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Everything posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. I made comments on Soundcloud. Keep up the good work!
  2. So, I just finished my 2nd class through Berklee's online program. Orchestration 2 was a lot of fun and I feel that I've grown quite a bit as a composer since I started this program in January. I thought I'd share with everyone the piece I submitted for my final project and it's only the 2nd full piece that I've written like this. http://www.bsodcomic.net/2012/06/22/sister-planet/ If you want to hear the final project I submitted for Orchestration 1, you can check that out here: http://www.bsodcomic.net/2012/03/31/weekly-music-update-9/ I still have quite a bit to learn but I definitely feel a little wiser about the whole genre.
  3. Here's my two iOS favs: Animoog - one of the coolest synths out there. Figure - This is more like a little doodling app that you can create some really quick little beats with. It's rather fun to use. Here's a great little honorable mention that goes to the same guy who did the DS-10 and such. I am Synth - This is a fun little app to explore subtractive synthesis with. It's interface is pretty quick to get used to. It's a simple app but I think those are some of the best.
  4. Well, I'm going for a few reasons: 1. OCR panel and any other panel that I know people working on 2. Artists Alley 3. Hang out with peeps I figure, if I'm going to be up in Baltimore for the concert, I might as well go to the con for at least a day. I don't get out of the house that often anyway. Jill, I responded to the facebook post.
  5. A good chunk of pro audio interfaces these days are USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt/etc. Firewire is better than USB but is more expensive. If you only need 2-4 channels into the PC, though, USB is just fine.
  6. I've been really happy with Focusrite stuff as of late. Something like this would serve you well: http://www.zzounds.com/item--FOCSCAR8I6
  7. From what I've read elsewhere, it looks like you will be able to edit patches and such. You just won't have the extra functionality that's in the 'rear panel'. Either way, free is free.
  8. There are some extra functions in the full paid version. These are modern functions that were not part of the original Minimoog from the 70s. Stuff like delay effects, polyphony, etc. Honestly, I don't need that stuff anyway. If I want a Moog sound, I'd rather stay as close to the original functionality as I can.
  9. For one day only, Arturia is going to be GIVING away Minimoog-v for free and that day is Thursday, June 21st. "On June 21st, World Music day, we are glad to offer you a commemorative version of the Minimoog V called Minimoog V original. Functions behind the front panel are not available but all sounds and features from the Minimoog V2.5 (a $229/219Eur product) are included. Just like the original Minimoog." http://www.arturia.com/evolution/en/products/minimoogv/minimoogv-original.html
  10. I've been reading Tape-op for several years now and it's one of the few magazines that I actually keep. There are a couple of compilation books of some of the best stuff that magazine put out in their earlier years. They're still a good read! http://amzn.to/MmBh2o http://amzn.to/LcbKLs
  11. I always find it interesting to peak into the lair of an artist/composer. Everyone has their own way of doing things. Setups are just as unique as the music they create.
  12. It's a somewhat similar system to VSts except they're for Reason only. So, they work in harmony with the software much more than VSTs do.
  13. Never stop learning! The great thing about the times that we live in is that information is abundant. Sure, a lot of it is just noise but there are many good sources to keep you going. I'm quite the evangelist for the magazine Tape-op. It's free and you end up learning more than just the technical end of things. There's a lot of stuff to consider when going from point A to point B and it's not all about the ones and zeros. Snappleman makes an excellent point. While my wife does play piano, she doesn't get into composition or any of the technical stuff. When she listens to something I'm working on, though, she can quickly point out something that doesn't sound right. That sort of thing has always made a difference in the finished song.
  14. You get 30 days on the Try and it's the full version without limitations.
  15. BTW, this is a pretty good price list comparison:
  16. Actually, I went ahead and grabbed Buffre since it's got an introductory offer of 42% off. I caught myself playing with it for a while and it's just awesome!
  17. Guess what came out today? I'm not going to grab any Rack Extensions just yet but I really do want Polar and Bufre the most. I played with Polar quite a bit in beta and it's super fun on guitar tracks.
  18. Maybe you should set up an invite on Facebook to see if we can get a group going.
  19. I'm looking at going but haven't gotten a ticket just yet.
  20. Sweet! I may just have to do this! Man, I need to see if I can find a couch to crash on for the weekend or I'll be driving up from Virginia each day.
  21. It's definitely worse on the Mac side than Windows. Play gave me quite a bit of grief when I first started using it with the added mic positions for the EW/QL SO Gold. One of the major problems with the EW/QL SO stuff is that the discs they send you are quite old (I think some were from 2007). The updates that you have to download to make it all work don't always do what they're supposed to. Something else to keep in mind is that there is just about zero chance getting rid of the licenses you purchased if you want to offload them to someone else. You would literally have to give up your iLok and the account that goes with it. I know that this isn't exactly abnormal these days but it is something to consider. I agree with ShrackAttack that I somewhat wish I had never made this purchase. Tech support from EW/QL has a pretty bad reputation these days and I experienced that first hand. My advise is to give money to a company who makes a good product and (mostly) treats their customers right. If you need orchestral samples Vienna really isn't really that much more expensive in the end. For the other stuff, there are various dedicated libraries that sound great. It's easy to get sucked in by all these big bundles. Just be careful that you're getting your monies worth.
  22. They took them down a couple months ago and I may have even been the catalyst for that. I spent a month dealing with their tech support trying to fix a few problems. Honestly, it was one of the worst experience I've ever had dealing with tech support from any company. I won't go into too many details again (I've posted about this before in this thread) but EWQL lost my business.
  23. I agree. Depending on what the source material is, it may just be best to re-record it.
  24. New No Brainer deal at Audiomidi.com - Applied Acoustics Systems Strum Electric GS-1 for $20 http://www.audiomidi.com/dp/B0028PNHRS You know, I'm personally going to pass despite the 'deal'. I don't think the plugin sounds all that great but others might enjoy it.
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