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Posts posted by Halt

  1. Nuiboso, it was exported in midi, because Sonar has a midi sequencer, plus, george used GM for this, so of course it will be a .mid nobody ever said anything about submiting a midi. this is the wip boards. hes new, I don't have to be a posted remixer to be a remixer either. I might not be a posted one. But thats beside the point.

    and nobody says you CAN'T make a remix in GM. Also, I think he just re-exported it as an mp3. .

    Anyways, more on topic, george is going to rework the thing. ect ect.

  2. Well...as I saw this thread I thought to myself...."Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right.

    This isn't really a remix. You've added a techno beat below the very well known mario theme song and that's about it.

    I mean...I hear the small original parts like at 1:40 and at the end, but a few notes in an otherwise almost copy of the theme song isn't going to be counted as a remix.

    Pretty much sounds like you just imported the original mp3 theme song and sprinkled a few things over it.

    Sorry man, and I'm not trying to sound like an asshole or to discourage you from trying to remix things, but you've got a long way to go before you get into the area of acceptable remixes.

    Like I said, I'm not telling you to stop......what's that famous saying, a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step....so start walkin :D

    but yeah, if I uploaded my first beats and showed you my beats today (many years later) you'd see where I'm coming from...my first ones were CRRAAAAP, so don't worry about it man. Practice and the skills will come with time.

    Bahaha. Your silly. I'm far from the best remixer here. But I can tell you he uses Sonar 6. which works alot with midi. He just couldn't figure out how to export it to mp3 format. He has now.

    Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right.

    Sorry to bust your balls, but your wrong there. Where your right, is. He must have misunderstood what it is to "ReMix" when I talked to him. He used the melody I guess, told him not to :P but hey, hes new and such, and one hell of a pianist.

    Just a misunderstanding is all. ;P

  3. I can't read the article (firewalled here) but two Earthbound songs I remember off the top of my head are the drug store music (When I'm Sixty-Four) and the game over music (Livin' on the Edge).

    haha same here. Silly school blocks, I'm being watched by 'SyncronEyes" is what my school uses, So I'm not gonna by-pass anything right now :P. I'll wait until I get home. I'm very interested to see this though.

  4. Looking deeper into the topic KyleJCrb posted back early on, and it looks like the whole dig is legit.


    I don't know about the whole OCR v. Zeality shenanigans, but it sure sounds like you all hate him. I dunno who the hell he is, all I know is that he's involved with this CE project.

    I doubt its legit from what I'm hear about him, there's reasons they dislike him, reasons why this isn't legit.

  5. Is it possible to get a genuine female voice tone from a male tone in FL studio? If so I have no idea how to do it, and just changing the pitch won't work. If anyone has any suggestions, please post.

    Hm. Not sure, but if its vocals you need. Theres a handfull of people here, guys and girls alike, that would do them for you, but of course, you would need to give them credit.

    Zephyr might know, thought I'd give you another option.

  6. Ya, the song at the end was more to demonstrate what it sounds like more than to sound good. It's tinny because I am eq'ing out the bass - I have a nasty buzz with my setup right now. I suppose maybe I could invest in a better mic, I'm using my TF2 Headset mic right now, it's what I've got on me.

    Also, I plan to do a new one for FL 9 when it comes out, but seeing as it's only beta right now, it would probably just confuse people who are unaware of the beta.

    Nice tutorial, I'll definitely have to check it out, when I can find some time. FL9 <3. Cannot wait for that to get out of beta.

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