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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. I've set my server back up, just add 'fireslash.net' to your favorites (or just connect to it); it's easier to remember than an IP Right now it's fairly vanilla, but feel free to use it for whatever. PM me if you want a map added or admin rights; I'm offering it as more of a sandbox for the community right now.
  2. This is fantastic. It builds a spine chilling atmosphere that is perfectly at home in Doom, while still being a proper remix of the original. I lurves it.
  3. Game guy showing off his bagate Bacon guy has perfected his portal gun Newton's has an itch Pow! Haha!
  4. I didn't notice any change to the base damage, but it seems like I crit a bit more. EDIT: In retrospect, perhaps it's more because of sniper jarate? Minigun + jarate = rape.
  5. All source engine games exhibit this behavior. It's not really a bug so much as a flaw in their method of drawing shadows. I don't expect to see this fixed in this incarnation of the source engine.
  6. Words alone cannot express how amazing this track is
  7. Did any rtvs go through? also it could be that the map list is cycled through randomly, and it simply restarted it's cycle somewhere in there.
  8. All of this is going straight to my iPod. So. Damn. Good.
  9. This shall be on loop for a while
  10. This, basically. Also, Meatball and I would never get to talk since we're always on separate teams, and he is required to apologize every 5 head shots on my heavy.
  11. Darke wrote something just before he locked your thread. You should read it.
  12. It's so easy to alter things just enough to be a similar, unique IP at the stage you're in. I understand you love the source; I've been there too. What I'm asking you to do is what I didn't: Sit down with reality and realize what you're doing is illegal, and fix that now before Nintendo fixes it for you via a C&D. You don't have to stop working on your project, just alter it enough to segregate your IP from theirs. There's no reason you can't have the same gameplay and art style with new, unique IP that doesn't infringe on Nintendo's. You're not borrowing any assets from MP anyway, so there's not a single good reason not to.
  13. Why invest so much time into a game that will most likely see a C&D order, when you could invest that same time into an original IP of your own that you could do whatever with? To qualify this statement so you know I'm not talking out of my ass; I spent 4 or so YEARS working on a game that did what you're doing, except on the Unreal engine, and for Total Annihilation. (link: http://ua.tauniverse.com/ ) In the end it was a waste of time. Even if we'd completely finished, it was a constant battle between keeping it faithful to the source and being creative. Also we had to deal with issues where engine differences made certain aspects difficult if not impossible. And when we did get a release out, all we got was bitching and whining about how it wasn't the same as the original. Do yourself a favor and just roll your own IP.
  14. Remove the <br%20> from the end of the url.
  15. I've updated the first post with links.
  16. Who still has copies of UT1 sitting around? I've been itching to play for a while, and I thought it'd be fun to mix it up a bit and play Strangelove 2. I can have a server up and running this sat/sun for some matches if there's interest. For the uneducated, Strangelove 2 is a UT mod that gives you just two weapons: A three mode pistol, and a nuclear missile launcher. But instead of the redeemer's targeting system, you Ride them. You can also hook up with a buddy to be your gunner, mow people down with them, and of course blow shit up. Demonstration: (Skip to 2:00 in unless you like long intros)Interested? You can get it here: http://0fus.beyondunreal.com/sl.php I'll also take requests for custom maps. Current list: CTF-Bollwerk105: http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks.php/nalicity/utctf/ctf-bollwerk105.zip Also make sure you've installed all official bonus and map packs.
  17. I'll be looping this for a little while
  18. The last keyboard I owned is as old as I am, I'll admit being a bit behind on such technology:<
  19. And I just bought the KeyStudio for $99 Good keyboard though, keys are smooth and it's velocity aware, pitch wheel feels good. It's all bus powered too, so no need to plug it in or scrounge for batteries.
  20. I wish you wouldn't used rapidshare (Waiting 15 min between files to compare changes sucks), tindeck is fine, or you can use my wip uploader (ocrwip.fireslash.net) The biggest thing that stands out to me is at 0:45, the guitars and drums don't line up at times. I think it's probably due to the drum pattern against the guitar, but perhaps someone can better explain it.
  21. It all makes sense now
  22. Valve has however stated before that they were unsatisfied with the achievement unlock system and were looking for alternative ways to unlock weapons. It will be interesting to see if that makes it into this update; and if so, how it will manifest.
  23. For those who missed it in IRC, I've thrown up a working psychostats install here: http://ocrstats.fireslash.net/ This covers all of the server logs, so it should be historically accurate, but it might differ from hlstats in ranking as the calculations are probably different. Anyway, check it out, let me know if you love/hate it.
  24. I'm running a secondary server if the bahamut's is full, or more likely to test out mods and maps before they get thrown into rotation. Right now I'm still doing lag testing though. Oh, I also got bored during lunch again. It's on a 5 minute cron, but I might file it down to 1min since the code ended up being a lot more lightweight than I thought.
  25. Nice work. I'll take a patch Also, if we need a second TF2 server, I think my server can hack it. It survived L4D, TF2 should be easy.
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