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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Good idea, no reason to oppose it OTHER than the technical limitation, at present, of these fields being handled by your forum profile.

    Neither vBulletin nor any other forum software I'm aware of would allow for typed/quantified selection of picklists necessary to support skill levels in X number of instruments, technologies, etc.

    In order to do this, in other words, we'd need to code it ourselves and integrate it in with other data.

    I SUPPOSE we could do something kludgy like listing the same skill three times Trumpet - Beginner," "Trumpet - Intermediate," Trumpet - Advanced" - but that would make the list very long and would look kinda goofy... however, that's the only way we could do it easily and keep it part of the forum profile.

    Anything else would be custom dev, i.e. time/money... definitely a good feature request but probably more like a v7 type of thing...

  2. New Extra Remix featuring djpretzel!





    Really love the show concept. YT comments were interesting... some folks didn't know I run OCR, which I guess means I'm doing something right, since it's not supposed to be about me. A few people dinged it for OMG TOO MUCH OCR and suggested Smooth McGroove had done more for VGM. Oh well.

    Comments notwithstanding, love the show, love the format, and muchos gracias to Mr. sephfire for the kind words!

  3. At this point, I would just look for people to cover the soundtrack to the first game as it's the most iconic, drop everything else from the other two games that isn't finished (or nearly finished, if the remixers can wrap it up quickly), and release it as is.

    I think that would be a shame.

    We'd talked about someone from staff, potentially OA, taking this project over at some point.

    Would you be willing to co-direct with me? It's all up to Katie, but imo maintaining the series focus would be nice - to SOME extent - and polishing things up in 2014 should be doable, with the right series of steps.

  4. I'm not sure if this has been asked for (a search didn't give anything helpful), but is there an RSS feed for the torrents on the tracker?

    I have a seedbox on a 1Gbit line which is rarely 100% used, and I like being able to support OCR torrents. Since I really don't come onto the site very often, and emails of new torrents can be sent a fair amount of time after a new torrent is uploaded, I would love to be able to subscribe to the RSS feed directly from my seedbox. This would allow it to immediately begin downloading (and seeding) new torrents as they're uploaded.

    It's no big deal if there isn't one, but I wanted to ask to make sure.

    That SHOULD be doable - at some point. Not a high priority at the moment, but we'll log as a feature request!

  5. An upcoming design tweak DOES make the screenshots for the 20 mixes a little bigger, just FYI...

    I don't think Brandon's idea is terrible, but it seems a little redundant... we've got ideas for some additional slides. Emphasizing one-click follow for Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube in a slide, for one.

  6. Well, that's not ENTIRELY accurate...

    While the content of each slide is hardcoded, the underlying page is dynamic, so we COULD consistently plop the latest mix into a dedicated slide...

    But, it's also RIGHT THERE on the right, so I'm wondering if this additional promotion has value when it's so proximate to the latest mixes list?

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