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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. Vocal intros are fine, but this one's is way too long considering the length... it's a third of the song. Effects 1/3 in need some work, they sound dry and stand out from the mix. There are some volume issues (Piano and strings stomp all over some of the more subtle effects). Transitions feel forced, but it feels like it builds back to the same melody. The ending is also unexpected, with no conclusion or fadeout... it just ends. That being said, it's not a bad start. Technically it has some interesting material, you just need to work on it a bit more.
  2. I agree with the previous comment. The speeding up section feels awkward and forced. Maybe if you sub it out for a conclusion, pause, then change the speed on the pickup, it might feel more natural (As well as add to the feel of the song) Conversely, the slowdown feels very nice and natural. Consider shortening the intro, song's a bit long, overstays it's welcome near the end by about 30 seconds. Other than that I really like this song. The tremolo might be a bit extreme though, tone it down a bit and see if you like it better that way, imo it sticks out just a wee bit too much.
  3. During the intro I didn't think I was going to like this mix, given the speed and instrument use against the original, but the progression is so nice I can't not like it. It's a very different take, but then again, what are remixes for? Very good string and piano work, drums redefine this entirely into a very good sounding piece. Only thing that caught my ear was around 3:59, I think the piano is leading a wee bit ahead the rest of the song, but that might just be me being crazy.
  4. First post here, so you can take this with a grain of salt I suppose The primary melody is repeated far too much as others have already said. Give the poor thing s break now and then, and vary it more. I also feel the melody is a bit penetrating at times. In the quieter sections, it slices though everything else (Which may be intentional, but the repetition of said melody kills it). Dropping it down to a lower octave might help it blend in better in certain spots. The guitar work is a bit sketchy, better samples might help. Conversely, the violin work is fantastic. Overall it has a nice feel to it, though it overstays it's welcome after around 5 minutes. Try to shorten some of the more "dead" sections. Original work is well done, and it identifies with the original very well. I'm looking forward to your revision of this
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