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Everything posted by Sweendrix

  1. Oracle of the Sun: (Zelda) - "The Twilight Trail" - 2nd Movement Sweendrix
  2. Can be heard here...(work in progress) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LPezLhHJJo Thanks for your help.
  3. Looking for some feedback on this section...it essentially ends "part 1" of the zelda trilogy I am working on. Im essentially trying to create a story through the music and this section is "The Twilight Trail" which starts with a keychange from part one and is essentially a bridge to part two I would like feedback on the transition at the end of this section as it transitions into a softer more melodic movement. I would also like any feedback on the feel of this section...I'm aiming for very dark and mysterious... Specifically starting from 1:40...I'm not revealing the next section yet...but it will touch base one Gerudo Valley after a long metallica like harmony sequence...(think of the breakdown in Master of Puppets)
  4. Anyone up for collaboration on this project...? I could used a bass player and potentially a piano on this mix...
  5. I was wondering if anyone had some good mastering tips for me as I work on the "Path of the Oracle" rock remix of the original zelda overworld and underworld. The song has come together nicely...with an epic ending...but i'm looking to tune up the EQ and Compression settings a little... Here is what I have so far...I appreciate your thoughts... http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=116
  6. Looking for Musicians/Mixers in the Cincy area for potential collaboration as well as possibly putting together a live act. Reference Zelda Mix: *Click "HQ" on the lower right hand side of the video window for higher quality audio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZfOip5_WpQ
  7. Cincy Ohio here...

    Reference Zelda Mix... (Be sure to click "HQ" at the bottom right hand side of the video window for high quality audio)...


  8. Cincy here... Here is a Zelda Mix in progress for a reference... *Click "HQ" at the lower right hand side of the video for better audio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZfOip5_WpQ
  9. There is a link to the Mp3 in the description of the video...or you can just grab it here... http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21805878&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
  10. Looking for opinion on the Zelda Overworld/Underworld Remix. Specifically the ending...which starts at about 5:15. I've made some changes to the main mix, and there is still some work left to do, but it is coming around nicely. I'm looking for ideas...suggestions...audio critique...anything that might help. I appreciate the interest... Sweendrix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOiOKNx5mO0
  11. This is another section from part 2...which is essentially the "Darker" of the two parts...Do you think this clip has too much going on? Not Enough? Also...is there any particular theme from any of the Zelda games which this section might flow nicely into? I appreciate your help and opinion on this.


  12. I'm developing a two...potentially three part Zelda Remix...and I'd like any suggestions of particular Zelda themes which the section below could flow into nicely... Also...does this section have too much going on? Not Enough? I appreciate your help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1B8oFD4ZcA For Those who aren't familiar with my project I have provided links to Part 1 as well as the intro to part two below. Part 1: Part 2 Intro Only: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQH-wpIpBk
  13. I put a short clip on Youtube to give anyone who is interested a better understanding of the direction of the music. The idea with this short clip is to capture "The Calm Before the storm"...musically speaking of course... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQH-wpIpBk
  14. I thought I'd provide you a short clip from the ending of part one of my Zelda Remix...which is essentially the intro of Part 2. I posted a short clip on youtube to give you an idea of the direction...the idea here in creating it is to create the "calm before the storm" in the music. This clip takes place almost immediately after the video that you have already seen. Let me know what you think of the harmonies...too much? too little?


  15. Hey man...I posted a very short clip from part 2 of the Zelda Remix on Youtube...hoping for your opinion on the direction...my idea with this section is that it is the "calm before the storm"


  16. I appreciate the view and the listen. I'm sure that I will get around to finishing parts 1 and two over the next couple of days and I'll be sure to post a descent quality mp3 on mp3.com.
  17. Thanks for the advice...it's a work in progress...to date...I have probably spent less than two hours on it. I plan on adding harmonies to the clean guitars, but i'm not quite sure what direction I want to go with that quite yet. As for the repitition in this part, I'm actually trying to capture the original feel of the game, which drove my mother nuts as I was a kid, because it constantly played the same throughout the game, but with part two will come an explosion of energy and changes, sampling various melodies from all of the games, as well as plenty of original thoughts and ideas. The reason for the abrupt cut-off at the end is simply lazyness. I've got the entire arrangement on one track and I didn't want to put 14 and a half minutes of ideas on youtube, so I just cut it. If you listen carefully...you can see a little bit of the direction that part two is gonna go, as for now...it's just not ready to be heard. I appreciate you guys taking the time to listen to it and give me your thoughts. I'm taking them into great consideration. I'm a newb audio producer (background is video/graphics) and I have much to learn.
  18. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback man...every little bit helps.
  19. I'm looking for feedback on the mood/tone of the Zelda remix that I posted...this is basically an "idea track" that came out somewhat descent though I know it needs some work. (I have more experience with high end video than high end audio, but i'm making progress) What i'm looking for is opinion about the mood that i'm trying to set...rather than being upbeat and uptempo like the original, the arrangement that i'm stiving for will be very smooth, flowing, and dynamic...is this the wrong direction?
  20. Just Wondering if you guys think this arrangment of the original Zelda Theme is worth cleaning up and finishing...it has a nice feel but I am looking for some outside opinion. Zelda Remix by Sweendrix (part 1)
  21. Let me say again...and yes...I own legit versions of all the software...but I am not quite as strong in my audio editing as I am in my video editing/direcing/indie film producing, and I would like to learn more about professional level audio engineering. More specifically, recording with the PODXT professional, proper use of Multiband Dynamics, Proper Mic Positions, and Final Mastering techniques, tube versus solid state, etc... I am researching plugins, because even the core software is so damn expensive to purchase that when I invest in plug-ins... I am looking specifically for plug-ins that are professional level versions and produce professional level results: FFT Filter Analyzer Multiband Dynamics Compressors Expanders Limiters Gates Amp Simulation Reverb/Room Simulation Phase Inverters As an artist, as well as a free lance news reporter, writer, and director, trust me when I say that I AM 100% for the protection of intellectual property and anti-piracy measures. About me: I am an indie film director (with a budget) and would like to expand my knowledge in the field of digital audio engineering. I am solid with musical arrangements, but would consider myself only a "journeyman" of digital audio engineering. By Journeyman...I mean...that I know the basics pretty well, that I could work at a major recording studio but not be the "head guy." I have worked/gone to school for digital media creation however, I concentrated on video production, writing for electronic media, directing, lighting, and producing. When I say indie film director: here is an example...original audio and video work:
  22. Just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for any solid audio plugins for the following platforms: Avid Liquid 7 professional Samplitude Professional 7 Avid Adrenaline Professional Steinberg Cubase LE Adobe Premier Pro CS3 Pro-Tools 7.2 I'd greatly appreciate it as I retool an existing rock/metal/electronic version of the halo theme.
  23. Just wondering if anyone had come across this version of the Halo theme on their travels. From my understanding, there is a growing portion of the halo community using on custom playlist for Halo Sessions. Note: A higher quality version of the song can be downloaded from the link in the video info pane.
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