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Everything posted by hewhoisiam

  1. I like the way things sound, but (there's alwalys a but) The source gets lost early on over that funky guitar. I hear it later on which makes it okay if you wanted to start with the riffs and stuff. To be fair, I'm not very famaliar with the source, I'm sure it'd be easier for someone to identify it right of if they were. The riffs are cool, they just don't seem to compliment the source I guess is what I'm saying. Consider really laying out the source early on, then playing with some of the neat stuff. To be honest though, I have that criticism about professional bands and guitar solos. Okay, so you can shred for 3 minutes and ignore the song, not impressed. My opinion. Drums and bass sound great. Maybe tweak the EQ of the bass a bit to really make it growl more on those low notes. Gotta be sure if you extend this a bit more that you vary the drums a wee bit. Hope this helps
  2. No replies for poor Robotaki yet? I'ma giving this a listen, I'll edit this post in a sec. EDIT: My opinion only. (which is what this whole thing'll be ) The ambiance at the beginning is nicely done. It is an interesting source to be sure. I'm playing with the sonic 1 final boss theme now and I gotta say for me it's harder to work with a short source. There's a brief moment of silence before the vinyl record skip type of sound comes in. I'd rather it jumped right into the scratching. Some of the high shrills are almost painful in this. Is there a way to take the harshness out of them and still keep the effect? These are the high notes starting at 0:17 and ending at 1:14 they are pretty few and far between, but they're like nails on a chalkboard to me. Not really sure what to think to fix it. My first thought was a high pass filter, but it might kill the sound all together... (Still new to lots of the terms and goodies) The bass part could stand out a bit more methinks. I didn't really hear it till the 2nd or 3rd time I played through this. The ending is a teaser ending. It builds like there's going to be something, then stops. I'm mixed on this. On one hand it's fine, but doesn't seem to fit to me as much as a nice smooth ending might. Totally opinion there though. Good stuff! Hope this helps.
  3. Great introduction. Actually, I feel like it's a lot of introduction. You gotta do something to really make it stand out when your main idea comes in. My first thought is take down the volume just before your main idea enters. Also, your lead instrument feels weak to me. It's got a good sound and the notes are okay, but it doesn't really stand out the way I think a powerful lead should. Maybe bringing down some of that airy sounding thing would help with this; or layering that sound with something to give it some punch. fast 'clackity clackity' 32nd notes in the intro feel out of place. 0:50 This has a sort of tendency to run long to me. Prolly because of the repeating pattern. I'd like to hear a definite break in it more than the once, or even some panning or effects to change it up. At 2:45, some dynamics would be a nice addition. Everything in this ends up coming out the same volume to me. Hope this helps
  4. Grats, make us something epic to werk with.
  5. That I can nod my head to, It's getting there. Right now this is sounding pretty thin though. Just 1 or so instrument at a time over the drums. The drums are very sparse, so you still get the feel that this is going too slow. Listen to the original and how they fill up the sound playing the hi hats and using sound effects. You'll want to pay attention to why the original works and either fill the sound here or change your idea/style (from the original to whatever you're going for) Now, in the original while it's not sustained notes, the xylophone playing 16th notes is basically filling the sound with sustained chords in places. There's also some neat panning work on some of the sounds that bop from left to right in ear with some sustained sound. (a YT link to the original is a good idea so people don't have to download a midi, helps with us lazy folk and we're not critiquing Nobuo Uematsu, so the quality doesn't matter as much) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYsJUXh5Iec It's a good time also to consider how you plan to lengthen or modify this. Lengthen some of the ideas that you have and sections that you like, add sounds that complement the idea you're going for (one at a time). The intro is fast, then it goes into almost a half time feel. The idea there could be pretty solid, but that first transition right into your melody sounds off. Needs a more subtle way to go from double time to standard time. Some harmony would really help this out, maybe some sustained chords. It's a big jump in instruments you use here, one is that pluck sort of lead and then the low bassy scratch. You'll likley need something to tie it together throughout the piece. The fewer instruments you use, the better quality they have to be in terms of quality and structure. As far as time and the drums... Consider adding straight (but quiet) 16th notes on the hi hat, at least part of the time and see if you like the speed. It's a good meter to decide if you want the whole song faster or slower. Remember too, you can change tempo in more than just half standard and double. If you go with a DnB sort of theme, a few 32nd notes here and there on the hi hat can make a world of difference. It's a very DnB sort of intro, then it sort of has an identity crisis. Some of the samples that you're using when you have the stutter effect have a messed up attack that's too strong. It makes them seem louder than they should be. That's more of a mixing thing. Putting a compressor on it should help. The back and forth question and answer bit you have now is short and choppy. A good way to add length to this is to expand that and put more of an emphasis on trading off ideas, rather than 1 melody juggled between 2 instruments. Especally with the effects you're using, you need a lot of exposure to the melody to appreciate the changes. (if that makes any sense >.>) In listening to the original, this could really use some personality. Adding things making it unique is what I have the most trouble with, so... Sort of decide what you want the final product to be like. Pick a genre and idea and work to make it like that. What I tend to do is pick a song I like, and make a mix of it. My personal weakness is the more I change it to the way I like it, the more it resembles the original. You prolly won't have a successful mix with the idea of taking a midi and changing it as you go without a strong idea to work towards. At least I don't, but other people may be different. Do some research and find out what other people have done that you liked, and do it. -H
  6. Like pulling teeth waiting to be able to read the comments and crits. I think I'm a feedback junkie... TEETH I TELL YOU!
  7. First things first, the sound quality on YT is shite. You need to get somenfing else. mediafire is free and good. Lots of people use tindeck. Some interesting ideas. But before you get to any of that, you need to lay down a song to be changing. This is more like 2 minutes of sound effects than a song. 12 seconds in idea starts, 6 seconds later, it's gone. There is just nothing developing in this. Also, the stuttering effects are way over done in my opinion. It makes the song feel draggy, like 60bpm when it should be 100. The really grinding bass sound that I hear at 18 seconds isn't carrying pitch sounds very well. It's just loud and angry sounding. And it's not working here. Places where you have just the stutter sounding lead are not working due to not having anything developed to reference. I mean that if I hear a neat effect on a melody, I need to have heard and established melody first. There are a few places where you have kinda a double time break. They feel like a Drum n Bass bit here just before you'd go into a quick double time feel. But as they are they build up and then just fall off into nothing... Hope this helps.
  8. So, what you're really saying is... Blame Doulifée?
  9. Q.Q I'd hoped for some more last minute entries... I blame Gario. Because I haven't blamed him for something in at least a week.
  10. They're all good so far, going to be a close round...
  11. Mine is uploading as we speak. Now I can give into my temptation and listen to the others! Good luck all, and if you're reading this and procrastinating, get to it!
  12. Anyone else seem to get where the more you work, the more it seems like there is to do? I think I'll get it done in time. Still a few days left to get in with the rest of the procrastinators.
  13. I love it. I'll get something that works with this one. I regret not being able to make something work well enough to get the last one to work. I sort of stalled out on it. But this one. I has ideas. And I'm starting now.
  14. ...And I've gone cross-eyed again...
  15. But I cheated, cause I wrote the ting It's harder to werk backwards
  16. I'm flattered
  17. Rub it in whydontcha?
  18. BAH. Every time I poke around where Gario is; he's talking about things I don't know again... I'll see if I can't get somefin worked out. At least 2, maybe 3 hours before the deadline.
  19. Doulie ought to be a pro at naming by now
  20. Thanks for the good turn out! Honestly with no entries till the last second, I was beginning to wonder if the source turned people off... Okay will, get crackin so I can put off working on the next one
  21. XD I hate my own stuff.
  22. Right right. I planned to be the last vote:tomatoface:
  23. ditto ALSO NINJA EDIT: I'll leave a general review of how I think things went in this topic after I vote. Cause I know you all care and value mah opinionses. I love everything, so it'll take me lots of listening to decide what I like the bestist and all that.
  25. \o/ 24 hours left! Better get crackin' Gario On a side note, it's beyond awesome to hear people do stuff with my midi.
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