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Everything posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. Without going into a huge long story, I've decided to switch to Vienna Symphonic. So, I'm selling my copy of EWQLSO Gold + Close mics for $300 + $75 for the iLok transfer fees. Even at that price, it's a lot cheaper than what it usually costs. I got a deal on things during the holiday season and I'm just trying to get back most of the money I put into it. I'll even cover the cost of shipping the DVDs to you. Payment can be made via Paypal. Feel free to let me know if you're interesting by private message or by e-mail me at shaggy@zoiks.org.
  2. This actually does a pretty good job of doing various types of FX voices. The low growly satan type voice is one of my favorite sounds that it does.
  3. Make sure you all come visit me at table C19 in the Artists Alley! I'll have a bunch of stuff as well as free candy!
  4. Today I went through the process of removing everything and reinstalling from scratch. This time I let it install in the default location instead of my external drive. I got the same error messages afterward. I'm starting to think I do have a bad disk for the close mics.
  5. *nod* I pretty much have gone through that list a number of times without it fixing the issue. I've double/triple checked my iLok and it does have all the appropriate licenses: EWQLSO Silver, EWQLSO Gold, and EQSLSO Gold Close Mics. I normally have the iLok key in a USB hub but I also tried plugging it directly into the computer. I've had this key for quite a long time and have never had any issues with it. The only thing I still have yet to try is installing the samples to the main hard drive just to see if that makes a difference. I've been going back and forth with EW support and they're starting to think I may have a bad install disc which is entirely possible.
  6. I normally don't pass these sorts of things around but my good friends from a local NoVa band called The Dreamscapes Project are working on getting in the running to have a spot to open for Bruce Springsteen and it could be a good opportunity for them. So, if you have a Facebook account, look up The Dreamscapes Project and friend them. Then you'll see some posts about the Hardrock Cafe on their profile page. Go to that link and vote for them by downloading their song listed there. You may have to look for it but it shows up right away for me. I've known these guys for over 10 years and they're one of the hardest working bands I've known. They're also a bunch of really nice guys to boot. If you're interested in hearing more of their music, you can check out their bandcamp page by clicking here. One of the albums there (There are No Safe Words) was actually an album I got to work on with them several years ago. I tracked the vocals and cello on that one. Anyway, helping them out with this contest would be much appreciated! Oh, today is the last day to vote! I'm passing this around to help give them one final boost.
  7. I've run every single patch for both the libraries and Play that I can find but it seems something still lingers.
  8. Well, I finally joined the club! Her's my friend code: 0302-0558-2097
  9. I'm not getting too much help from Eastwest on this and I thought I'd post it here in case someone has experienced this and fixed it. *** I've looked through the forums as well and do see others having the same problem. These are the errors I get when loading up some of the close mic samples: http://bsodcomic.net/misc/error1.jpg http://bsodcomic.net/misc/error2.jpg I've done a lot of research on this over the past couple days and have tried Pretty much every solution I could think of and some that I found via forums. Here's my specs and what I've done. iMac quad i5 2.5ghz with 16GB of RAM, OSX 10.7.3 64bit Play is the most up to date version of 3.0.31 and I own EWQLSO Gold wit the close mic samples. Ilok licenses have been confirmed and are working properly. I have removed everything Eastwest from my hard drive using a program called EasyFind that can pretty find every type of file hidden or not. I then reinstalled the latest version of Play and reinstalled all the libraries from the original DVDs. I've run all of the EWQLSO Gold updates that are on Eastwest's website. I've checked and made sure that all folders have the proper permissions. These errors come up whether you're using the stand alone or plugin version of Play and the error message comes up after the patch is about 2/3s of the way loaded. So, I doubt it's a sleeping drive issue even though I have all of those files on an external firewire drive. Oddly enough, this is not a new problem with this library. I've seen posts in the Eastwest forums that date back to late 2010 that show the exact same errors and yet I don't see a single post explaining how to fix it. Most of the things tech support have suggested to me thus far are things I've already tried. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there must be a corrupt patch file or some file doesn't get installed with the updater. *** That's it in a nutshell. I don't really need hear that Play sucks or anything like that. I've head it all before. So, this I don't want this post to turn into a bash against it. I'd just like to get the close mic samples to work on all of the patches if possible.
  10. So, Kate and I bottled the beer this morning and prepped it for it's carbonation period. I took a taste of it to see how it was coming along and it tastes damn good! I'm sure it'll be better after it's got some bubbles in it. Will blog about it on my website later today. Blog post is up! http://www.bsodcomic.net/2012/01/29/a-night-of-music-and-a-morning-of-beer/
  11. I grabbed it just now. I'll give it a listen to tomorrow and I'll probably give it a review on my website.
  12. Right now Studio One Artist version is on sale for $20.12 and I think it may be the last day for it (NAMM sale). While the Artist version doesn't allow VSTs, the upgrade to the Producer or Pro version will still be cheaper than buying them outright. I haven't used this software myself but I've heard good things. http://studioone.presonus.com/shop/buy-studio-one-artist/
  13. I think I'm feeling pretty good about where the 'Overworld' section is right now and I just feel that it's time to move on. The end of that section is going to probably go through a key change and slide into the 'Underworld' section. The file on Soundcloud has been updated to the current WIP.
  14. It's for when you already own the DVDs/software and want to install and use it on multiple computers.
  15. Yeah, that's me in the M9 shirt making a face as usual. There's a version of this on Facebook that has most people tagged.
  16. For those who might be interested, I put up an anti-SOPA comic on my site today. http://www.bsodcomic.net/2012/01/18/stop-sopa/
  17. I bought this thing when there was the possibly of me moving back to the midwest. It's pretty much sat in my studio and I have barely touched it. So, I'm going to sell it. It's a Numark Mixtrack Pro which seems to retail for about $250 but I'll part with it for $200 plus shipping. I still have the box for it as well. Here's a link to Numark's site for it: http://www.numark.com/mixtrackpro
  18. I have the single track version of Melodyne (was Melodyne Editor) and it's pretty amazing. Yes, it can export audio to a MIDI file. Granted, this is only going to work out well with an audio file that has a single instrument in it. While it's great at pitch detection, it doesn't have the ability to discern one instrument from another. I can, though, say take a guitar chord and split out into individual notes. Melodyne is a pretty handy tool to have and it's more than just for pitch correction. To be honest, though, I often forget that I have it and I don't use it all that often. It's just one of those things I keep in my arsenal.
  19. Would have loved to have been there but I was too busy sleep across the hallway. Looked like a grand time, though!
  20. Indeed. I wasn't able to fulfill my dream of jamming with people in the jam space this year. I so miss playing with other musicians.
  21. Happy Birthday! You deserve this!
  22. Beast is a nickname for Milwaukee's Best: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Milwaukee's%20beast
  23. At least they're not Beast! Nothing is worse then Beast....cept maybe Keystone.
  24. I also plan on trying the hard cider kit as well. Brandon, good beer certainly does exist but some of it is an acquired taste. Drinking Bud for your first beer probably wasn't the best idea.
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