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  • Real Name
  • Location
    Milford, NH
  • Occupation
    Student/McDonalds Worker


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I don't think it was me. Although I have a sweatshirt.
  2. hey this sounds like my computer i got an old dell from a class i took in school and it was fairly good and then i got a dual core p4 i swapped the processors so far i havent noticed much diff though
  3. you to i wish i had my zen but that got taken away to, i had a creative zen sleek photo, i accidently burnt some piece on the inside but it seems to work fine still
  4. well actually you can you just gotta change the setting so the artists show up in the artists area for the album and the artists you have set to the song as for your thing mill I haven't had this prob before and i havent used the zune software anytime recently cause a my dad took my zune and b the software stoped working awhile ago
  5. Sounds somewhat like me welcome to OCR
  6. i missed out on playing chrono trigger cause when i first got an SNES i was rly young and had never heard of it ive played a little of it but not to much im hopefully getting Chrono trigger DS soon though
  7. i agree with that although with some of the more recent remixes there has been covers already attached i noticed yay some1 else who uses a zune
  8. ive based them off of the style of an orange one i had before
  9. Not sure if this is in the right section. After seeing the album art on some of the remixes that ive download'd recently i decided to make a new one with better quality. I wasn't to hard, all i did was take the design of i think it was the tshirt and modified it to make it look like the other one. Heres the lnks to it on my DA. 500x500, two diff versions, one blue with white background and one orange with black. follow the links to get the larger versions if you want http://tankooni.deviantart.com/art/OCR-Cover-2-105703200 http://tankooni.deviantart.com/art/OCR-Cover-1-105703116
  10. Hiya people I am Xac or also known as Tankooni I have been a fan of OCR for a loooonnngg time but i never decided to join the forums or stuff. I am a programmer(still learning and only know basic stuff), I love Video Games and Music. I am going to give remixing a try at some point in the future but it may be awhile before I have anything of quality. I mainly play two games on the computer, which are Guild Wars and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Well I am off for now. ~Moog
  11. i ahve had this b4 but normally I dont end up playing through the game again even though I want to. The main reason is that after i beat a game if it has good replay value to me ill go through and maybe beat it again. Most of the vg music i listen to is not while playing unless its while im playin the game. lets c the most recent game i loved the music ingame would prob have to beeither SSX:Blur, MP3:C, or some of the songs from Super Mario Galaxy The songs from thse game are much better while playing the game although SUper Mario Galaxy is still awsome ingame
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