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Posts posted by Clefairy

  1. If that time frame doesn't work for you, please suggest another time/day. We'll go with whatever get's us 12 players.

    Works for me, so long as you give advance notice.

    Also, I see your Steam name indicates a frankly ridiculous number of hats. Significantly fewer hats are on display in your TF2Items profile; however, I think it's time to clear the air a bit.

    Rambo, you're a hatfiend. It's time to admit you have a problem. It's okay, we can help. :<

  2. I hover around 150 APM on average. As high as almost 200 on heroes like Madman. That's when I'm being competitive. I seem to be 120 almost every time when I'm not trying.

    Let's think about that for a minute. Seems like the appropriate span of time, don't you think?

    You're moving and clicking the mouse twice every second. Over 3 times in certain scenarios. That's at least 3 muscle movements, all at an extremely short range and all extremely repetitive. The message I take from that is "to be good at this game, you need to be OCD."

    Boggles the mind.

  3. Check out hero guides on Honwiki.net and the official forums. They'll help you with item and skill builds and how to use them properly. I generally read guides for heroes I recently used or will use soon, since I find the information sticks better that way.

    After that, it's just practice, bro. If you get frustrated you can always vent by playing some TF2. :)

    I was hoping for something a liiiiittle more specific, but I suppose you're right. Thanks. :P

    Apologies to everyone for being moody. I know it's difficult to deal with; you have my gratitude for doing so.

  4. Matchmaking isn't without their flaws - Warcraft 3's had plenty of issues too, and let's not get into the matchmaking found in games on the 360 and the PS3. It's anything but a perfect experience.

    Oh, I know. I just can't see it being any worse than now, unless S2 completely botches the delivery.

  5. A million times this. Also, maxing Inhuman and not putting points in Withering Presence makes me cry.

    In the first fifteen minutes, one point in presence is lots. Any more than that and you risk pushing your lane too hard, which as most of us know is exceptionally bad early on if you're not a blitz team.

    Also, it seems the announcer does have voice files like the ones I mentioned last post. They just haven't been implemented yet. There's quite a lot of that, actually, if you sniff around in the game files; S2 loves their puns.

  6. you're doing it wrong.

    Hooray for opinions.

    You know, for such a frustrating game, I'm genuinely suprised there aren't more ways to deal with it internally. Things like extra announcements("Counter Kill!" when you end somebody's streak for example, or "Payback!" when you kill someone who's killed or assisted on you a lot), or tangible goals beyond increasing your PSR and upping your averages.

    As it stands, the game seems to simply cast the issue aside, as if to say "Just get better, noob." That strikes me as exceptionally poor design, and if I do end up leaving it behind someday, I imagine it'll be because of that.

  7. Yeah, but it goes the other way too. Since:

    Most of [OCR] aren't capable of being able to play _______ to counter a _______ pick.

    In a month or two, when everybody has a better idea of what they're doing in general, we can come back to it. But for now, if it stomps noobs, it's banned imo.

    On a semi-related topic, this game needs matchmaking badly. Finding people of equal skill level is basically a crap shoot; sure, you get better by playing better people, but I'm not in the business of getting better yet. I just want to get a better feel for the game and be at least functional with most of the heroes. All this competitive ubermicro hibbity-jibbity can wait.

  8. soul reaper...

    he really really isn't that good

    Ehh. Depends on context. From what I've seen he's basically INT Scout; functional at most levels of play, satisfying for his player to use, somewhat given over to a douchey playstyle.

  9. can you read

    Why yes, I can.

    The best definition in this context appears to be "cheating by arranging the way a game is played to give one side an unfair advantage".

    Everyone will have a different definition of what that is. Evidently his is not yours.

    I'm pretty sure this will fall on deaf ears, but if you weren't so incredibly belligerent all the time, people might actually listen to you.

  10. Well the main question being "how I not ganked by Scout." I can't towerhug the entire game. :[

    Having an on-demand disable or escape helps a lot. So far as I'm aware, disarm lets you do everything but autoattack. Positioning helps as well; if you see that bullseye icon appear over your head, duck into the trees. It just might save you.

    And of course, there is always the tried-and-true buddy system. I've been known to ask for an escort to the secret shop, just because Scout and/or his ilk are getting to be a real problem in games.

  11. APOLOGY: I'm gonna be playing more Scout in the future in order to get better. This, of course, means that I am not a very good Scout right now. Hopefully I will be getting better. Hopefully.

    ADVICE: Use the FaN. People will hate you for it, but they can deal.

    Also, try to avoid detection as much as possible. Ideally, you want to be in just-about-melee range before engaging your target, unless you know they're hurt and can be finished off from further away.

  12. HoN is not DotA

    Except it is. The concept is identical, which is the point. People who've played one will carry their preconceptions over to the other. As DotA is, to my knowledge, the only established entry in the genre, the issue is exacerbated somewhat.

    It's a stupid argument, we're in agreement there. But it has critical mass in the community, and until that gets addressed, the mechanics are almost certainly going to remain as they are.

  13. Can anyone really come up with an argument besides "that's the way it is"?

    That's the way it's always been. :P

    I think Blad said it best. Dota is a long-lived and well-loved game, with a fanbase as loyal as any other. A great number of those people are migrating into this game now, expecting more of the same. Straying too far from the source invites a shitstorm of controversy, which I think behooves S2 to play it safe until open beta at the very, very earliest.

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