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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. I agree with SB here. I own all of the games.. I managed to grind through the first series of games, but .hack//GU's PS2 series was just too much. At the third game I had to stop. The story makes you want to keep going, but after a while it's not fun; you're just playing to get to advance the story.
  2. Nah, I don't want to deal with moving the code base, tool set, libs, dev workspace, and assets around between home and work. I usually just work through my lunches, while watching the daily show or the colbert report on the other monitor Neko, ok, you win. Theirs is cooler. I'll look into a progress bar and some js work for the icons tonight or tomorrow; then maybe I'll expand it for other games too. Maybe someone wants to make some OCR icons?
  3. Tweaked the font a bit more.
  4. I'm using Arial, I think the lower bit needs to be bold though. Not sure if I can do that though GD... maybe I can swap in a bolder version of arial (arial black?) Hmm:| edit: Ok, how's that?
  5. Tensei's sig inspired me to waste my lunch break making this http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/devel/l4d/make.php Post any good ones, I'll throw them into a rotation script so if you don't specify one, it'll just choose at random. Right now it just defaults to tensei's. Oh, you should be able to thow the urls into IMG tags like so:
  6. I vote Ohio. because I don't trust my car enough to drive it out of state.
  7. This week: - Rewrite modular body system to add part lighting, recoloring, and allow joints to be rotated from the core - Write a complex modular entity class for bosses. - Fix ball mode physics. - Fix the lifts I broke like 20 versions ago. - Hack together some kind of object linking system that works in the map editor, so doors can be linked to lights etc - Get around to writing that zone lighting class
  8. Seriously? I've referenced Iji in the holonic dev forum like 20 times now. This is why I get the feeling people just look at the shiny screenshots and tune out the rest of my posts
  9. I've been thinking about replaying this for alternate endings... now I have reason
  10. No. There is a line of developers who want to work on it. I was one of them. The problem is that we email Virt, we get a response saying he's interested and will contact us later, and then his job swallows his soul and we never hear from him again.
  11. Your server is incredibly slow (at least right now), I can't even stream it. Try using one of the wip hosting options listed in this thread
  12. How have I never heard this track before? Looks like I've got an album to buy when I get home
  13. The problem with AV programs and system resources is really HDD access. With that in mind, Norton isn't all that bad anymore. Just make sure you ONLY get the Antivirus, not their bloatware bundle packs like Norton Internet Security. Personally, I used AVG free on all of my machines. You DO NOT need a firewall or antispam package. These features are already provided by your computer, and in a much less annoying and intrusive implementation.
  14. I'm convinced Robotaki is practicing some kind of auditory torture. He has something like 5 fantastic sounding wips up, and hasn't finished any of them. Seriously. I have more Robotaki wips than I do actual OCR releases from any single artist.
  15. Ambiance can be a secondary track, or generated. I prefer it this way actually, since this lets us play around with the volume of it based on where a player is.
  16. Yes, I've discussed this with the proper authorities. And with that, rozovian wins. I was going to ask you directly but I thought you said at some point that you didn't want to. Oh well, maybe I'm just becoming senile. In the interest of organization, we might want to move this to a new thread?
  17. Ok, here's what's going on. I'm looking for someone to step up and take the reins of this soundtrack. Basically, someone to sit down, manage who does what tracks, and give it the musical direction they think is necessary. I'll fully admit I don't know enough about music production to head this kind of project. If the end result turns out well, it may end up posted on OCR as an album. With that in mind, most of the current assignments may change or be removed entirely, depending on if the person taking over wants to do things like auditions.
  18. Putting my game-maker hate aside, this looks pretty cool.
  19. Fantastic work. Been rocking these at work and in the car for the last couple of days; still loving 'em
  20. I hacked this up real quick, some of you might find it useful: If you want to host your files, but still want to provide a streaming link (Note: Most people don't like downloading tons of wips), then I has a solution for you! http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=stream This also works if you just want to listen to someone's wip without downloading it. The script does NOT store the file on my server; it doesn't even pass through it. The file is simply streamed straight through the flash player. Example: Someone links this URL in their post: http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/files/lol.mp3 and it becomes this: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?f=http%3A%2F%2Ffireslash.net%2F~fireslash%2Ffiles%2Flol.mp3&action=stream No downloading required. Plus the player shows time, unlike many in-browser players.
  21. Shadow nailed it. If your iPod is formatted for anything but mac, it's formatted in FAT32, and FAT32 can't store any file larger than 4GB (Technically 4GB - 1 byte)
  22. Iji is what inspired me to even start this project. However, I don't know if I can be quite as ambitious with my current team size. Cinematics are pretty much out of the question. Level design is more conceptual right now. I've built a few test levels to test with, but nothing has been finalized. I could actually use a level designer, but I don't know any. @Another Soundscape DJ Mokram has already gone as far as to send me a wip for that track. You're welcome to cage fight him for it though. Right now though, I'd rather everyone hold off on any further work for a few days pending some possible changes. Time table is huge though, no need to rush. Even if I get all of the graphics, dialog, levels, and sound effects tomorrow I still have at least a month of code to do.
  23. Yes. That's part of the "something awesome"
  24. This is true for ni-cad setups, but Lithium Ion has brought a lot of good things to laptop battery tech. The 'pass through' system pretty much died with ni-cad, since it would cause lithium ion batteries to overheat and explode or fail. In almost all laptops, the battery charges independent of the laptop's power when plugged in. Also, the charging will stop when the battery is full. It may "trickle" charge, but it will not overcharge or damage the battery. Also, lithium ion batteries should not be deep cycled. In fact, deep cycles can actually destroy the battery by triggering the safety systems of the battery. Make sure to keep the battery cool. Check http://batteryuniversity.com/parttwo-34.htm for some other good tips.
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