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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. So, I've been working with NES hardware on a whim. I began by using FamiTracker, but when I moved on to MML, I started working on this song.

    So, here it is so far. It's not done yet, and it still loops around to the beginning. But hopefully it's still full of oldskool chipnes!

    MP3 file

    NSF file

    Sooo... tell me how it's going. Am I doing anything wacky? What kinda stuff do I need to fix? Not original enough? Not enough from the source? To improve this, I need to know what I have to change. So feedback galore, please! :)

    -Kenogu Labz

  2. Alright, I think I see what you're getting at. I'm trying to give it a better start with a nice Timpani roll; maybe stick in the laugh for evilness sake at the beginning too. (Then again, maybe not. :| )

    I'm definitely gonna try and get guitar on this, because this seems to make for more of a back-track.

    By the way, the Chrono reference is practically the whole last part of the song, after the roar. Hear Lavos' theme? Maybe it's too muddy to tell. *shrug*

  3. Alright, I'm VERY new here, but I thought I'd throw this out as an example of something I'm working on.

    FF6 & Chrono Trigger - False Gods

    This is an arrangement using Catastrophe and Dancing Mad from FF6 (but who didn't know that already? :P) and World Revolution from Chrono Trigger. Very unfinished, obviously, so I'm asking more about the direction: is this headed the right way, does it sound like it can be taken farther?

    Things I DO know I need to fix:

    Intro's a little long, I've had a couple ideas for this.

    May need more meat, thinking of bringing in my friend's guitar skillz.

    Yes, that bell IS dissonant sometimes. It's resonating with the fifths, methinks.

    No, I have no clue how to master these things. Tips are welcome!

    So, fire away, nothing's too harsh or too obscure! Thanks for your time.

    -Kenogu Labz

  4. Hey, all! I've been coming to this place for good music ever since a friend showed me my first remix. I've been hooked ever since!

    I don't own any consoles, although the PC is usually enough to work with. I discovered the depth of soundtrack music after that first remix, and have been collecting remixes and originals since, taking up several gigs (to the distress of my family!)

    I've also experimented with composing using first tracking, and now FL for many years, and have even attempted to make soundtracks for a couple of indie games (which, unfortunately, never got much farther than planning stage). I decided I'd finally join up, though, so I can give and receive feedback on some of my favorite songs.

    So, I'll see ya around, and I look forward to hanging out here!

    -Kenogu Labz

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