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Posts posted by Halt

  1. Be a better person, was my last years goal. As it turned out, I just quit giving a damn. Had some problems with some people, and yeah. I believe i became a better person. I never used to try to help people very often. Now I do, although I still get called an ass for taking life for what it is, it is what it is, ya know?

    but for Oh'10 My GOALS are: (yeah i have more then one!)

    - Learn to play the guitar

    - Learn song structure

    - Better Social skills, in the sense of just being able to talk to be and not feel so damn awkward. Its a work in progress. :)

    - Get along with my brother Thomas better, Hope this happens someday.

  2. LAOS, you need to bring Diotrans and Sinwav in on this, for it will be glorious!!

    So far I have sorta worked out DA's part in a video for Rhymes with Elixer.

    It would require blue body paint, dry ice, bikinis, and a slow pan from the floor up.


    We all know when Brushfire gets involved with things, it turns out hilariously awesome. And by that I mean, its funny AND awesome. Best combo ever.

    I too like this whole idea of a music video though. And I vote brushfire for videocamera man. hahaha

  3. Sale:

    Nvidia 7800GTX, used, a little dusty, but works just fine (I pulled it out of my computer tonight). Ships in not-original box and comes with 1 DVI <--> VGA adaptor. $30 + shipping (haven't checked yet), PM me for details.

    I got a friend who might want that.

  4. Hey guys. I'd just like to say something. Honestly, this show is a HUGE stress reliever for me. You guys make me laugh, smile, and play kickass music. When Stevo said this is an awesome community. He's right.

    So, thanks for making my normally shitty weeks awesome. :]

    Best god damn podcast ever. PICS will be taken at MAG, and even though i hate pictures, i will try to get lots of pics with ocr people :3. Thanks again guys, So stressed out with finals and shit, made my weekend a little bit easier. Don't stop this PodCast!

  5. Probably. I just don't get how ppl can be ok with it tho. For me it just shows lack of skill. I don't care if I get my butt kicked but not by someone just camping in a corner of a map. Just takes all the fun out of a good match :/

    You know what I do, when that happens on CoD, which is where i see that happening the most, is simply just show them up, its not hard to position your self with a cooked grenade, or a rifle and pick them off, and then just tell your team mates. Camping is fixable. :)

  6. It's been a grand long time since I went on Battle.net' date=' but I remember most players being a good sport, especially since Blizzard runs a pretty tight ship.

    But like I said, that was long ago, pre WoW. Anyone still use Battle.net for any games, and how's the player base there?

    I think part of the issue is also age of the players. I had friends comparing Left4Dead on Steam and XBox, and how they couldn't stand the XBox players. They noticed encountering generally older players on the PC, while kids tend to play the console version. They blamed that as a main reason for the difference in behavior.[/quote']

    Well, i can see this being logical since alot of PC gamers build their PCs, as i did too. With a pre-built on XBox kids just plug and play. not as quick and easy on pc, but yeah I agree.

  7. I cry when I get a mochi or a suezo in Monster rancher 2

    Holy Damn. I played one of the Monster Ranchers as a kid, god, thats a name i haven't heard years.

    I was playing chrono cross, JUST beat the entire dead sea part, then my little brother threw my memory card in a pool, it sat there for hours. i thought "Hey my ps1 memory card has went through the wash dozens of times, I stick it in, and as i look at my save files, everything was gone. I'm currently using this card for CC again. and this incident not only happened years ago. but with multiple times, and this card which is in my ps2 infront of me, still works.. (he also threw ps2 cards in his little pool) But yeah I cried. I tried to get back to that point and failed. i think im currently back to where i was though now. Sad day indeed ;[

  8. T-Shirts: Adult Medium

    Music: Well, I like Rock, Hard Rock, Any kind of Metal, some Punk, and anything thats not Country or Rap. Not too picky about my music either.

    Games: All I own is a PS1, PS2, Sega Genesis, and my PC for heavy gaming.

    TV/Movies: Anything hilarious, Actiony, I like some anime, my main focus on my movie collection is badassery and comedy.

    Hobbies: Hm. I like fun stuff that will entertain me for hours? Music equipment like my guitar and such, I like doing things outside, paintballing is a big one, and hunting, I also LOVE fishing. Bass fishing to be exact.

    Other info: Like the person I stole this template from, I to may be moving out soon. Its on the rocks, nothing set in stone just yet. Getting a gift completely unrelated to any of this is fine by me. I'd be happy with almost anything.

    - Halt

  9. I'm brand new to the forums but I've been a fan of OD remix for a couple years now, ever since I heard Voices of the Lifestream.

    I have a musical background and am also interested in Sound Engineering/mixing/editing.

    What's a good way to get started doing a mix for this site? I have a Macbook pro and would appreciate some recommendations for programs that would help a beginner. Thanks in advance!

    Well, if you mean DAWs, start trying out some, like FL studio, Sonar, Reason, Pro Tools. REAPER. And try to figure out which works best for your workflow. experiment! Welcome to OverClocked ReMix!

  10. I don't get it.... but yes, I will get this episode out ASAP. If I'm lucky, the amount of bleeps will only take me half a century to do, and I may just give-up on it halfway through the thing.

    It went a little longer than planned, but it usually does. Less songs to play though, so I'll try to keep the mix only at around an hour and 30 minutes.

    There's another special guest on there, and you all should make her feel welcome! SHE'S NEW TO OCR!

    I have an idea who it is... but I'm not going to say, just in case I am right. Hopefully I have time to listen to this, Been so busy with friends, that I've had no time for my self xP

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