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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. I really need to do something about that flute, huh? The sample is just too weak to hold itself up as a lead, but I can't anything else that has anywhere near as pure a quality.

    Also, I'll certainly ask around on the collabs for anyone willing to help. Thanks for the tip!

    EDIT: Sooo, not sure how much this helps, but I doubled up the flute lead at the beginning, so tell me if you think it sounds any stronger than before. I've also fattened up the beginning with some bass.

    In terms of the guitar, I want to keep it unless it's completely unstandable. I do want some pieces of the tracker style to remain intact, so that's my reasoning, anyway.


  2. It's really simple if you face backwards. Face away from the ledge you want to reach, begin moving backwards, then jump. Just as your jump is starting, you launch a rocket downwards at an angle. Sounds weird, but it's not all that hard once you've done it a couple times. Just remember: jump, then rocket.

  3. I couldn't help but post here...

    ...but not having known GrayLightning, I must say this makes almost everyone on this site look like a bunch of manic stalkers. Though I don't see how a group of over 100 people could manage to stalk someone without them noticing, hehe!

    Well if you do find him, drag him back here and duct-tape him to his computer. We need moar mixes from him!

  4. Forsooth! It seems my acoustic guitar sample was more grating than anticipated. Sooo, before I try to dig up some other samples to use, I'm asking around for anyone who has the time to play the line of the acoustic guitar. I also realized that leaving the guitar out on its own is a bad idea, so I've added a synth-bass to fill in some gaps.

    [Latest WIP]

    [Acoustic Guitar Line]

    I'll render a copy with the acoustic part singled out to make it simpler to record. Also, I'm really not sure if this will be well-tuned for guitar, so please let me know how easy it is to play if you decide to fiddle around, so I know whether to keep asking or to just sample-swap. Last, I don't know how to write tabs, but if you read little black dots, or at least note names, I can transcribe the line.

  5. Well... not sure, as I haven't finished it yet. The story seems to be fairly expansive in scope, and their job at world-building is fantastic. But it's an event-based storyline: the people aren't as important as the events that are occurring. The voice-acting's fairly good, if a little amusing/annoying (no, for the thousandth time, I don't want to "kick some A").

    The pacing's also really a matter of how many side-quests you take. There's many of 'em, and they can take quite awhile. But I the game still seems to be easily completable without the side-quests, and it would move along just fine if you just followed the story. If you played FF XII, the exploration factor is very similar here. You could spend quite a while exploring the more open areas for treasure and digging points (Mr. Diggs is awesome, don't deny it!)

  6. Last Remnant's not so much slow as non-active. You give general commands and strategies to squads, which then perform based on your command as best they can. It's certainly turn-based, in that all squads make their move before you can give commands again. It's... different, and a lot of people don't care for the pacing. I don't mind it so much, it still provides some fairly basic strategy, though not as deep as I'd like.

    I must say, though, incredibly good graphics, given it runs perfectly smoothly on my middle-quality gaming laptop.

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