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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Naw he's fine. He takes breaks when you're not looking.

  2. Neato. Naw. No more Pokémanz for meh. I've done FAR too many dude. I'll finish off our collab and THAT WILL BE IT!

    Then perhaps I can pick mahself a track from your project. ^__~

  3. Nighty night sugar blossom cherry cake.

    ~Sweet dreams.

  4. No chicken. But I do have EGGS? Eh? Eh?

  5. No u can nut. Ur 2 l8 u missd mah offar. Dun wori ther war 2 mani cheezeborgahs 4 u 2 eet.

  6. Noooooooo!! It's not possible!!

  7. Not that I can remember dude... Huh... I'll go comb my inbox.

  8. Not yet, no. I wonder why...

  9. Now i have a combo of seven visitor messages!!! I own your profile!!!


  10. NUM NUM NUM! Mud chips? Best flavor man. They taste like the creek down near me where people dump their shopping trolleys and crap. I sometimes take down a cup and a bag of plain chips so I can add some of that magic flavoring.

    I get cholera frequently.

  11. O i c wut u did thar

  12. O-K. Sounds good! ^__~ By the way man, had a crazy dream about you. You lived in the mountains in Canada and invited me to stay. Then we went out and bought pets. I got a Tortoise and you got this chipmonk thing that ate fish. Man, it was awesome.

  13. OA, ur doin it rong. u got specify who send it 2 not put "(or OA, because there's nothing he won't do)" k lol. nxt tiem u do tht or u hav NONE of teh sm3xeh wimenz. tru.

  14. Of course sugah. Only if you're friends with me again- for some reason OCR says we're not. So... Do you hate me or are we more than friends now?

  15. Oh DAMN, yeah. Completely forgot. Damndamndamndmandmandmandmandmandmanmdadnmadnmandmandmandma. Amnd.

  16. Oh mah gawd will wud yo' cut it out fuul? J00 makin' mah page luk n00beh. I wan all the fans to roll in but dey won com if yo' keep postin' hate. I r so populr dat u cant see me.

  17. Oh man sweet! I'm guessing you'd be going to London? If you did that would be good because it's a quick, cheap train ride away...

  18. Oh silly WILL, don't get fussed, just CHILL. I realise that you don't have my SKILL, but why are you all up in my GRILL? Is there a reason that it is I that you want to KILL? So come on tell me, SPILL!

  19. OH SNAP EMU, c whut u did thar.

  20. Oh Willrock- you're SLY, your Visitor Messages you do SPY and to my rhymes you REPLY. I'll admit- nice TRY, however not better than I. Still, Proto must DIE? Do you, my life, DENY? Will- are you not my ALLY? I'll let this one BY, but if you threaten that I shall DIE, I will be forced to make you CRY until your tears run DRY- AND THEN I SHALL PULL OUT YOUR EYE.....S.

    Also, Proto likes Cheesecake more.

  21. Oh yeah man, I never said and I totally was gunna- I'd never heard any of your music and then, suddenly, Retro City Zone.

    Colour me a fan.

  22. Oh yeah, I've done a lil' bit- don't have Zebra- or rather I don't have the full version. You mind if I replace the instruments for now and you change 'em back your side?

  23. Oh yeah. Apparently the MIDI has nothing in it. I'd come online and tell you more but my PC has been hijacked by my brother for a project. ^__^ If you could email me it that would be just swell!

  24. Oh! Yes! I did the night you gave it to me! Sorry, I had some things to talk about!! I'll catch you soon!!! Sorry!!! Sorry!!!

  25. Okay, dude, can we ACTUALLY do this? Hahahahahaha. So so so pro.

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