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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Oh Willrock- you're SLY, your Visitor Messages you do SPY and to my rhymes you REPLY. I'll admit- nice TRY, however not better than I. Still, Proto must DIE? Do you, my life, DENY? Will- are you not my ALLY? I'll let this one BY, but if you threaten that I shall DIE, I will be forced to make you CRY until your tears run DRY- AND THEN I SHALL PULL OUT YOUR EYE.....S.

    Also, Proto likes Cheesecake more.

  2. All publicity is good publicity. Game sold well due to hype. Violent films are just as bad. The media will always find something to talk about.

    Why you hate it makes no sense, as I said before, you're hating it because of someone else's misunderstanding. You're going 'round in circles here dude.

  3. Oh silly WILL, don't get fussed, just CHILL. I realise that you don't have my SKILL, but why are you all up in my GRILL? Is there a reason that it is I that you want to KILL? So come on tell me, SPILL!

  4. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  5. Well hey there HALC, how're you doing in PAWNEE? It's you I'd like to SEE, but, RECENTLY, I've been extremely BUSY- so please don't hate on ME (you seem nice, I'm sure you'd AGREE). So anyway, I must FLEE, however I do GUARENTEE that soon I'll send you a sonic sax MP3.

  6. I have had a half finished text to you for most of the day.

    I KEEP getting interrupted by some event. I will finish it RIGHT NOW.

  7. Why hello EMUNATOR, erm, why, you couldn't be GREATER- unless you were a zoo CURATOR. Then, you could capture an ALIGATOR and make it your personal WAITER. Just make sure it's not a person HATER, because then it might become a TRAITOR and then it'll bite OFF YOUR FACE.

    No seriously, your name is awkward at rhyming.

  8. Damn right honey.

    Also, I r nawt un ur frend list.

  9. I don't know, ask a mod or something.

    But before closing your account, have you ever considered actually making music? ;D

  10. Exactly 3,000 pageviews! You must be very proud.

  11. SO BROKEN. I miss the little " + " next to your name. It meant so much... But... Alas... No more.

  12. I R ON MSN J00 SILLEH NUGGET. Ah well, perhaps you'll show up soonish.

  13. I would usually flag this kinda stuff as nonsense... But the staring blue eye compels me to believe it's real- it can see through me.

    I'll get to the fridge right away.

  14. Will's wrong. You're EmuNATOR. Meaning you like to pretend to be birds by emulating the way they move and think.


  15. Mwahahahahaha! Bring it on L!

  16. Dude, fekkin' awsum wurk on 225. I hadn't really listened to the end bit properly and after a solid hour on repeat I've not realised just HOW GOOD it is.

  17. Sure, perhaps I'll be on tonight for a lil' bit.

  18. Hey Will, you like applejuice right?


  20. Somebody set me up the bomb!!!


    Your avatar, it used to be so cool.

  21. I know your real name and face... You days are numbered!

  22. Actually no, it doesn't... But I WAN MAH PLUS BAK.

  23. I'm missing you Emu. I love you.

  24. I OWE YOU ONE. Thanks man, so very very much!!!!! You are awesome.

  25. I've got more of a winking/squinting Stevobomb thing going on thanks to the flash.

    And anyway, Protobomb is much punnier and u kno eet.

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