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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. A lot of the ST2 stuff is still usable, even by today's standards, for backing parts that aren't as exposed.

    ST3 is like the Duke Nukem Forever of sample/romple plugindom... nothing they can do could possibly make it worth the wait, but I'm still kinda psyched regardless. Hopefully it fares better than Duke did!

  2. Remote Desktop is built-in and is quite capable and relatively secure.

    By default it runs on port 3389, you may need to change this if your ISP blocks it, and you may need to configure your router for port-forwarding, but the time is well-spent.

    The only alternative I can recommend based on actual use is Splashtop, which is kinda cool because it actually allows gaming and what not, but I'd try RDP first as Splashtop does have some associated fees.


    We're already acting on the results of our Patreon campaign & have started uploading albums to our shiny new SoundCloud PRO account:

    MUCH more to come, obviously, but it's great to be able to show immediate progress based on YOUR Patreon support!!

  4. One of the nice things about moving to Invision is that we'll be using the Downloads module for stuff like this, although I suppose even now we COULD be putting it on the Wiki...

    At any rate, there's been a slightly different style for a lot of album art, although all OCRI-line releases will have a similar layout in terms of the OCR logo & catalog number at the bottom left & right, respectively.


    There's a vector logo, though, for now!

  5. Most likely related to recent upgrade of Apache/PHP/MySQL. In this case, PHP 5.3 vs. PHP 5.2 is probably the differentiator, since the actual vBulletin code hasn't changed.

    I have increased the PHP memory limit from 32M to 64M. If this was the underlying cause, doubling it should completely eliminate the problem.

    If this issue occurs again, please include a datetime stamp so I can correlate with logs, but we SHOULD be good with this tweak in place...


  6. The game images accompanying the remixes on the homepage, right, changes when you hover over the link from low-res to... a bit less low-res. Is that on purpose? If this is to block copy-leechers, one might want to think about toning down the colors a bit when un-hovered instead of the resolution. IMHO, it looks awkward :/

    Interesting, that. It's actually just an opacity change - normal state is opacity at like 90%, hover is 100%. However, something about browser rendering engines - Firefox, at least - seems to do some sort of resampling/resolution tweak when adjusting opacity. I just checked, and Chrome doesn't do this for me - just Firefox. Are you using Firefox? Can you confirm that it occurs in one browser and not the other?

  7. Love the updates to how the latest albums are displayed, and how their pages show the album's tracklist. However, do you think the tracklists could also reflect the remixing artists' names?

    Some day, yes. At the moment, the data is actually pulled from vgmdb, and they store this info down in the notes area.

    For OCR albums, it's worth our extending the data model to cover individual tracks, but this currently ranks low relative to our other goals, and album sites already convey this info regardless. Nevertheless... one day, yes!

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