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Everything posted by GSO

  1. I redid my Remix of FF6's Opening, Omen. I Made It Into A Sorta Techno Mix. I hope you like it ^0^ (please listen to it. I need Feedback.)
  2. I redid my Remix of FF6's Opening, Omen making the first part orchestral and the second part sort of techno. I hope you like it ^0^
  3. I updated My remix of Final Fantasy VI's Opening my title being "Pathway To Hell" yet again. I added a drum loop. tell me If you like it ^0^
  4. this is an updated version of my remix "Pathway To Hell". I added more instruments, removed some effects, fixed the panning & shortened some parts. tell me what you think ^0^
  5. ok. first off I'm gonna say this: I LOVED the original Frog's Theme. what you've done here is taken that nostalgic song and gotten it ready for prime time ^0^ can anyone say Chrono Trigger live-action movie? I love it! ^0^ the only gripe I have is that it's so short. other than that I fully give this remix a 10/10 ^0^
  6. this is an updated version of my remix "Pathway To Hell" constructive critisim is always appreciated.
  7. thanks for the advice ^0^ Guess i can scrap this version and start again lol
  8. This is my WIP remix of Final VI's Opening Theme, Omen. Feedback is appreciated.
  9. I Love It Love It LOVE IT! good work ^0^
  10. thanks. that really helps.
  11. I don't really understand the arrangement part of the submission policy: 1. Arrangements in any genre of music (e.g. techno, jazz, rock, classical) are acceptable, so long as the genre itself does not conflict with any other arrangement criteria. 2. The arrangement must be substantial and original. Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques: Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement. Submissions should be long enough to convey arrangement; generally, this requires at least two minutes of material. 3. The source material must be identifiable and dominant. While interpretation and original additions are encouraged, arrangement must not modify the source material beyond recognition. The amount of arranged source material must be substantial enough to be recognized. is there anything else besides just taking a midi and modifying it and just having nothing but beeps and blips that will not qualify as music? please help because i don't really understand this part of the rules.
  12. Hi Everyone! i'm new to OCremix as a remixer and i was just wondering if there was a spot on the site that had tips for making your remixes sound good. note me if you have any suggestions at all ^0^ thanks
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