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Everything posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. It sounds good and I'm impressed of how it's set up! I just wish I could buy every library that I wanted.
  2. The 26th is a Thursday, though. Kate and I have tickets to go and I'll probably go up to Otakon for a day or two.
  3. Tools are tools. It's a bit silly to assume that either digital or analog is 'better'. In the end, it boils down to how you use them in a specific situation.
  4. Air Wolf Six Million Dollar Man The Incredible Hulk I'm sure I could list more...
  5. The licenses are what you buy if you already own the software and you want extra licenses to use it on multiple computers. For a short time EWQL did have a free version that they offered but I believe that's been gone for a while now. Something else that they discontinued recently are the extra mic positions for the Gold version. Apparently they said it had too many bugs and just pulled them. I have no idea if that means they're going to fix them and re-add them to the site or if they're permanently gone.
  6. I kind of want to go but there's just so many shows/festivals that I want to do! I'm still waiting on seeing who's going to be at Moogfest this year.
  7. You're going to get a certain unreliable stories about every single hard drive company. I used to use a few Lacie drives but I've had fairly early failure rates on a few and not just the drives but the enclosure too. Right now I have one of these Seagate Goflex drives that I use for backup purposes and it's been one of the more reliable external drives that I've had.
  8. For those who need an upgrade from free orchestra samples, this isn't a bad deal. http://www.audiomidi.com/miroslav_philharmonik_classik/ $40 for Miroslav Philharmonik Classic Edition.
  9. Williams is kind of the composers composer for film or at least I think so. We have been studying some of his work. He's one of those guys that can still produce Hollywood material yet it will still have that classical flavor to it.
  10. If I'm up late on a Saturday night, and I usually am, I will put on Cartoon Network for the hell of it as background noise. While I knew it was most likely for April Fools Day, I totally enjoyed seeing some of the good old Toonami stuff again.
  11. A number of my classmates are from various countries. We had several from South America and Europe. So, it seems that it's more than possible. Yeah, it is a bit on the costly side and is definitely not a solution for everyone. I ended up taking out a small student loan so that we could pay it out over a years time instead of it hitting us all at once.
  12. Thanks for the constructive criticism! I think at some point that I will revisit this and try to breath a bit more life into it. I'll be curious to see what changes I might make once I'm done with the next class. Darangen, The classes run on a quarter system pretty much like any other college that does. The lessons comprise of reading, listening to some material and looking at various pieces of notation. The reading part isn't too much and they tend to use a good bit of multimedia in their presentations. For instance, you might be listening to a piece of music and at the same time it shows you that exact point of notation. I'm pretty impressed with how they put it together. At their website, berkleemusic.com , there are some samples of various courses to look at. They also have a pretty white range of classes outside of orchestral music. I may take some jazz composition classes down the road.
  13. A lot of people ask in these forums on how to write orchestral music and the answer to that can be pretty complicated. Since I'm now done with my first class through Berklee's online program, I thought I'd throw out my feelings on the experience. If you're looking into learning the orchestral thing, it may be for you. About a year ago, my friend Brett finished up a certificate program through Berklee and he had a lot of great things to say about it. I've always been a bit skeptical of doing this sort of thing because it just seemed like you wouldn't be able to get as much out of a traditional class. After talking to Brett, I decided it might be a good way for me to go since I wanted to further my knowledge of writing orchestral music. I signed up for a specialist certificate program which is a total of three classes. I'm taking Orchestra Composition 1, Orchestral Composition 2 and Composing for Film and TV. I just finished up the first class with my instructor Ben Newhouse and I can honestly say that it was worth the month. I never felt once that the course was lacking in content or feedback. These classes are not geared towards an absolute newbie, though. You are expected to know how to read music and have a fairly good grasp on working in a DAW. You also need to have a certain level of software such as a set of good orchestral samples and a program like Finale to do your notation in. The assignments in the class require you to up load an Mp3 or a PDF of your notation and sometimes you have to have both. Berklee offers various discounts on certain software packages like EWQL SO Gold and the full version of Finale. I personally used both of those as well as Vienna Symphonic. Now, there are some quizzes and tests that you have to do but they're a breeze. All of them are multiple choice or true false. There's no time limit when you take them and it's always open book. Not only that but you get to take them as many times as you want with your highest grade being the one used. The class meets once a week in an online chat for an hour. Usually the first hour consists of discussing that weeks material and the latter half is geared towards looking at examples of notation or listening to a piece of music. The software you end up using is kind of like Netmeeting and the like. If you miss a chat, you can read through the log of the session later on. These classes are far from cheap but that's not surprising. Each class costs about $1k or so but you do get a discount if you sign up and pay for a full program up front. They do several ways to get financial aid if you need it and it's a fairly painless process. All in all, I had a great experience with my first class and I'm now in the first week of Orchestra II. If this is something you want to do and it's in your budget, I wouldn't hesitate to go for it. While you might be able to learn these things on your own by reading various books, the feedback you get from the class is invaluable. My professor, Ben Newhouse, is composer who has done real work in the TV and film industry. While he does over constructive criticism, I never felt that he was maliciously negative about anything. He always seems to try to push you in the direction you're already heading. If anyone has any questions about my experience with my Berklee classes, feel free to ask. You can never learn enough about your craft no matter how good you are. There's always more to learn. Oh, if you want to listen to my final project, I'll post it below. Is it great? Well, it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. It was completed over a 3 week period and is going to be used in an online radio program at http://www.misfitsaudio.com . At any rate, the guys at Misfits Audio seem to love it. I haven't got my grade on it yet but I'm fairly happy with the outcome considering this is my first full orchestral composition that I've ever attempted. http://soundcloud.com/theshaggyfreak/bullies-main-theme
  14. While the app is still in its infancy, it's got some really interesting functionality. There's a number of things that will needed to be implemented before it becomes truly useful, though. One of them being to save and export your project. Right now the only way you can get it out of your device is via the audio jack. I'd love to be able to open the projects in Reason itself and I wouldn't be surprised if that's something that happens down the line. This is Propellerheads first unique iOS application. I don't really count Rebirth since it's just a faithful recreation of their first program. I'm looking forward to see what happens with Figure down the road.
  15. I looked into it the other day, and there hasn't been a word from the Bitwig guys in several weeks. So, I'm not sure what the deal is. I guess we just have to wait and see.
  16. http://www.nucleus-soundlab.com/filter-research-reason-refill.html Sign up for their newsletter and get Filter Research 1 for free but it seems it's only for today. I have the refill from a previous purchase and it's quite fun.
  17. This is one of the reasons why I love the Props guys. While it may not be EXACTLY what the user base asks for, they do their best to make their products in line with peoples needs all while keeping the platform stable. I think my biggest desire would be to have Native Instruments make a version of Kontakt for Reason. I wouldn't mind seeing Vienna Symphonic in there too but I wouldn't hold my breath for that. At any rate, the NN-XT is quite outdated and needs something to replace it. I'm actually really excited about Figure as well. I'm not sure if I missed this in the presentation but I'm hoping that you can open projects from it in Reason itself. I'm not going to complain too much when the application is only going to be $1, though.
  18. Actually, that's incorrect in this case. The error isn't actually talk about the KEY files. It's talking about files that were messed up in one area of the library. The tech sent me a folder to replace the offending ones and that fixed the problem. Why this fix hasn't be notated on their website is beyond me. Also, the installs disks they sell are rather old. You'd think they would have made an updated version with the various fixes on it by now. Nope, that's not the cause of it in this case. All the directories are in the same location. According to the tech, it's a known issue being worked on. At least with this particular error I can go past it and use the patch and things SEEM to sound fine. My biggest complaint is the first tech I worked with spent a month having me do various things and didn't have the knowledge that the 2nd tech did. Well, that and the issue with the fix for the first error is not documented anywhere on their website.
  19. The problem is that it's calling for a file that shouldn't be there in the first place. The one tech at EastWest says it's a known problem that the engineers are working on and should be fixed in a future update.
  20. So, it looks like I am indeed holding on to the software but the situation has taken an interesting turn. I'm updating the thread with my original issue with EWQLSO now and you can follow up on that here if you wish: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38745
  21. Okay, so get this.. After about a month of spending a number of hours troubleshooting this with an EW tech, I threw my hands in the air and gave up. I thought that I'll get something different and sell my copy of EWQLSO. I e-mail their 'licensing' department to inquire on transferring my license to someone else and I get a firm 'no' leaving me stuck with the software. At that point I sighed and just decided to put the whole thing behind since I went ahead and picked up Vienna Symphonic Special Edition. It's more money spent but I at least have a fully functional piece of software. Here's the fun part, the guy from the 'licensing' department e-mails me again and says, "Oh! These errors are well known. I have a fix for the one but we're still working on the other. Here's the fix for the first one." While I'm happy to hear this boat load of good news, why the hell didn't the original tech I was working with know of this? Why did he waste a month of my time as well as his own? This seriously constitutes to a big FAIL for Eastwest and they will not get any more money from me. I know that a lot of people have negative feelings towards Play and that's fine. It's not a great sample player but I can deal with that as long it's completely usable or their support is on the ball to take care of known issues. At any rate, I am stuck keeping EWQLSO and that's fine because it does have a different sound to it than Vienna. EWQLSO has that definite 'hollywood' orchestral sound while Vienna can really get what I can consider the 'classical' sound. I've been getting more and more into writing orchestral music since I started these online classes at Berklee and I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of my future time composing that style.
  22. Well, I just heard back from someone in their licensing department and this is what he told me: "Hey William, The only possible way to transfer the license is if the account being transfered to is also owned by your name. Regards, Joey Medina" So, it seems I'm being denied.
  23. I'll look into it. I just haven't had much fun dealing with them and thinking about it gives me a headache. I'll ask and see what happens.
  24. Hrm. Didn't even think to check that since I've never had problems transferring licenses off my iLok before. *sigh* The only thing I really could do is buy a 2nd iLok and put those license onto it to give someone else but that iLok would still be tied to my account. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to keep it.
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