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Everything posted by Drayzon

  1. Alright, I'll try that - though it should run in Admin anyways. No, I already checked my folder options, and reset it to default just to see if that made a difference. It wasn't checked in the first place, and it isn't now. Thanks though. EDIT: Well, when I woke up this morning, everything was fixed - which is weird, because I didn't even shutdown last night. Thanks for all the help, though.
  2. No reason in particular, I was just busy. I just finished one though, and it did find something - but removing it didn't fix the problem. And I highly doubt it's the hard drive - I just got this laptop back with a brand new one not even a month ago after my old one crashed. And it's not like I'm having trouble accessing any other folders - just my Computer menu, and my thumbnails just don't load. EDIT: Also, if I have my start menu set to display computer as a menu, that works just fine - it just doesn't work if I have it as a link.
  3. So I've looked around on the interwebs for a while, and I can't find anyone with a problem even slightly like this. My folders don't load properly anymore in Windows Explorer. It started with a sample pack that wouldn't copy at all, and as of now, I am unable to delete it even with the command prompt. Instead, when I go to view the folder (and now, any folder), the green bar in the address bar fills up VERY slowly to about 90%, and then freezes. Windows Explorer has been really slow as a result, and none of my thumbnails load anymore. This isn't a critical issue, but it's certainly a problem. I still need to run a scan with Malware Bytes, but I'm putting it off until I'm certain that's what I need to do. So is there anyone out there who knows how to fix this - or at least put me in the right direction? EDIT: Aaaaaaand now my Computer folder doesn't load. If I type C:\ into the address bar I get there fine, but just going to my Computer folder gives me the same problem - my address bar gets to about 90% full, and then just hangs.
  4. Cool, I can wait.
  5. Awesome. Any chance of a 320kbps download?
  6. Oh, duh. How'd I miss that? Your welcome, tho.
  7. Well, you can import the MIDI channels separately, by the steps I posted above (there should be a drop-down menu to choose which channel you want), and then just put separate channels in different patterns/instruments. So for each MIDI, go to Piano Roll --> Piano Roll Menu --> File --> Import MIDI File, choose the MIDI you want, choose which track you want from the drop-down, and then rinse and repeat for each track in a different channel or pattern.
  8. You can import a midi individually by: Piano Roll --> Piano Roll Menu --> File --> Import MIDI File. This places all of the Midi in one piano roll. You can also import MIDI by going the the FL Menu --> Import --> MIDI, but this automatically replaces your current project with just the MIDI.
  9. Very solid mix. EQing is good, all the instruments mesh well, and the arrangement is nice. I've just got a few suggestions: As modus said, the sidechained pads (and the pads in the beginning) are a little bit distracting. Maybe drop them an octave, or use some surgical EQ to take out some of the really loud frequencies. The hi hat pattern, while cool, was also kind of distracting. I'd say, keep it in the offbeat pattern for eight bars or so, and then resolve it into a typical trance pattern. Maybe mess with the vocals a bit? They kind of carry the whole track, but there's nothing different the second time through. Other than that, spot on remix.
  10. An ambient original I finished recently. http://soundcloud.com/dj-g-ram-1/lazy-sundays Love it? Hate it? Don't care?
  11. Good points, but I should add that it is totally legal for ISPs to block websites if they want to. It's just that the government can't require them to do so.
  12. I saw something like this a little while ago, but I hadn't realized how far along it was. Signed.
  13. I only played Sly 2, so I can't speak for the rest of them, but I really liked it. The overarching story was pretty good, but the heists in each chapter were FANTASTIC, with the kind of intricate genius any good heist movie/book/game needs. The games were plenty mature enough to be enjoyable, and there was no pandering to the younger audiences. The gameplay and art style were equally awesome. Sadly, I lent it to a friend a while ago and never got it back, so my opinions are a few years old.
  14. Even better.
  15. YES YES YES. Downloading now
  16. AkumajoBelmont - Water on the Dancefloor Unless I'm mistaken, and this got a non-WIP release at some point.
  17. Tearing it up again, man. Keep it up.
  18. +1. I don't know, while I love it when auto-tune is abused consciously, something about Ke$ha just really annoys me. I think it's like Lady Gaga - while I don't hate her music, I don't find the persona in the least bit appealing. On the other hand, her stuff is still catchy as hell.
  19. Rhythms, definitely. Though I would check your subs too, so your rhythms don't end up overpowering them.
  20. While I'm not sure how it would help with this problem in particular, I know that in order to get the FLAC frontend to do anything for me I had to choose to run it as an administrator (even though I'm on an admin account). I can't think of why it would help her, but it's still worth a shot.
  21. There's more stuff up in general, but I really felt like sharing this latest track - a more chilled version of Strobe by Deadmau5. It's still very rough, and the 'verb on the piano needs lots of tweaking, but I think it turned out pretty well. Critique is, as always, appreciated.
  22. That's pretty awesome. The only advice I'd give is the make the bass a little clearer - it's pretty hard to make out, especially after the 1st drop. I'd say either make it louder, or just double it an octave higher.
  23. /facepalm Sorry, I forgot which forum I was in. In all seriousness, I'd suggest this solution. The problem of getting it re-centered could be solved by editing events for each pattern that uses that instrument and just resetting it to 50% by drawing it in. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's really simple. EDIT: Actually, depending on the plugin/sample, you should just be able to go into the INS tab of the channel window and set a panning LFO there. Then, automate the AMT knob and drop it back to 50% when you need to turn off the panning.
  24. What DAW are you using? Plenty of DAWs can automate panning on a single channel automatically.
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