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Everything posted by bark

  1. Somehow, i knew this to be true. Will you stick with the axe, or go with the sword?
  2. True, but he'll also be able to charge a lot more, and cover more ground, as well as being flame and rocket resistant. Must be job for boolet then. I also think the name of the demo's update is pretty true. 1001 demoknights, indeed.
  3. But if you've got sword, shield, and boots, why do i need ammo?
  4. and then you crashed!
  5. I actually use sequoiaview on my server at work to check out what the kids are doing. it's a neat program.
  6. I'll be giving this a try in a couple of weeks, once the kids are out of the school, i can use some tools to control about 300-400 at a time, get them to launch a url, and see what happens. See how it tracks it, and how long it takes for it to make it back to the valve servers.
  7. Probably the metal, i don't want to trade away ma slug!
  8. It also has a big 'don't vote for me' sticker over top of it now too.......
  9. I do have two cans of 'similar to slate'
  10. I'd be interested, what would you want for it?
  11. I only have a single named item so far..... It's a sandvich. It's Brushfire's gift, from when brush bought gifts for everyone!
  12. I wish you'd have mentioned this 2 months ago, i'd have jumped on it.
  13. +1 I loathe quicktime, and the apple updaters, especially.
  14. bark

    Portal 2

    That may be true, but i'm still up $50! (if i had 50 to drop on it right now) Damn Student loans.
  15. bark

    Portal 2

    I'm sure i will. I just don't think it's worth $50 to me at this point.
  16. bark

    Portal 2

    You'll note i've made no other claims other than it cost me nothing and my experiences.
  17. bark

    Portal 2

    At some point, Valve gave away copies of portal to people. I can't remember why, but both mrs bark and i got it at that time. I think if you go to valve's youtube channel, they have an ad for it, that says 'used to be free'. I agree it sounds like a great game, but i'm not sure on the value return for it. I'll pick it up, once it's on sale.
  18. bark

    Portal 2

    I played around with a couple of different solutions to things, retried maps, i got about 12 hours of enjoyment out of it. But since it was free, it's hard to figure out what would be good a price for the sequel.
  19. bark

    Portal 2

    Um, i got the first game free for something like 12 hours of gameplay. This game seems to have the same amount of gameplay, but they want $50 dollars for it. Even with the replay value of co-op/multiplayer, it's still coming out a little low on the value scale. I probably won't be picking it up until it's on sale either. This is, of course, a personal decision, but i think it's still a valid way to approach it.
  20. I thought they were releasing the game on April 19th... you know, the day skynet supposedly went sentient...... (well played Valve, well played..)
  21. You are aware it's just 'Claymore' right? (claidhmore)
  22. But it does have a hat! you get it from killing someone in TF2! How's that for a meta cross over? how about you should never pre-order a game that beat Palladium Books in a court of law?
  23. I didn enjoy it very much, and wanted to nominate it tonight, but didn't get a chance too..
  24. Most of the changes sound pretty neat, and the new weapons sound kinda cool, but someone at valve really loves demomen.
  25. Why can't it be both?
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