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Everything posted by Keerarae

  1. Please finish this. Pretty please? =D It's soo good. I love your work PrototypeRaptor.
  2. I really liked this remix. I would love to hear a finished version.
  3. Where's the link? Edit: Tindeck was blocked for some reason. Sorry for this post.
  4. I like this but the quality of youtube makes my ears bleed sadness =/ A DL link would be great.
  5. I look forward to hearing more of this. I really enjoyed it. At the end organ, it sounds like you could transition right into a full blown organ piece. Just my inexperienced, lurking since the site existed, someday remixer 2 cents.
  6. Please please please please finish this. It's amazing.
  7. I dunno what to call it but whatever the constant low bass is in the background just doesn't sound right. It's almost painful to my ears. Your versions 11 1 and 12 C sounded the best to me. Personally I like 11 1 better but I have both versions saved so I can listen to both I do feel that the bass in the background takes away from the rest of the song. It doesn't feel like it should be there. Hope that helps.
  8. So good I kinda made a 15 min version of it and I've been kinda listening to it all week XD
  9. I absolutely love this mix. I've been listening to it for 2 days straight now and I can't wait for it to be done. Good work man, good work.
  10. I really like this. Excellent job sir.
  11. I really like this song but there sounds like there are pops or some sort of interference on the louder parts of the song. I'd really like to be able to listen to it more but those noises just make it unbearable.
  12. This mix is absolutely wonderful. I really like the melody changes you did. This is going straight to my favorites folder. I do agree that it was quite short. I also felt the first appearance of the vocals was very much overpowering. I liked them more when I heard them a second time. As soon as I heard this song I knew I had to make it longer. I only edit songs I really enjoy and this is most certainly one of 'em. So here they are: Final_Fantasy_6_TimeShock_OC_ReMix [Keer's Edit].mp3 I took out the vocals for this first one. I really liked hearing them a second time but I simply could not keep them or the song just did not flow right and didn't keep its amazing sound. Final_Fantasy_6_TimeShock_OC_ReMix [Keer's Edit {Longer v1}].mp3 I took the track and added it to the end with a simple fadeout in the begging of the added track. Final_Fantasy_6_TimeShock_OC_ReMix [Keer's Edit {Longer v2}].mp3 Similar to version 1 except the intro and part of the beginning is not used to make it longer. Final_Fantasy_6_TimeShock_OC_ReMix [Keer's Edit {Longer v3}].mp3 Version 3 combines what I did for versions 1 and 2. I did not post these as a promotion of my own work but because I enjoyed the song so much I felt they deserved to be shared and this felt like the place to do it.
  13. I don't have enough skill in music to really give you good feedback but I do know when something sounds good and this most certainly does. Even if it doesn't make it on OCR I think it's a wonderful adaption of the song. Excellent piano playing btw.
  14. I really hope you bring those vocals back that you had in the intro of the first song. I love hearing that warcraft guy in songs and it added a nice touch to the beginning.
  15. This theme is one of my absolute favorites and I love to hear remixes of it. This, by far, is the most unique remix of this song I have heard to date. I really enjoy it. Excellent job.
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