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Everything posted by berrypievision

  1. [Apart from the new Star Trek movie making it "cool" to like Star Trek] Really, it's cool to like mediocre garbage? Oh wait, duh. I mean, Family Guy is culturally beloved, so why the hell am I asking that? Star Trek 11 is a horrible movie, and just a copy of previous trek films. Its no better than Terminator 4. As that other user said, they are both sub-par.
  2. I agree with the guy who says it's like the new Star Trek film, a subpar film just trying to milk off a nearly dead franchise. The first two terminator films were excellent films that didn't need more sequels, and well, the other terminator films stink, and don't get me started with pathetic excuse of a tv series, I actually watched the pilot season. Though I don't understand how Star Trek is getting praise while this is getting shit thrown at it.
  3. Now this is an album that will be awesome. Best music in Zelda somehow was in this little teeny gameboy game.
  4. Well, since theres been projects that have fallen through on this site, and I have noticed many of these project threads, including this one, have been going on for quite awhile, I just assumed this was yet another limbo project. Mods, hacks, websites, entire games and films on the net, hell projects of any kind period dont normally get finished. Most projects never leave the brainstorming and initial stages. But it's cool this album will be finished.
  5. Considering that 13 isn't a lot, and most projects on the internet of any kind never leave the drawing board so to say, yeah. Epic lulz at the wannabe /b/tard .
  6. Of course I figured this would never be finished. Most projects on the internet never get finished. Is it different with these listed projects on OCRemix? If so, then I can't wait until a lot of these get finished.
  7. http://vgmdb.net/album/11946 Is this the same album? If so, I guess its pretty much set this will finish?
  8. Are the results of this attempt available to see?
  9. As awesome as a Mega Man 4 Album will be (assuming this one is finished), I'd more love to see one of 6 or of X. Those are my favorite Mega Man soundtracks. But I'm glad you're doing 4 over 2, as most people would choose 2.
  10. Super Metroid and Ocarina of Time would be nice I guess. But I'm not really a remake guy.
  11. Good song, but if I had to pick a boss theme from Kirby to be remixed, it would be the last boss theme from Kirby 64. Here: (Brawl Remix)
  12. Are you kidding? Earthbound has been massively played? Sure, it has a lot more popularity on the internet, but all in all it's still pretty underplayed if you ask me. Plus, I've noticed Japanese only games getting a lot of remixes on here. Secret of Mana 2 or whatever it's called has a bunch, so I ask again, why no attention to the other Earthbounds?
  13. Metroid Metal is planning to do remixes of Fusion, so apparently I'll get what I want afterall. Plus I think the remix in Brawl shows at least the Intro and first area song are worthy of remix. I don't see why I'd be offended by dupstep, the sketch was rather nice, I think you should continue with it. It's awesome so far.
  14. Since Earthbound has gotten a lot of attention, I wonder why Earthbound Zero and Mother 3 have not...
  15. You mean the moar you know, right?
  16. Alright, but it's always good to voice an opinion when you know what you're talking about, especially when such thing is presented in the open. Hehe
  17. But I never said MGS2 either. I said Metal Gear 2, and I even gave a few examples. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_2
  18. Well, I didn't know you could actually disagree with request, but if you can, I'd very much disagree with Metroid. One, it has already 12 remixes, and two its a very eary, primitive NES soundtrack. Other than the intro and credits, its nothing special. Also, I didn't recommend Metal Gear Solid, although I'd like to see more of that, I recommended Metal Gear 2. Update: Wow, after listening to the Metroid soundtrack again, I feel bad about saying that. It is pretty awesome.
  19. I love OCremix, and I love its massive collection of remixes from various games, big, small, good bad, etc. However, a few of my favorite game tracks have no coverage here what so ever, and I assume I'm not the only one who likes these soundtracks. If so, well, I'll retract this, hehe. Metal Gear 2 System: MSX2 The Metal Gear series, say what you want about it, has some of the best soundtracks in gaming, and I'm surprised at the small amount of remixes of the series here. But in particular, I'd go with Metal Gear 2's soundtrack as one that's in need of remixing. Here's two examples, which happen to be the opening music: Theme of Solid Snake: Original version: Metal Gear Solid (Japanese) version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Dwdg7TccI Remix found on promotional soundtrack in Japan by Konami: Zanzibar Breeze: Original Version: Metal Gear Solid (Japanese) version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIeNn0oIgEA&feature=related Metal Gear Solid 4 version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoXDsKitz2Q&feature=related Remix found on that promotional soundtrack: Metroid Fusion: I'm surprised the attention Metroid gets (at least Super Metroid) this game has gotten no coverage. Sector One (also introduction music): Super Smash Bros Brawl remix of Sector One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2m2oxWI8SA Sector Four: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SMZFxbs1Xc There's the two games I'd personally like, if I had to choose only two, there's more, but well, I wanted to keep it simple.
  20. Earthbound, hands down.
  21. I personally think DKC3 on the SNES had the weakest of the DKC soundtracks. However, the GBA version had a completely redone soundtrack by David Wise which was on par with the previous two, so I'd like to see remixes of that versions soundtrack more than the original SNES one.
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