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Everything posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. man why did remod has to go and be lame. now i'm going to have to post here. (jk, but i'll be tf2in later, round 12am CST so year, hopefully see y'all round) but seriously
  2. They are pretty good. They're the reason why I play on atmuh's server. Also, [mexico] isn't a real clan. If you noticed, a lot of them changed it upon coming in. Just so you know. But yeah, I like them for the most part, but this wasn't atmuh's server or FA. So I had to try and kick them out when even I got annoyed (I can only take so much shamwow)
  3. Yeah it was filling up pretty nicely (pubs, with a few old faces). Then I saw a bunch of [mexico] tags, then a couple familiar names (from atmuh's server). They weren't too bad at start. I left to go play a round or two with a friend, then came back and they were micspaming. Couldn't do much to stop it, though by that time it looked like it was just mostly them, windstrike, one of the zuz's guys, and martian. It sucked but oh well. It was nice to see so many randoms on there, even though they really liked to talk a lot...
  4. (iz just trolllin) But yeah, /v/ invaded the server later in the night. I couldn't do anything besides try and kickvote/banvote them, and with the amount they had in there it would be pointless. I got sick of them at the end, so I just kept switching the map after about 2 minutes of play. It was just them by then (well, martian was there for a while), so it didn't hurt any pubs. Also, windstrike, you're kind of annoying.
  5. zuz is fgts. (also I would like to see you and sp have a scoootan duel. That would be fun to watch.
  6. this Every time I look to play I see a couple people in the server and I am excited. Then I go to load the game and see the updated server and nobody is in it. It's heartbreaking.
  7. I think the patch is perfect (minus the scout bat, but that is pretty obvious). Nice job man.
  8. No really, what? That's not even...what?
  9. I can't wait for the day I run into Baha on campus, solely because I recognize him from the patch. (sadly, I'm done with math at college, so yeah, that might not be happening anytime soon )
  10. This. Also, I don't see the point in playing this server at home, since in two days I will be back to school, and will add it there. I can't wait to be able to play again. I missed it so.
  11. I hope I'm still on the patch list. I'm too lazy to look back. Also, again, Baha, donations will start when I get back to school ...
  12. It's not complicated, just do my plan Anyways, Saturday has turned into Star Wars RPG night for me, so I doubt I'll make the OCR Saturdays anymore. Then again, this is going to be moved to once every two weeks, so maybe I'll switch off between the two...
  13. Hey, maybe instead of posting here YOU SHOULD PUT IN YOUR ORDERS HUH <3
  14. I got my old machine, with an actual graphics card, back running again, so I should be back to playing. Now it's just the shitty connection that will be killing me, so that'll be at least somewhat tolerable.
  15. Don't like arena either then, do you? Hydro can be fun. Depends on the night, and the people on the server.
  16. Woo people playing! The graphics were actually bearable for a while with the people there. Also, best map:
  17. god effef u suk u such a remodder why don't u just gtfo and go poast like atmuh or smth. I'd be up for playing, but my lack of a playable game makes it hard to, well, play. I'll be there in spirit!
  18. Cry some more. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA People are just going where ever there are other people. Atmuh's server has generally two communities (this and remod) feeding into it, plus the commentor nights are just getting legendary. Get a group of your friends to join the ocr server, and maybe more people will join up. It might take a couple nights of trying, but eventually everyone will come on, and it'll be full. (i just have more fun on atmuhs cause i has adminsish~)
  19. I am lucky that i only have about 20 more days left of shitty tf2. hopefully I won't get to play on some shitty drama-filler server coming back. >.< (then again micspam doesnt bother me, muting takes a second if it does, and i'm generally never a stickler for the rules. from what i've read, somebody joining then swiftly banning would probably piss me off to no ends. just my opinion, but i wasn't there, and that was probably a pretty one-sided account)
  20. Crappy graphics make me angry, so I'm sorry if I'm a dickwad or trolling for the next couple of weeks. Gah, I don't see most of my deaths anymore, they just happen. How do people play like this?
  21. This. Best part of a map change. Gets my carnal "lets put FF on" out of my system, and then I'm ready for some serious tf2in'. Hey xerol post more screencaps, those contribute nicely to the thread, and are incredibly interesting and insightful! I did not know a spy, sniper, or scout could do any of that, thank you!
  22. tf1 is best tf2 is teh sux god flashy grafix dont make a gam u all dum dum heads.
  23. Oh, I probably should have said this. I'm back home, and since I still get about 30 fps when everything is on low and an 800x600 resolution, on top of a shitty connection, it makes playing this game annoying. Still a pretty good pyro tho . I should be back whenever school gets back in session, and I'll be back a lot more frequently since my course load for next semester is incredibly light. I'll try to make OCR saturdays as often as I'm making atmuh's arena awesome fridays (which, as the title suggest, are awesome, and commentated, and no micspam!), but there's no promises. Baha, I'll probably be sending my renewment for slot-reservation in january, when I get back to the university. Happy holidays everyone!
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