Jam Blues if we play the head a couple of times at the start and the end.

    Brandon's woven the head of the piece throughout this song, carefully reminding us, despite all the soloing and riffing material, that this is a remix of Brothers Bear.

    Seems fair enough. After listening to the other judges, and re-evaluating the track, it just about checks out for me, but I still think its borderline. Still, a pass is a pass. I'm cool with it. GO!


  6. Been looking at responses to this thread, and the YES's this song has, and had a word with emunator about it because this is actually a rather strange occurrence.

    The source itself, is basically 12 bar blues, but its more than that. Take away the melody and there is literally nothing to tie it to the source specifically. That guitar riff has been used in literally hundreds of blues songs, status quo and ZZ top alone used it over and over again. The bass is root note stuff, and the drums I suppose are distinctive enough but brandon variates them to being their own drum beat effectively during those solos. If this track didn't have the melody you'd have no idea it wasn't a random blues jam.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I understand that music DOES have its limitations and there is always song out there that sounds like something else. However, we are looking at a chord progression and backing thats basically in the public domain with how simple and overused it is. My question is should we consider that in the vote?

  7. So the first thing I notice about this one is the amount of variation on everything. I think the amount of variation on display here is fantastic, and the creativity here is inspired, I really like the pitch shifting drum fill for example.

    I do have a few concerns however. With the arrangement, you basically used the "B section" of the source exclusively, I can't hear any of the riff from the beginning of the source tune in your remix, which might have helped with the feeling of repetition somewhat. This is pretty long as it is, and at 6 minutes, it twists and turns in alot of different ways. Strictly speaking, variation is good but not if your structure gets lost along the way, and thats what happens here.

    Production is decent, but there is some room for improvement :)

    The kick didn't have enough presence, I couldn't always hear it in the busiest parts of the mix, and when it was exposed it sounded weak. The drums generally weren't quite there, particularly that "white noise" snare. Mixing wise, everything was pretty good, but there was a bit of a levelling problem at 1:48 onwards, because the piano got lost in the soundscape until around 2:00 and was clashing frequencies with that rhythmic chord synth. The snare also seemed too loud and exposed when the dynamics quietened like darkesword said. I also agree with the generic synths, they could have been more interesting timbre wise, which i'm sure you could pull off based on whats here.

    This is a really really good base for something OCR would love to have, and i'd love to see this resubbed because I don't think it would take that much for you. You're halfway there, its just about giving your track a clearer direction and polishing things up a bit production wise and you're there!

    NO (resub)

  8. This is interesting. Production is... bizzare. Its murkier and less punchy than i'm used to hearing when it comes to dubstep, but it feels very deliberate. Its got a cool stylistic sound to it, thats for sure. Variation is there, like fishy, I dig the piano. I'm also a little unsure about the length, but we've had mixes under 2 minutes pass before. I'll be interested to see what other judges have to say about this one, was a tricky one for me to make a decision on.

    Still, a very cool, unique, stylised track thats well thought out. Woohee.


  9. I remember being impressed with this when I heard it in the GRMRB. That still holds true to an extent, but it does feel bland. I feel like it lacks some much needed energy in its more bombastic sections but its at its best when the dynamics are more subtle with the ethnic instrumentation, the ending is a good example of this. Overall, the koto is big highlight for me, its brings so much life to the arrangement. The arrangement itself is fine, the breakdown at 2 minutes in is a little bland but even so, this has some pretty neat moments. I feel like it doesn't quite fulfil its potential, but its a nice mix, there is plenty to like, and it mixes the themes nicely.

    I'm cool with this.


  10. Yeah i'm digging this. That piano seemed a little piercing to me but my headphones seem to emphasis high mids so that could be why. Sounds like an offical capcom style remix, which gets thumbs up for me. Might be a too conservative like larry says, but i'm detecting alot of original material and variations here that could make this a closer call for me.

    So production as I said, is very good. Clearly passable. The arrangement is a little trickier, because I can tell you've tried to add some personalisation here and there with some rather cool original sections. There is a bit of variation on the brass part during 1:26 onwards compared to the source but other than that, there is very little variation, its mostly original melodies thrown over the top, and with no variation on the theme itself (even the instruments sound close to the original in timbre), and as I result, I can't quite sign off on this.

    Sorry that you won't be revisiting this, it would make a great track on the site in some form.

    NO (resub)

  11. I've helped run panels at two conventions in the UK now, we generally discuss OCR, but put emphasis on music performance and audience participation (through competitions where we give away merch). As far as i'm aware, the conventions we are doing are the only ones outside the US.

    If you're interested in running an OCR panel, I suggest you talk to DJP and see if you can find any conventions that would be interested in having an OCR Panel.

  12. It's not worth too much thought, but I like the informal system I have for YouTube. For example: http://youtube.com/1NryFD9_hR0 - There are 4 arrangers, but I could only fit 1 in the video title, and I know Theophany was the lead, I'm going to put his name there first. It wouldn't make sense to list Docjazz4 if I can only fit 1 arranger name just because D comes first alphabetically.

    People are often guilty of skimming over information and not giving credit where credit is due, and I don't have the benefit of including the writeup in the video description to provide context, so sometimes not listing artist in alpha order on the video title helps me for either space or recognition concerns. Can't please everyone though. :-)

    Fair enough. I'd still opt for alphabetically personally, but giving the right mixer the right amount of props is thoughtful. Just gotta make sure you don't highlight the wrong artist :P

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