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Status Updates posted by WillRock

  1. DJ Mokram, hows it going dude?

  2. what kind of a name is halc anyway

  3. Emu means a bird right... so you're... a bird killer... what did birds ever do to you? :P

  4. 4000

    you famous mofo

  5. Happy Birthday :D

  6. Going on holiday dude, will talk to you in about 10 days... cya :P

  7. Going on holiday dude, will talk to you in about 10 days :P

    Cya man :D

  8. Heh going on holiday dude, will talk to you in about 10 days... cya :P

  9. wat u talkin bout mn PROTO MUST DIE.

    lol seriously tho, no problem

  10. Your remixes kick some serious ass dude, keep up the good work!

  11. I just heard your not going to be on OCAD... sorry to hear it man, was looking forward to one crazy podcast with you :(

  12. Ok, I admit, that last message was fail, I can't keep up with your awesomeness.

    Also, proto must die

  13. If proto doesn't wish to die, he must try, to bake me a pie, made with newts eye, and thumb of some random guy, wing of bird from up high, and powder you must buy, mixed with onions that make you cry, and all of this you must fry, and make sure its a nice pie...

    Do this not, and you will die, I will throw you from up high, in the sky, and watch you fly, downwards, as you cry, and why must you ask, because PROTO MUST DIE.

  14. Willrock mustn't lie, He is a nice guy, but Proto must die, Proto asks why, But the fact must still apply, that PROTO MUST DIE, because willrock SAYS SO.

    Also, willrock likes pie.

  15. Because you are proto, and PROTO MUST DIE

  16. hem 4 etov tnod u fi yad2 eid lla lliw u kil

  17. hem 4 etov tnod u fi yad2 eid lla lliw u kil

  18. hem 4 etov tnod u fi yad2 eid lla lliw u kil

  19. thanks man, This round is so close its kinda unbelievable XD Had a good time doing it so far :D

  20. Happy birthday man :P

  21. 10 pages of comments including one from djp himself and one with a picture of a unicorn. How....

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