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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. 19 years old, can hear up to 20k for sure; I can make out something at 21k and 22k, but it's mostly the presence of the tone, not an actual pitch.

    EDIT: Listening to laptop speakers, I can only hear up to 19k, but boy does that pitch hurt. Now my ears are ringing. :|

  2. One thing that will definitely need work is your dynamic range. Just playing the notes on a piano won't do anything for the listener. A solo piano piece absolutely NEEDS to have differences in volume, it's what provides the instrument its power.

    Your arrangement is fairly conservative for the bulk, then you get into actual arrangement near the end. Compositionally, it sounds fairly good. You may want to thicken up the chords a bit, instead of playing a melody over a back-and-forth bass, but still, not bad, given you're changing keys.

    Try fleshing it out some more, and boosting its length. Right now, most of this is straight from the source. But it sounds like you've got some really creative stuff, like you're mixing in a classical sonata.

  3. But how would you go about writing a catchy pop tune without keeping it relatively simple?

    Once you leave that first quarter of theory, which I highly doubt "they" are following anyway, it becomes pretty much impossible to make something with the same level of 'hum-ability.'

    Each type of music needs what it needs to accomplish what it does. If it's a simple chord progression to carry lyrics, then so be it.

    Mainstream music is all about the production values, not necessarily the note content, imo.

    Besides, I highly doubt Schubert's lieder would get much radio play if he were writing them today, and those are relatively simple as far as theory goes.

    And that's the problem, as I see it. No-one cares for the beauty that comes with complexity. They don't want to try and explore, they want it handed to them on a platter, like a pre-made TV dinner: no effort in enjoying it.

    But we're getting solidly off-topic here. :o

  4. Dupe topic. :<

    See here for old topic

    But related to this: yeah, it's not trying to look different. It's counting on the success of the genre, and a good dose of nostalgia to pump it along. But hey, good gamble on their part.

    Guess voxels are back in style (though they're technically not taking volumetrically discrete space, but that's a different matter altogether).

  5. From 'Submission Standards and Instructions':

    1. Submissions must be MP3 format audio files.

    • Bitrate must not exceed 192kbps.
    • Bitrate must be high enough to convey detail; a 128kbps average is suggested as a minimum.
    • Audio must be 44.1kHz Stereo.

    2. Submissions must be 8MiB (8,388,608 bytes) or less.

    A really big part of this is bandwidth. OCRemix hosts these at no charge to the people who listen, and they get an enormous amount of bandwidth, which they have to pay for. This also helps ensure that the audio is of consistent quality site-wide. I'll defer to anyone else who has better reasons, though, cuz I'm not a judge, so there are likely other reasons I don't know about.

    Oh, and like Atmuh said, artists will sometimes render high-quality versions as well, but it's a case-by-case basis.

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