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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. Hah. I saw this one floating around in the 'to be posted' section, and couldn't wait to hear it. It came up today, and I tackled it full-force.

    All I really have to say is YES! It's about time some of these songs start getting attention like this. FF VIII's tough to get into, thanks to its poor sampling. But the Dual Dragons pulled one of the songs with the strongest potential and ran with it. Quite the fantastic job, dudes! *thumbs-up*

  2. The very (I think) obscure freeware game Bonesaw has an EXCELLENT chiptune soundtrack.

    Here is a track

    Someone should go remix something from Bonesaw

    That soundtrack was made by Josh Whelchel, otherwise known as TwiTerror here. He also made the soundtrack to The Spirit Engine and its sequel, both excellent soundtracks. It would be quite a fun task to remix these!

  3. Wait, I do get images with music when I'm really spacing out, almost half asleep. Sometimes when I'm in that state the music starts forming sentences and starts dia-/monologues, not in the common metaphorical sense but something with an actual, non-abstract meaning.

    However, it mostly stops making sense in my memory when i'm getting more conscious again.

    Yes!! Except I do that with or without music. :|

  4. Double-post, but I updated the mix.

    [Listen Here]

    I only extended the first electric guitar part slightly, to give it more time to fade out. I do still want it to be a taste for the end, so that part probably isn't gonna change much. That transition still needs some tweaking, though. It still feels intrusive.

    The acoustic guitar section is extended; this made up the majority of the change. It has a lengthened solo, and remains the lead in place of having the piano, which was scrapped for sounding junky.

    Fixed a couple things in the ending, including a couple of random bad instrument transitions, and an extra harmony for the guitar's final spin. Random tweaks in random places, most unnoticeable.

  5. Thanks, Ascendancy! You pinpointed the main problem, I think. I'll see what I can do about shuffling some patterns around, and fleshing it out some more.

    Here is a link to the main source, if you don't mind youtube audio. It's a sort of eerie, depressing arrangement of The Prelude, coinciding with an eerie, depressing area in the game.

    Yes, Gario, To the End of the Wilderness makes a showing, as well as a cameo from Terra (from FF IX, not FF VI), one of the other really good songs from that track. That one's dimly audible at the beginning. Still not sure about quality, but I'll make sure to ask before I give up.

  6. EDIT: See my top post on page 2 for a major update! I need someone who can play acoustic guitar to replace the Wild Arms lead.

    [(Not) Final WIP] - See top of page 3 for most recent!

    [Listen Here (V3)]

    [Listen Here (V2)]

    This is a WIP that's been 'in progress' for a looong time, and I finally just sat down and cranked the second half out. There are some known quality issues, which is why it likely won't make it on OCR, since I'm using a tracker with medium-quality samples and poor effects plugins. But I'd at least like some feedback on arrangement and direction. Any thoughts?

  7. In terms of learning music theory, your best bet is not online. It takes a lot of time and effort; try looking for local teachers, or perhaps some community college courses. Or, if you're still in high-school, see what basic music courses they offer. There's really no quick way to learn. Just like anything else in life, you have to work hard to get anywhere!

  8. This isn't just a boss theme medley, it's a veritable network of villains and bosses put together.

    It sounds like you've got a good foundation. Some of the playing could use a little fiddling around with, and a couple notes sound off (mostly in Succession of Witches, I think), but overall, quite an interesting combination. Hope you can find someone to flesh it out for you! :-o

  9. Hi, Wolfmizu!

    I'm not sure, but it sounds to me as if your MP3 file did not write correctly. You may want to check it. Everything sounds unsynced; the sounds are dissonant, and are all at different tempos. And you only have one or two voices playing at any given time, which makes for a very poor arrangement. Try to expand the arrangement further!

  10. I'm loving the cinematic approach you're trying to put on this. The train scene was one of my favorites, and you're capturing the mood well.

    The arrangement sounds solid; the problems lie in the samples you're using. The strings sound very synthetic and static; having more variety or higher-quality samples could help that quite a bit.

    Try working on the balance between your strings and percussion. Sometimes, one overcrowds the other, and the impact of some of those accents would be stronger if they're only loud when you want a strong point. Hard to explain, but think of how accents sound in, say, PoTC.

    Interesting start, though. Can't wait to hear more progress on it! :thumbsup:

  11. I'm loving the style you're going for with this; it deserves some acoustic love. The one thing that's I noticed, for now, is your back loop. The drums never change, so your dynamic level stays pretty much the same throughout the song. Trying adding a little more dynamics: build to the high points of the song, instead of letting the melody do the work. :)

    Still, nicely done, though. Lookin' forward to seeing this knock the judges socks off!

  12. Mazedude is a tracker. I can hear it in his stuff (which is some sweet stuff, by the way). Limited, but much less so than the NES. Aaanyway, thanks for the feedback; I'll keep working on it, though I doubt it'll make it here. ;)

    As far as the NSF, I didn't post it because most don't have NSF players. Also, it's having looping problems (though I can't figure out where). But I'll put it up anyway, on the first post.

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