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Posts posted by Halt

  1. So, my situation is this — I'm a career musician (primarily a vocalist), so I've got a good foundation in the art itself. I've written a good amount of scored music, and I actively listen to a number of genres.

    I would love to work more with electronic music (maybe someday submit an OCR!) but I'm stumped. The tutorials and guides I've read here seem mostly focused on buying gear, or improving a project that you've already figured out how to start. But every time I open my DAW, I am overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of it, and my eyes go all googly. :shock:

    I'm amazed by the talent and hard work that is evident in so much of the music I've listened to on this site, so I'll throw this question out there — how did you get started with electronic music? Did you have a friend who showed you the ropes? Did you take a class? Did you read some books? A n00b-friendly website? Did you just sit down at the computer and exercise god-like patience until you got it right?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for any feedback you can offer!


    PS: I hope I haven't violated the "don't ask questions about getting started" policy that seems to be in effect... I have tried with the on-site tutorials. I don't expect anybody to hold my hand through the entire learning process, but I would dearly love to know what some of you did when you were close to where I'm at now.

    What I did, even though I'm not a posted remixer, I feel I have learned alot in the months I've been practicing with FL Studio (My Current DAW). What I did first is I sat down. pretty much messed with it learned what this and that do, how to maniulate it, looked in the manuals, and got help from the forums when things stumped me.

    You don't HAVE to have alot of equipment to get started with electronic music. For sounds, theres soundfonts, you could browse the web for, or pick up a copy of Electronic Musician, which comes with free software, and wav sounds for you to use.

    Also, check out zircons tutorials check the tutorial thread too if you havent already and


    Practice is a key into learning your DAW. You might find it confusing for a while but as you start messing with it and such, you'll learn its controls, how to use them, manipulate them ect. I messed with FL for 3 or so months before I even bought it :P (I'm still not anywere great in using it :P)

  2. Uh, there's been hype? I must be visiting the wrong parts of the internet, because I've heard no excitement other than, "Hey, it looks cool" when the occasional trailer pops out. And last I heard, it won't be out until 2010.

    2010? Weird... could have sworn i heard fall 09. I guess we'll find out in time I suppose.

  3. so, who else is starting to get excited about this? personally, i'll be preordering pretty much as soon as the different packages are announced. it's supposed to be early next year - i'm hoping on putting christmas money towards it.

    Last I knew, its coming out in the fall. I may pre-order it too. I've waited a long time for the Final Fantasy franchise to come over to Microsofts consel. I just cannot wait.

    Anybody know any huge details on the story-line? or has it nothing been released?

  4. Have you ever been to an OHC? Haha, it's a riot but the mixes are almost always a complete and total joke.

    This is true, rofl. Nekos song from a recent OHC is bad ass its hilarious. its all fun and games, but kinda just for some practice, is what its aimed at. to get better :P

  5. ....well, I guess maybe I wasn't overconfident after all.

    Thank you all for your input. Much appreciated.

    EDIT: I hate iPod speakers.

    Zune's are so so so much better. Best headphones ever, Literally.

    I disagree. within the first 3 months of my zune headphones I blew them, they just crackled for 2 secs and bzzzzzzzzzz, Gone. Done. My Sennheiser 280Pros and my $10 pair of sony ear buds work great. I'd reconsider anything but zune headphones...

  6. Quite a number of DAWs are not compatible with Mac computers if I remember correctly.

    Also I don't remember most of the plugins I got being Mac compatible but maybe I was not being attentive.

    You can always dual-boot the mac Luke. thats what alot of people do.

    Hell, I was thinking about getting a Mac laptop, or a MacBook Pro. If I do. I plan to dual-boot it so I can run FL on it.

  7. When you think about it, though, that's a pretty insidious way to design a virus.

    Someone says "There's this worm going around that's supposed to activate on April Fools Day!" And then, oops, it's a genuine threat and nobody paid any attention because they assumed it was just a joke.

    Yeah it is. It could get alot of people fucked over in the long run too. Something I hope does not happen to anyone from OC ReMix

  8. Lately, every time I start to compose. I get a good bass line going, but then when it gets into the lead. none of my sounds can match what I want the piece to sound like. Now. I know there are soundfonts and such out there.

    Thing is. I've been working on an electronic style track, I simply don't have the sounds to do do so.

    Does Independence free have a good source of electronic sounds? because thats what I need..

    If you can route me some more options, that'd be great.

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