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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. When I mess up, I tend to mess up pretty badly and find it hard to recover and I get wracked with anxiety. When I've done performances for OCR and other shows, I practice a TON to avoid that scenario.

    As someone who gets it pretty badly... this. Practice like your life depends on it. Also, make sure that you record yourself playing because one thing i've noticed is that when I've done a performance, I think i've done TERRIBLE, and I look back at the recording and it sounds great. I've found that when I panic, I seem to alternate to "safe mode" and instinctively simplify my playing, but as long as you don't make a mistake you can rock it and end up golden regardless.

  2. *poof* Speak his name and he shall appear!

    April 2014 is impossible, you're right about that. I've already spoken to Damned about it. If he wants to weigh in here he can, since he is a co-director... :tomatoface:

    From the tone of his PM to me, he wasn't going to be taking a large part of the album directing from this point on, but i'll let him come in and sort out his role here, since i'm not 100% sure at this point.

    If Damned doesn't want to do this, I'm going to do what I did with 9-Bit Blitzkrieg, which is set a final deadline and sent out PMs on OCR/Facebook/IRC etc every few weeks to people. That worked fantastically. Damned, need you in here if you want me to take full control of this thing. Your call. Btw guys, feel free to badger me like assholes if it gets me out of cryosleep. Every now and then I might miss a message or two but I try to respond to every one I get.

  3. Yeah, I'm looking into buying this: http://www.soundsonline.com/Symphonic-Choirs

    It looks really cool, and based on what i've heard its a fantastic piece of kit to have in your arsenal of musiking.

    However - I am seeing mixed results from people about it being buggy, hard to install, hard to use, blahblahblah. So I'm wondering if this thing is worth the investment or if I should leave it alone for now if its lacking in stability.

    Any help you guys can give me is greatly appreciated :D

  4. lac_banner_2014.jpg

    Sat. February 8th - Sun. February 9th

    Rocket Complex, London Metropolitan University, London N7 8BD - directions


    OverClocked ReMix have been announced at Animeleague's next event, London Anime Con. It's set on the 8-9th of February 2014. We'll hopefully be performing on the Saturday (the 8th).

    If you're a fan from the UK, do consider coming down to see us, since this doesn't happen very often. Expect a presentation, a quiz, and some live performances!






    • WillRock
    • Fishy
    • Rexy

    Anyone else who is planning on coming down, let us know and we'll put your name here!

    If you want to come down and hang, just let us know. Details are in the link above :)

    I'll be updating the thread as more info comes in.


  5. Yeah I can dig this. Nice arrangement of a rather tricky source tune. The production is good! Reasonably clean and punchy, but there are quite a few nitpicks here that could really boost this. Overall the production is a little flat due to compression. There is also a distinct lack of bass here (with the exception of the kick) and the guitar is a bit too overpowering and loud when power chording its way through the track, which makes parts when its not as prominent with the chords quite empty in comparison (1:05). It also seems to push other instruments aside which makes for a slightly muddy soundscape when you've got these other instruments fighting for some leg room.

    However, slightly loud guitars and slight lack of bass imo don't counteract a pretty awesome arrangement, even tho this is cutting it just a bit close for me. Nice work guys!


  6. These days, with the internet being a big factor of success, and that there is a certain degree of anonymity to that, I'd say age doesn't have such a big factor these days. Also, Grant Kirkhope was in his 30s when he was recruited to Rare. Its easy to put yourself down by saying "oh i'm 15/23/35, I should have become famous by now" or something along those lines, but if you want to truly become good and notable for something, it takes hard work, dedication, time, and honestly, a degree of maturity that comes with age. I wouldn't think there is anything to worry about.

  7. Next year is the 75th anniversary of DC Comics' classic character, Batman. They're planning on pulling out all the stops with a lot of crazy stuff going on in the comic books.

    This is an idea that came up during on of the OCR Talkbacks: there've been a lot of Batman video games over the years with great music, from the old Sunsoft games all the way up to the new Arkham series. It makes perfect sense for OC ReMix to release a Batman album to help celebrate the 75th anniversary, filled with remixes of these songs.

    I won't be running this project myself (no time, too many projects, etc.), so I'd like for someone to volunteer to take the reigns and organize everything. The only thing I will say is that it should remix music from Batman video games, not music from any of the Batman TV shows, cartoons, or movies. We are OC ReMix, after all.

    Anyone up to the task?

    I'd offer, but my project directing credentials aren't exactly impressive :P

    If this does go ahead, I'm so on this tho, Batman's game music is fucking incredible.

  8. Hey everyone. Need final tracks by NOVEMBER 30th. Apex 2014 is in January during MLK weekend. We have to have PHYSICAL copies of the album ready to distribute AT the event, so November 30 is a critical deadline to hit so that we can get the physical order in and done. Thanks!

    Noted! :D


  9. I'm definitely not in favour of this site "selling out"

    Hey guys great idea, since we are selling out, lets charge $1 per remix download. Lets charge $5 to submit to OCR, and $10 for in-depth badass jooj feedback while we're at it :D:D:D:D:D

    Seriously tho -

    we just did a little thing with the capcom. it's coooooooooooool, man. still plenty of free music

    Yep. The free music shall always be here. OCR'll still be doing it's thing for years. One commercial album ain't going to change the world. Sorry you don't agree with this dude, but we'll keep on doing lots of free stuff i'm sure you'll love after this, so hopefully you'll forgive us :)

  10. I just want to clarify that ReMixes don't have to contain at least 50% recognizable source; it's not a hard-and-fast rule, just a guideline. Depending on the circumstances, a borderline source usage can be accepted. For example, 48% source with sound design that is reminiscent of the original's soundscape could add a little bit more source "usage" and make the arrangement lean more towards enough source usage in the end.

    I'd just like to point out here that some judges stopwatch tracks to the 50% VERY rigidly, so make sure that it is over 50%. Not 48%. And thats a minimum. I'd shoot for 50% if you want a good chance with source usage :)

  11. Its a constant process for me. There isn't a single moment. Probably the biggest turning point overall tho... was anger actually lmao. To cut a long story short, someone basically told me my music sucked... so I made this remix - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02135/ - as kind of a "fuck you" to that person :P Yes i'm a prideful arrogant son of a bitch who will end you if you decide to say ANYTHING negative XD

    That was a "turning point" - but i'm always improving.

  12. This is totally groovy. Percussion is completely BADASS :D

    Ok, so looking at this... I can see what larry means about those vocals, but I actually like how you can almost envision it being sung by one of the gorons :D I think this will attract vocal hate dewds tho.

    Original Vocal sections for me are also a bit of a no-no, but its pulled off fairly well here. Still, it lacks a bit of cohesiveness overall without the theme to bring it back to basics, and this throws the source usuage into question slightly. It checks out just about for me, but a little more source would have been preferable I think.

    Still, for what it is, its fantastic, and totally wins on all levels. ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN!


  13. Oh man this source is great. All castlevania sources are great. Ok, so first off, arrangement is pretty awesome. Some nice variations on the theme that keep things interesting while keeping the source prominent throughout the track.

    As for production... not so good. Things are very very cluttered all the way through, the strings don't cut through enough in the intro, when the lead guitar is playing, thats pretty clear but when you have that buried lead at 0:58, everything seems to lack clarity, and there are alot of other little parts that are all fighting for the same room. Nothing is particularly clear honestly imo. I'd say the production needs quite a bit of cleaning up, if not a complete overhaul for this to see the pass imo. Really nice arrangement, but fix up the production!

    NO (resub)

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