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Everything posted by bark

  1. Oh god no! i was just about to crack the top 10!!!!!!!!! <yes this should scare some people>
  2. I already has one, otherwise i would trade for a soldier hat Brush.
  3. I also have crates for brush......
  4. and there are those of us who went to both.......
  5. Great work paranoid, really captured the feel of the tourny for me...
  6. Given the number of people who picked the game up over the holiday sales, would there be interest in getting a bunch of people together, and going over the 6 man limit on the server, and get all of us together for a night to fool around? I played on a 32 man server back on my first test run of KF and it was fun, even if perks were disabled. What do people think? Also, thanks to everyone who helped me get the last achieve i needed for the Evil Santa. I managed to get it tonight at about 12:15......
  7. especially since there's the option for people to just buy the items and not even put in any time towards getting them......
  8. well, think of it this way Brush, you're the one man dragging the 360's average age up from 3 months before RROD to 4 months and a couple of days. Can't fault it for that....
  9. Oh, hey Brush, i've still got a bunch of crates..........
  10. The secret code for getting a reserved slot, i'd presume.
  11. I would love to trade you my festive crates for one of these, but i'm away from my game machine.......
  12. I got an awesome rack!
  13. Rambo gets it in one!
  14. There was a bit of that, a lot of cognitive dissodence in how people were reacting, and i think a couple of the maps it actually made it easier for the defenders..... (mirror dustbowl point three, i'm looking at you)....
  15. Arrggh, I'm at 13, even with the freebies today..... gotta figure out if i want to bother trying to find two more acheivements to go back and do.
  16. And if you had water and a pack of KD, you could make KD......
  17. thank you darke!
  18. had a great time tonight on the OCR killing floor server. Frogg, Fireslash and a few others took some time to put down some zombies........ It probably should have its own thread fairly soon. Was a good time, and i achieved my first medic perk by mostly healing Fireslash......
  19. Could we get a couple of arena maps back into the nominate list?
  20. No, dentist visit on the 6th! wheeeeeee! Nitrous for all! I just type really horribly.....
  21. yeah, i'm up/down for/with that. Starting the 17th, i'm o nvacation till the 3rd, but i'm able to play in the evenings till then.
  22. I beleive that atmuh has requested the use of the highlander server for his team.......
  23. Gamemaster is Gabe.... obv.
  24. I'm good for whatever, this is just a normal weekend for me. Are we going to do a walkthrough of the map ahead of time?
  25. I'm not sure, it seems like the steam client thinks i'm not logged on, when i am, and can see the little "barkman's account" in the corner..... so i think it's a steam issue, rather than a group admin issue. Also, nice videos, i'm glad i don't star in them this time. Also, some slight spelling fail at the start of the first one
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