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Everything posted by Sweendrix

  1. Final Mix before Submission...looking for feedback...Hosted on OCRemix... http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=161
  2. Is this working better? http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21808080&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
  3. Anyone who would like to contribute synth orchestra strings to the chorus of this work...please contact me Sweendrix
  4. I've worked out a solo for this piece...but it's not quite ready for prime time...let me know what you think... Contributors welcome
  5. Break from the wall... Sweendrix... http://www.mp3.com/media_player/view...=&ptid=&ont_id=
  6. Thanks for the critique...i'm seriously a complete newb when it comes to audio production...and i mostly rely on my video editing background to wing it...thanks for the heads up...i'm making those changes now...
  7. You are more than welcome to tinker around with the mix...let me know...I could send you a 96khz 32 bit file to record along with
  8. I would love to add some cello/violin parts...however...I don't have access to those instruments. If you know anyone who does...I would more than welcome the extra strings. Thanks for the listen...i'll fool around with some changes and see what i can do...
  9. Suggestions on the arrangement...solo...transitions...would also be helpful. Thanks.
  10. I'm looking for critique...especially on the EQ/Mastering Quality...I'm still a newbie to audio engineering...I appreciate any help.
  11. The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of the Sun - Part 2 - Passing Through Gerudo Valley by Sweendrix: http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21807976&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
  12. Just looking for some critique of my Zelda Remix: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of the Sun - Part 1 http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21808080&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id= It's the File titled: "Legend of Zelda" Oracle of the Sun You will also see Gerudo Valley mixes on the player...those are WIP and from part 2.
  13. Just looking for some opinions about the groove presented here.... http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21807619&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
  14. Thanks for the heads up...still a newb here...

  15. An old mix of what I find to be a stellar performance, by Greg, the lead vocalist... ...Erasing Fate... Comments? Suggestions?
  16. Thanks for the Listen...but I have to give credit to my friend Greg's Voice...and his work on the keys...his talent really drives the mix
  17. Just wanted to know what you guys think about this mix of Led Zeppelin's Kashmir... ...Erasing Fate... http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21807198&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
  18. Latin style is popular among that type of channel...lol...don't worry...i do spice things up quite a bit during the second solo of the song...
  19. Just looking for some feedback on this short section from my Zelda Remix "Oracle of the Sun" Gerudo Solo: http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21807154&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id= Section that this solo comes from: "Gerudo Valley" Oracle of the Sun: http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21807154&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
  20. The Source tune is "Unforgotten"...which I believe is the music which is in the Title Screen of Halo 3...(It could be Halo 2)...thanks for the listen and the feedback.
  21. Just looking for some feedback on the groove I've established in this remix (which is essentially at it's earliest level of production). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1ZV6DszSKQ
  22. Just Sayin Hello...Newb Here...Cubase/Samplitude User/Acid Pro...Guitarist
  23. I'm sorry for the mistake...i'm kind of a newbie to the whole remixing scene and OCremix. I won't duplicate threads again.
  24. There is a little more variation in this mix...I'd like to hear what you think... http://www.mp3.com/media_player/viewer.php?action=launch_player_by_id&ref_id=21806567&ref_type_id=3&edid=&ptid=&ont_id=
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