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Everything posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. Tak: The Great Juju Challenge My mother-in-law is the queen of garage sales and she'll often pick me up a couple of games while she's out shopping. This game was one of her purchases and figured it'd be a complete bomb. I wasn't aware of the cartoon series at all and it looked pretty terrible from the box art. I tossed in in my Gamecube to give it a try and I ended up playing the whole thing over the next week or so. It was funny, entertaining and the puzzles were actually a decent challenge.
  2. One day I'll do something like this. For now, though, I will support other indy artists! Album purchased!
  3. While I may not be up to taking on a full song, I'd be more than willing to offer up my bass playing skills if someone needs it....or any of the instruments I play.
  4. Changing it to grey and black is just a matter of changing the texture files. I pretty much do all my 3D stuff in Carrara. It's something I picked up some years ago when I started my web comic. I can also do things in a more cell shaded style. I could have done something a bit more unique with the face but I just sort of threw this together.
  5. Oh, it's possible but yes...not exactly one that you'd want to be in for a long period of time. This model is made of data, though. She can handle it.
  6. Here's something I played around with this afternoon...
  7. That's pretty interesting and it seems you're correct looking at the response graph. Honestly, though, I don't really mix much with them. I've gotten fairly used to them and they're there if I need them. I may have to check out these Grado cans in the future, though.
  8. There's a lot of people who can mix quite well with just headphones. I personally don't recommend only mixing with headphones but you have to work with the equipment you've got sometimes. I only know of a small handful of people that do really well working this way. Headphone wise, I have a pair of these as do quite a few other OCR people.
  9. Actually, these are quite good. I have a pair of them myself. They're quite an improvement over the KRK monitors that I used to have. They have a pretty flat response and they did take me a bit to get used to them. From the research that I've done, they HS80M's are one of the best sets of monitors out there for those on a budget. I personally found that KRK had too many build quality issues in their products. Another option that some people like are Mackie MR8mk2's which cost about the same as the Yamaha HS80M's. Both of these monitors go for about $500 a set but you can often get deals.
  10. Honestly, it's not worth getting a pair of monitors unless you plan on spending $500+. There are some half decent ones under $500 but you're truly better off waiting until you can afford something that's worth keeping around for a while. As far as DAWs go, that is often a matter of taste. I don't know many who are big fans of Logic these days. I'm an Apple guy myself and I'm using a combination of Reaper and Reason. My advise in this would be to buy Reaper and use free VSTs for a while and eventually buy Komplete. If you really like the way Live works, you may just want to stick with that.
  11. No, not in a huge way. I pretty much learned orchestration for a real orchestra and orchestration for a virtual orchestra at the same time. it wasn't until I understood the how to write for a real orchestra did the virtual one start making a lot of sense. Unfortunately, each virtual library has its own quirks and ways of doing certain things. So, it's kind of hard to point at a general book for modern orchestration for sample libraries. Understanding how a real orchestra works really made al the difference in the world for my work.
  12. A lot of this is learning how real instruments work and how they're orchestrated. Once you have a grasp on that, it's much easier to figure out how to make things sound better/more realistic with your computer. Prior to taking classes from Berklee, I purchased Music Composition for Dummies and I got a lot of mileage out of it. This is probably not the most direct answer to your question but I personally thing it's a good road to start going down.
  13. I also have a bunch of high res stuff from the pictures I took of the OCU set. The ones I posted here are only about half of what I have. I can get them to you if you'd like them. https://picasaweb.google.com/116294723695410258054/MAGfest11?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  14. I saw it with my own two eyes and I'm still trying to get clean. The bleach! It does nothing!
  15. All the pics that I have that are worth posting have been posted. You can either find them on FB or via the link on the first page of this thread.
  16. I'm slowly working through my load of photos and will be posting the good ones as I go. For those who aren't on my FB friends list, you can see the photos here as well: https://picasaweb.google.com/116294723695410258054/MAGfest11?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  17. Animoog is one of the best and most innovative synths on iOS. I highly recommend it.
  18. Eh, it'll probably be around 8:30 or 9am before we get there. We will surely hit rush hour traffic. No worries, though.
  19. Oh, something else I added on the spreadsheet. While there's a big list of this on another post, I thought it'd be nice to have the 3DS friend codes of those attending and bringing their 3DS.
  20. Added my info as well as a 'real name' column. I admit that I still don't know who some of you really are.
  21. Just FYI, I'm probably going to bring my battery powered PA. The Jamspace setup was a little weird last year and I never got a chance to mix it up with you folks. So, I'll be bringing this, a bass guitar and probably a mic incase anyone feels the need to step up.
  22. Elevation Burger is often quite crowded, though, and it takes a while to get your food. That's the only downer to going there. It's also not that big inside. So, it gets really cramped when their busy.
  23. Now if you want free, I found this to be one of the better collection out there for orchestral stuff. It's not a comprehensive library but it's a fine place to start off. http://sso.mattiaswestlund.net/
  24. If you don't have this RE already, it's going to up in price very soon. I finally bit the bullet and grabbed and and I have to say it's well worth the price. Out of all the synths in Reason, I can honestly say that you can get a good sound with Antidote quicker than any other synth in the rack. I'm fairly good with programming new sounds in Thor but doing in in Antidote is extremely fast and the effects section is pretty damn nice. http://shop.propellerheads.se/product/synapse-antidote/
  25. Actually, if you have EWQL Gold, you now have to upgrade to Platinum to get the close mic samples. They did away with selling just the close mic samples earlier this year due to bugs they couldn't fix with them. I for one experienced those bugs and EW pretty much refused to fix them completely. If you want to invest in orchestral samples, I strongly suggest going the route of Vienna Symphonic instead of EastWest. First of all, EW's support is terrible and I refuse to give them another cent after how I was treated. Vienna's libraries are all close mic samples which lets you add whatever reverb sound you'd like to them. If you strictly want the big Hollywood string sound, EW does have that nailed out of the box but you can achieve that sound with Vienna if you need to. Yes, Vienna is more expensive but I have felt it to be worth it for my needs. I started off with the Special Edition Vol1 and I'll probably get Vol2 down the road. The other option is getting the full version of Kontakt if you don't already have that. It comes with a half decent version of the Vienna samples as well as other libraries. Kontakt is pretty much the standard in sample players these days and it's worth having in your arsenal.
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