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Posts posted by Clefairy

  1. Meet on Friday (sometime), have a softcore eastrealm char at Act 4... Sound good, everyone?

    It's a date.

    As for skills, I was going for double swing/whirlwind and some battle cries to mix things up, but it looked like you were going for battle cries as well, so I went back to weapon mastery and double swing again. But when it comes to builds, I'm clueless. I have no idea what it all means, I just know what works for me.

    This might help:



    These two sites are great resources. The wiki can be a bit... overwhelming, with all the data that's there, but once you learn to navigate it quickly that goes away. The key is to go in knowing what you're looking for.

    And yeah, I'm picking up a lot of Warcries. My main skill is going to be Concentrate, and until it opens up I don't have a lot of attractive options except Shout.

    For the record, I'll be maxing Shout and BO for the huge duration bonus, so while we're all grouped up you won't need to worry about that.

    When I was thinking about how this would all come together, I figured I could handle all the buffing and debuffing, and you could just go all out on damage. Although I'd realy appreciate it if you took a point in Find Item, and maaaybe a point in Grim Ward later. Just to give our caster friends a little safe zone to do their thing.

    If anyone wants to do smaller runs this week, just shoot me a PM. Or friend me on Bnet if you haven't already; my account name is, conveniently, Clefairy. :P

  2. That was... interesting.

    The latency was the biggest adjustment for me; I get around 100 ping in most games, which in this case cut a decent chunk out of my FPS. Gave me a headache at first.

    Y'all are in such a hurry. :P Don't care for the rush rush pacing we had going on. That's the nature of ladder play, I suppose.

    Darklink, you and I should have a talk about skills :D I didn't expect there to be another barb.

  3. Oh hey, it's this thread.

    I'm down to give it another go. I don't really have any experience with high-level play, but I know my way around. Like Obsidious, I'm very used to solo play; I hate leaving the map partially complete, and will soak every shred of experience from an area before moving on.

    Realm play obviates that, so we're good to go.

    Barb is the class I have the most experience with; for this, I'm feeling an Ironbarb variant with Conc. If someone more qualified feels like stepping up, well, I've always wanted to try a Bone Necro.

  4. OCR retro game night, anyone?

    You may recall...

    Not saying it's unfeasible, there just needs to be someone who's on the ball about organizing/promoting it. Having server space to work with wouldn't hurt either.

    Not much to say about this week's review. I laughed in all the spots you would expect; he does have a point though, about it not really fitting into the 'game' mold at all. And that bit about multiple killers at the end.

  5. You can't technically receive simultaneous damage

    I had Quadruple Bypass in mind when I came up with that. It would work similarly, however that might be.

    For those of you who can't be bothered, it's a Medic achievement that reads "Heal a teammate who is taking fire from four enemies at once."

    My emphasis, of course. :P

  6. It's more a matter of "Catch a DR Spy with less than 10-20 HP."

    Assuming 1v1, you have a point. However, given the way I've seen teams react to a spy's appearance...

    Witch Hunt: As a spy, receive damage from 5 different people at once while cloaked.

  7. I am, of course, in favor, but it does add an element of clutter to the interface, which may stick in the craws of certain people. And random pubbies might not grasp why they're getting achievements they've never heard of before.

    Worth a test run, at the very least. Some of these detractors should come forward with their specific reasoning.


    The hard part will be coming up with snappy names for the achievements.

    It's not that hard, really. Since the generator's on the fritz I'll do it manually.

    Relentless: Trigger an enemy spy's Dead Ringer, then kill him before he decloaks.

    Obviously geared toward Pyros, but not impossible for others if you know where the spy is headed.


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