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Posts posted by Halt

  1. Well I did something to my shoulder. I've been noticing it when I push my car door open. Like, wow, am I getting weak cuz it's a bit hard to push the door open? Nope, just pain. Yesterday was pretty bad. Pain when I raise arm out to shoulder level height. Not sure if it's rotator cuff something or other. Before I freak out and go to the doc I'm going to discontinue the exercises that hurt in their range of motion, particularly pullups. That's my best guess as to the cause, since I just started doing weighted and explosive pullups. Let's see if it'll get better if I'm careful in my range of motion.

    A guy I know recently wrecked his rotator cuff, and he explained that he could only lift it to about shoulder level, usually less.

    But I'm no doctor, but I'd probably stop all weight-training until you get that checked out. Not worth the risk of making it worse.

  2. Building muscle without heavier weights is hard, particularly for the lower body which can handle much larger loads. Upper body you can make some progress with bodyweight movements like pushups, handstands, dips, and pullups. Definitely consider getting a pullup bar, one of those door mounted ones is like $20.

    I've never used bands so I'm not sure how effective those are or what to do with them

    For losing weight I think kettlebells are amazing, dunno if this is true for most people but it seems like doing a ton of swings makes me lose fat a lot more quickly than any other kind of cardio I've done

    Well, I have a set of the Bodylastics, max weight of them is 142lbs. You can link multiple bands together to the handles via d-links, think mountain climbing.

    Have any recommendations for a pullup bar? I don't have a frame around my door right now, so yeah lol.

  3. P90X is not geared much towards muscle-building, no, contrary to their claims. The people in the commercials were already muscular. Their 90 day transformation is nothing but a typical weight cut which all lifters undergo after a bulking cycle. They just shed the fat covering their muscles due in part to P90X's cardio.

    Well yeah, I was well aware that they were mostly already fit. I need to lose some fat anyways, so for the time being it's okay. But after I reach that goal, I can't afford a gym membership.

    It's either healthy food, or a gym membership. :/.

    My equipment consists of a set of bodylastic resistance bands 146lb max. (I plan to pick up the 30lb band to extend the weight.) A set of 20lb DBs, and soon a 20lb kettleball.

    So what's a guy to do when he has no room for barbells or anything of the sort to build muscle with the said equipment?

  4. I'm extremely jealous of my friend, his before and after pictures are pretty inspiring. I've been mulling over getting back into shape. Last night kinda pushed me over the edge when I reached for that bag of chips and realized "Shit Halt, there was a time when you'd eat anything but chips, candy, junk foods."

    So I'm starting p90x again! Stopped after I was in a car accident a couple years ago.

    My schedule is never consistent (The life of a retail worker.) So I'm picking up some bands, and have a couple free weights already. I figure I'll do p90x the days I don't work, and fashion something else with the bands when I do work.

    It's something right? And this fitocracy seems radical.

  5. w.r.t. the setting, I won't settle for anything less than Planescape.

    Looks pretty interesting. We don't need like all the boxsets and stuff right? You just want to use the basic setting of Planescape?

    I suppose you'll have to suggest it to whoever will be DMing and such. We'd be working around the DM's schedules I believe too.

    So if anyone knows 3.5e and would like to DM, let us know.

  6. Arrow and I were talking about this. We are both experienced mIRCscript coders. It is possible - nay, quite easy in fact! - to make a bot that can handle ALL of this stuff. Character inventory, stat sheets, combat tracking, dice rolls, you name it. We used to love that stuff. I've never done DND specifically but I would like to take a shot at it. Maybe after Christmas?

    I've seen some bots like that before. There is a channel on espernet I setup for communication purposes that I'm lazily setting up. #D&D

    I figured it'd be much easier to come together and decided what's going on, or whatever, schedules, time, dates, whatever.

    MaxFrost showed me this: http://tabletopforge.com/

    Looks pretty cool.

    Also, I'm still going to recommend D&D 3.5 as some people said it's more roleplaying compared to 4e and I happen to agree with that as well.

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