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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. You only like it?!? This is what I've been waiting for!

    I LOVE the direction this is going. Just a couple comments on the production:

    • The arpeggiating tone is pushed all the way to stereo-left, which seems a little, well, extreme. You tried counter-balancing with the guitar panned right, but it still seems too split. Maybe you could bring both those in towards the middle.
    • Keep the melody a bit clearer. That opening has a fascinating lilt to it, don't let the other parts drown it!

  2. Someone said about the original series that everything was reused. Alchemy, philosophers stone, and homunculi were all made from humans the last time. But now only the stone is.

    Really, I think that's one of the things that made the original great in its own regard. The fact that everything stemmed back to a disregard or twisting of human life made the villains' actions seem more atrocious. In the end, you're angry at the villain, not just because she ignored the value of human life, but did so intentionally for the sole reason of self-benefit. That's why it was nice to have everything connected in that way.

    Not saying FMA-B is worse, or anything. Just pointing out that the original just had a different focus.

  3. @Gario: True, but the with two major catches: Homework and frequency. Oftentimes, for an easier time on their part, professors use the book's problems for homework assignments, with a couple of their own mixed in. Also, quite a few professors reference the book enough in lectures that you would likely be lost without it. And you don't really know which professors will or will not need books beforehand...

    Yeah. Sticky mess, but one we're stuck in.

  4. Indeed, they rock. They are incredibly flexible with their shipping, too.

    In terms of advertising, they actually have a couple adspots in places around campus. Other than that, I think it's just word-of-mouth and necessity on parts of students. Given how many people look for alternates to the bookstore or Amazon, they eventually find a place like Chegg.

  5. I guess Final Fantasy has just become so mainstream that people expect it to be easy these days.

    Hmm, in a way, I'd say somewhat the opposite could be said, too. When a series has been in play for this long, fans have long since become familiar with all the tricks and inner workings of the systems (even though each has its own little variances). Thus, for the last few years, everyone thinks the games have been easy (though FF X really was), when it's really been our own momentum pushing us through.

    Making games harder really makes sense, because then fans get a new set of challenges each time, with the same kind of gameplay. If they don't get harder, the gameplay can get stale. So far, they've offset it by changing up the system each game, but that'll only go so far, I think.

  6. That's why the best memories I have of playing FF come from VIII. I think it's because, if you weren't prepared, you could still win a boss, but you had to hang on white-knuckled to pull it off. Similarly with some of IX's, though they're only really tough if you want to steal stuff.

    But if they make every battle a gut-clenching battle to survive... yeah. That'll be pretty sweet, too.

  7. Hellooo, OCR!

    I've only submitted my first remix a few months ago, so I'm technically relatively new to the scene here. However, back in my teen years, I was trying to actively compose music for indie projects that never came to fruition. (Note: make sure your team members are actually disciplined enough to finish what they start!)

    Anyway, I haven't done much composing for a couple years; but now that I'm on my own, and have lots of spare time with little else to do, I'm really starting to consider composing as a source of income. As such, I really need to sit down and evaluate where I'm at musically. And that's where you come in.

    If you have the time, it would be a big help if you could give some constructive criticism (or destructive, if necessary) for my previous and current works. It would mean a lot to me, and at least help me know where to start.

    One thing to note: most of my compositions have been made using Modplug Tracker; I am currently looking into other tools for composition. I already own Fruity Loops (FL version), but I'm still not very familiar with how to use it properly.


    • Battle with the Void (2005, made for a small chiptune competition)
    • Mansion of Forgotten Eulogies (2006, another competition)
    • Reign of the Fax Toner (2006, competition, a bit cliche and bubbly, but the theme was brighter, not quite my strong point)
    • Mercurial Commodore (2006, messing around with some pseudo-Commodore 64 samples; recently rewritten)
    • Corroded Carnival, [NES rendition] (2006, competition again, but restricted to using two samples, so had to use a little creativity to work in drums and bass. Converted to a standard chiptune in 2007 to flesh out the composition)
    • Flamboyant (2007, another shot at a light-mood chiptune for a competition. The section at 0:50 has been compared to a 'German über-polka')
    • Integral Energy, [NES rendering, NSF] (2007-08, a more action-based NES chiptune for another competition; we were restricted to NES channels. Someone argued mine didn't fit the standards, so I remade it in an NSF to prove it did.)
    • Coconuts and Skulls (????, I was obviously in a piratey mood for this one. This one's a short little guy, made for the fun of it; it turned out to be a little too catchy.)

    Game Soundtracks

    Heimdall Project (Clan Varpi, Action Platformer, 2005, unfinished; marked by poor mastering and volume control)

    • Final Boss (One of the first songs I made for a specific purpose)

    Outer Lane 3014 (Clan Varpi, Racing, 2007, unfinished, heavy use of loops)

    The Tower (Prolific Demiurges, Metroidvania, 2007, unfinished)

    Circular Avalanche (Flash game, 2009, most recent work)

    Concept Soundtracks


    • Clash of Eras 2A03 (2009, Chrono Trigger 'Battle'/'Boss Battle 1' in NSF. Chrippy.)
    • Weeping Shards [WIP] (2009, Final Fantasy IX 'Crystal World'/'Prelude', Wild Arms 'To the End of the Wilderness')


    • No Time Remaining (????, This song was an attempt at a more new-agey kind of song. Plagued by bad samples with lots of white noise, and not-so-creative composing. Happens to be my dad's favorite, for probably obvious reasons.)

  8. In this case, it's not a matter of censorship; it's a matter of standards. OCRemix only posts mixes of high quality, and sometimes, a mix makes it through that they later decide doesn't deserve to be on, for whatever reason. The artists are still free to submit their mixes to other sites: Remix ThaSauce, OLR, and many other resources are there for that.

    Think of it as a designer clothes shop. If a high-end, famous clothes designer suddenly came out with a brand of perfectly ordinary jeans, what would everyone think? Obviously, they're not as high-quality as everyone assumed. VG music fans can trust that any mix posted by OCR is guaranteed to be of the best quality there is.

  9. There's always the more rhythmic 'Protecting my Devotion', Rose of May's counterpart, PriZm.

    Also, how do you plan on managing all the 'Melodies of Life' variations in the soundtrack? Most are pretty similar, except for musical style and context.

  10. You'll have to be patient, Angela. You can't expect everyone to see and answer to your post immediately. It takes time to give a constructive review, so the best you can do is keep checking around for updates. I'm afraid I can't listen to it right now, but I'll see if I can try later.

  11. It's certainly catchy. They use some good graphical tricks to make it look incredible, while using low under-the-hood costs. Try pausing with Enter sometime, you'll see how simple everything actually is.

    I'm personally finding the scenery to be the thing that keeps me going. There's a nice amount of variety between different dungeons, and the fact that you can open up and explore side-dungeons (from quests or maps) also gives enough added challenges to keep it fresh longer.

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