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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Okay, not kidding, you are seriously on everyone's recent visitor list. Seriously. If it's not you it's Emunator.

  2. Okay. Okay. I know. I know. :(

  3. One day! One day I shall!

  4. Other than my Windmill remix?

  5. Pahahahaha. Yeah. It didn't DIRECTLY come from that, but I was well aware of the Proto Dome at the time of conception. Shame I'm not as keen on CT now as I was then.

  6. Pahahahahahaha. I leik u. U funi guai.

  7. Plz teech me how 2 mix. I hav som midi files and I wanna mak a good song lol.

  8. Probably where you took them off last tiem u wer ovar. (^_~)

  9. Proto lets out a SIGH, in reference to the fact he must DIE, and to sleep he must go (or at least he must TRY). "You must get to sleep?" I hear you ask WHY, well because Proto must wake early, before the sun meets the SKY. "But Proto! Come on MSN" I hear you CRY, alas sorry dear Will, I'm gunna have to say BAIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Really? Heh heh, thanks. I've got another verse now- it's just so cheezy though! I almost feel dirty writing it!!

  11. Seven MAYBE. I dunno. I lost count a while back. ^w^ And you do?! Sweet. I'm not gunna go on MSN tonights but perhaps I'll catch you soon dude. I don't wanna be left out or anything... =____=

  12. SO BROKEN. I miss the little " + " next to your name. It meant so much... But... Alas... No more.

  13. So... Collab? ¬__¬

    Hehe, take your time man.

  14. Somebody set me up the bomb!!!


    Your avatar, it used to be so cool.

  15. SPRINGS?!?!?!?!?!? fekkin nub. Kirby or GTFO

  16. sry, i dun collab wit n00bz. imma 2 gud.

  17. Still looks pants. :P

  18. Stttteeeevvvooo, Pooookéééémaaannnzzzz.

  19. Sure, perhaps I'll be on tonight for a lil' bit.

  20. Sweet. I'll let y'know when I have something to show you then!

  21. Sweet. I'll save these for lonely nights, travelling all my mahself in my big, empty spaceship...

  22. Thanks man!! Fangirl it up srsly, nice to know someone's enjoyed my music! :D

  23. Thanks man. I like your swirly circle and matching avatar.

  24. Thanks to my procrastication and your link, I now know all about epilepsy. ^__~

    (I'm not even kidding, I really don't wanna do this essay.)

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