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Everything posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. http://8dio.com/?btp_product=glass-marimba I saw this posted this morning and I figured I'd share it. This is a pretty big library for a freebie and it sounds lovely. It has a lot of beautiful ambient textures and is certainly worth downloading. It's free until the first of the year.
  2. First quarter of 2012 seems to be the release date. Eh, the lack of the 4 pads doesn't really both me. Looking at the build size, you'd have to make the pads smaller to fit in 16 instead of 12. I'd personally rather have the larger pads. I've been wanting to upgrade my controller and this may fit the bill. I'll probably wait until there are some reviews out for it, though. It's hard to say what the build quality is going to be like at this point.
  3. I'm not sure if you all have seen this yet but a company called Nektar is putting out a keyboard controller that's geared towards Reason. No word on an exact release date but they are going to be giving one of the first ones away. http://www.nektartech.com/Panorama
  4. It's kind of sad that magnetic tape as a recording medium is slowly disappearing. There aren't many companies around the work that make the stuff anymore. For a number of reasons, it has a certain sound to it that you just don't get from computers. Each and every tape deck always had their own little quirk to them that was different.
  5. I believe Zircon answered this one already. Kontakt player will not work for this. You ned the full version.
  6. While I enjoy getting cool gifts, I really do enjoy the giving quite a bit. That's the best part.
  7. Unfortunately, I have way too much going on right now. Other than my own personal stuff that I'm working to complete, I've been brought on board to write the score for a live theater production of Julius Caesar. Yeah, I'm a bit in over my head but I know I can do it. To help me along with that, I'm starting some online classes with Berklee in January. My life has just gotten a bit more complicated.
  8. http://www.bsodcomic.net/2011/12/15/the-royal-lancers/ When you have parents like mine who keep EVERYTHING, you can come across some really cool things amidst all of the junk. About a year ago, I found a box of old reels sitting in their basement. This is just one of the recordings I came across and I thought I'd share it.
  9. From the EW Facebook page: "Green Monday Cyber Deal! Get EWQL Symphonic Orchestra GOLD for $195 €148! That's a $300 savings! Enter promo code GREENMONDAY upon checkout to get the deal. Be sure to share this deal with your friends! World excluding Europe, shop here: http://www.soundsonline.com/Symphonic-Orchestra "
  10. http://www.myve.nu/pianoguyscellowars/ I have to admit, this got quite a laugh out of me. Thumbs up!
  11. I saw this posted the other day and it's not bad for a freebie piano for Kontakt. It's about 200mb and sounds good to my ears: http://www.store.precisionsound.net/amoreinfo.php
  12. I added a short little demo using this library. Prior to it, I had the demo I did with Reason but I decided to do something different for the Kontakt version.
  13. Precision Sound posted a free Piano sound set for Kontakt. http://www.store.precisionsound.net/amoreinfo.php
  14. Yeah, if I had a 3DS...I'd buy. Once I do have a 3DS, this will probably be one of my first downloads.
  15. Santa was awesome to me! I found a copy of Ghost Trick in the mail today and got an Amazon gift cert as well! I'm a lucky boy...er man....er muppet?
  16. You can do that sort of thing with Melodyne and much more. I highly recommend it.
  17. About a month ago, I released a set of SID samples for Propellerheads Reason. Now that I own the full version of Kontakt, I decided that it would be a good idea to release those samples in that format. This small library will basically give you the three raw wave forms of the SID plus noise. There are drum sounds in there as well for a total of 5 Kontakt patches and it's on sale for the low price of $10. I'm releasing this first volume as way to get my feet wet in the world of sample packs and sound design. I have a lot to learn and am grateful to those who have already given me their advise (Zircon for one). I'm hoping to put more material out in the future. If you're interested in checking out this library, you can go to my website at http://www.pureshift.com and look under Sound Design. The Reason version of this library is there as well. Thanks in advance for listening to my pitch!
  18. For those who are interested, I've now set up the same library for Kontakt. I'll post a bit more about it in the main Music Compo and Prod forum later.
  19. Screw free! I gave you the two dollars anyway and now I'll go listen to it.
  20. I'd kind of like to see what everyone did for the hell of it. It'd be cool to see various peoples take on it.
  21. While I wouldn't expect anyone to buy something from my Amazon wish list, here it is if you need ideas: http://amzn.com/w/3F687T2SN5XBE I'm pretty much a strict console gaming being that I'm a Mac head. These are the list of consoles I have. I really want to find a Colecovision next! http://zoiks.org/documents/video_games.html
  22. I know you mean well, Meteo, and I appreciate it but I know Darkesword had no ill intentions. Maybe I'll have one or two remixes in before the rest of my new album is done.
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