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Everything posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. u lucky u made this post, because my first respost was probably going to get me banned. i like your music so we coo. anyways, yeah, my point was this thread turned from being a discussion as to why people cool with having internet ppl in their house, and now it's a giant circlejerk. I mean it's cool meeting some internet people but I guess I'm more of a laid back person when it comes to that topic. It's great that they make good music and shit, but I'd much rather leave internet to internet and just hang out with the real person and have a good time doing fun stuff. But like the thread started off saying, most of my meetups are with respectfully cool dudes, and I've been lucky in that chance. I'm kind of excited for baha's shindig so I can see how OCR stand up to the "non-ocr" site in relative terms of cool dudes. I also plan on getting baha ridiculously drunk :3
  2. I remember when this was a good thread. Before all of the LOL's. (seriously stay the fuck away from my house)
  3. Got the game running from a specific fix on an unreleased emulator. I plan on buying this now. You should too. Pretty much the only downside is the movement, which isn't bad at all, but that's about the only complaint I've heard so far. (you move by pointing the stylus in the direction/location of where you want to go)
  4. I'll share this with you.
  5. That was in a hotel lobby. We drank later. Plus a couple of us (me included) are under 21, thus, drinking is a bad thing to do in public. Also I do not trust anyone from GenDisc that I have not played TF2 with.
  6. damn straight motherfucker they put me in the game. I'm still not sure if I want to buy this, since it seems the novelty would wear off and then I wouldn't play it anymore. still trying to play the rom but hard to do with the shitty emulators they have out there (I don't have an R4 or M3 or whatever else there is)
  7. I don't know what the fuck they are talking about waiting for an hour. Probably an achievement or some xbox bullshit. It's a fun playthrough. It's a 2D puzzler, with an interesting enough twist to keep you hanging on. Each world is different and challenging. But again, it's a 2D puzzler. Don't like those, you won't like this. If there's a demo, get that. Also replay value = speedruns, and that's it. Maybe nostalgia of how fun it was but yeah. Except world 2. You will always hate world 2. also I thought you were gollagahagagaga so you got an actual response. consider yourself lucky
  8. I might buy this.
  9. http://store.steampowered.com/app/26800/ Braid, $5. If you don't have it, you better fucking get it.
  10. i'm cool with sniper limits. 2 snipers is all a team should ever have. sure it sucks if you want to snipe and can't because there's some douchebags sniping, but that's when you abuse admins and kick them so you can play but yeah don't class limit anything more than that. every other class (besides maybe scoot and medic, depending on the map) can still win if everyone is that class, or if too many people are that class. sure, nobody would like to win that way, but yeah, it's possible. don't even try to say it's possible as a sniper. just look at sniperfort. half the team is snipers and it takes one demoman or soldier to take them all out.
  11. Apparently I spilled something on my keyboard yesterday...my keys are so sticky. Also class limits are stupid.
  12. So apparently I was playing tf2 last night. Huh. My bad. :3
  13. Really the whole thing behind this "trust" can be summed up simply. Internet != rl People can be dicks on the internet and be the coolest people you'll ever meet at a meet-up. I've heard rumors that atmuh is a pretty cool dude. Also the whole thing about there being more than one of you in a group, so naturally if one dude decides to fuck shit up, the rest of the group would probably decide to a) stop the person from doing that, or fuck that person's shit up. Plus being in a community setting long enough, you tend to understand that no predators and generally fucked up people aren't going to hang out this long for a chance to go to a meet-up and mess with people. If they do, go back to previous point where this would be pretty impossible. Not only that, but I'm sure at some point there's been legitimate contact via IRC or AIM or PM or something where the person sheds their internet and starts talking like a real person, so there's some trust formed there. Finally, what eula said, I go to meet-ups with cool people, so I'm generally not worried. I've never been to an OCR meet-up, but I have been to the last two "OCR affiliated" chicago meet-ups, and those are seriously the best thing. It could be because we have a lot of chicago locals that know what to do when people come in, or just we are really cool people. I can only assume the latter. chill dudes bein' chill and shit. (for this meet-up, we split two hotel room's and supremespleen's dorm room up for all the housing)
  14. Rambo came and fixed it right after you left btw.Also seriously why the fuck is yukon still on the rotation. That map barely gets one round before it gets rtved.
  15. this thread lololololololololol :tomatoface::tomatoface:
  16. soo much animu it hurts brush if that is your room i think i'm going to have to rethink our friendship
  17. I could keep updating this if people want but really by now those interested should have gotten steam and should be getting these updates by themselves. So yeah keep updating y/n?
  18. Oh I wasn't talking about my social life. Now that I'm back on campus I doubt I'll be playing Friday or Saturday unless I'm incredibly drunk and/or I'm about to get incredibly drunk and am just killing some time. And with me joining the ultimate team, I'll be away at tournaments and the such, limiting my weekend playtime to pretty much none. I was talking about during the week. Just too much homework/studying/early classes that by the time I could plausibly hop on the server, I should be getting to bed. I know sleep is for the weak, but when you're on a team, sleep is pretty much the only thing that keeps your muscles from falling off.
  19. Haven't been playing due to real life and college, and no idea when I will be back. Might jump on sporadically (like the 5 minutes I played last night, but then there was hurr durr going on so I left), but I've become very involved in campus this year, so that's probably all I'll be able to do for the next month or two.
  20. i know you just wanted me there so the real party can happen it's okay i <3 u too baha
  21. baha i invited a gurrrrl to your party so it's not just a bunch of dudes (i was in ISR eatin lunch and then i saw this girl wearing an OCR shirt so I figured I should say hi so i did) (sarah i think her name was but she's a lurker here. also bumping so she can see it and stuff)
  22. you defeated his point. his only argument left is to try and kill your credibility before anyone notices he's wrong. also what the fuck this isn't hipster tf2. quit complaining about the popular maps. they're popular because they are good. go start that other ocr server where you can listen to your weird experimental shit and talk about how much better these maps are because they are making a point about how the developers have sold out and are now to focused on fun and not on actually gameplay so have fun with pl_demostandingstillstaringatawall or cp_thisreallydoesn'thaveanythingtodowithtf2andthemapsucksandi'mjustplayingthisironicallytoproveapointthatitreallyisn'talwaysaboutthegameman while i'm having fun.
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